
  1. H

    Recording would stutter in certain moments of gameplay

    Attached is my obs log. I can attach a video example of the recording if that helps as well. Hello! So I am experiencing issues with intermittent stutters. Looking back at my recording, it seems to be fine with some gameplay. However, there are moments when it will slow down and stutter. I am...
  2. D

    Strange & bad microphone quality + progressive desync

    Hello everyone, I've been using OBS to record gaming videos for 2 months now and I've had no issues so far (aside from a small microphone progressive audio desync that I can't fix no matter what settings I change but I'll get to that later). First issue: For some reason something happened to...
  3. D

    Recording Error: Stream Recording to External Hard Drive

    OBS Version: 31.0.1 Windows 11 I've been sporadically getting the following error message when trying to record a stream to an external hard drive: An encoder error occurred while recording: Error writing to 'D:/{file path}', Invalid argument av_interleaved_write_frame failed: -1: Operation...
  4. X

    No mic sound

    I really don't know what to do anymore. I randomly had this issue a few times and it also somehow "randomly" disappeared. This time it hasn't yet. I checked my settings in OBS and Windows as far as I could but just can't see the problem. Tried reinstalling OBS which changed nothing. At the mixer...
  5. KaduWaengertner

    Free Kadoodle's Audio Extractor 1.0.0

    I created this tool to help a friend who needed a simple way to extract audio tracks for their podcast. With just a few clicks, you can select your video, and the tool will extract the audio tracks in either .mp3 or .wav formats. ✨ Features Fast and Easy Audio Extraction: Quickly extract audio...
  6. B

    Help: Have Montitor Device be set to Scarlett 2i2 for Studio Monitor without crazy feedback / noise escalation

    Question: How can I monitor output with my studio monitor headphones connected to my audio interface (scarlett 2i2) when selecting "Monitor + Output"? Currently unable due to looping/feedback. Everything works properly when Mic/Aux is in "monitor off" setting. However, when I switch to "Monitor...
  7. J

    OBS Recordings become corrupted instantly

    Hi guys I've been having an issue where I'm trying to record my stream so I can make a youtube video. Basically anytime I try to record (in .mkv format using x264 encoder) after 30 seconds or so my recordings become automatically corrupted even instantly corrupt after pressing stop. I'm also...
  8. V

    99% gpu usage in editor when using obs footage

    i recently decided to try switching from shadowplay (which is what i was using to record footage before) to obs and after recording some footage and starting to edit with davinci resolve i noticed that it was using 99% of my gpu when looking at the obs footage task manager says its because of...
  9. E

    Stream and Recording Struggling to be fluid (with rtx 4090)

    Dear colleagues, i guess its one of the many issues where users like me need support. I have attached the video and the Log Files and i simply dont know why it happens. Independent to bitrate and in general all settings you can make or not. All audio devices are under 48khz. I can just imagine...
  10. owl-from-hogvarts

    BUG: os_process_pipe_write for info structure failed for any settings

    I get error: 13:58:32.061: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_recording'] preset: veryfast 13:58:32.061: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_recording'] profile: high 13:58:32.061: [x264 encoder: 'simple_video_recording'] settings: 13:58:32.061: rate_control: CRF 13:58:32.061: bitrate: 0...
  11. M

    Please help me. My final recording is not fit to screen when I record to 1080p from 1440p

    I cant figure out how to continuously record to 1080p from a 1440p without messing up the final recording output since there is a "kind of black L" space when using 1080p from 1440p, and sometimes my game crashes when I rescale in-game. I use display resolution as 1440p. OBS video general base...
  12. J

    OBS only records at 60fps if the window is tiny

    I have a pretty old Mac, so you can expect it to not be the best of the best. However, I think the turtle slow framerate that OBS records at when recording a window thats not about the size of a small calculator probably has little to do with my computer's performance (btw my monitor's...
  13. Salacho00

    OBS Setting for Mid End PC - Help Video Recording Freezing

    Hey everyone, I would love for you to help me find the best settings for my PC. I've recorded before and never had this problem where the recordings froze every now and then, making the video not look smooth and even watchable. Maybe I tweaked something I shouldn't have without knowing? So...
  14. B

    Possible to record without black border?

    Hi Guys, I'm probably missing something obvious here and I may not be describing this right. When recording off my webcam there is a black border around my video when I download it. See attached for reference. this means that when I download to edit, I need to crop out the black edges. Is...
  15. P

    Why don't I see a difference between H.265 and H.264 with CQP?

    Hello, I recently built a new PC with an RTX 4080 Super and I thought of using H.265 since I have "spare" resources now. Settings I've used previously for recording (to use in editing software): 1080p H.264 NVENC CBR with 30k bitrate Preset P7, Tuning "High Quality", and Profile "high"...
  16. S

    OBS recordings freeze for 1-2sec when skipping around, even on video editing software (for this example CapCut)

    Problem: (file is too large)
  17. P

    Recordings are "shaking"

    I have the problem that the recordings sometimes “shake”. I record via OBS. You can see this quite clearly on the video in the following places: Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? These are my recording settings: I have uploaded a...
  18. O

    Recording while Zoom Room is on

    I want to record the cameras we use for our Zoom Room. The Zoom Room can handle four channels of streaming, including screen sharing. I'm using two cameras, and each camera has two channels: regular and panorama. If I record through Zoom, the quality will be limited to 1080p in a single...
  19. TBroz15

    Recording is dropping frames randomly, need help with the settings!

    Hey there peeps just first time posting here just for this. I am recording some Minecraft content, but after checking the recording, there are some random frame drops. Even my GPU Utilization is just between 30% to 40% and temps are normal while playing lag-free and recording. Tried to record...
  20. G

    bad quality when recording..

    hey everyone i keep trying to record my gameplay but the quality is always terrible.. pls help!! :c here is my log file.