Latest reviews

This is exactly what I was looking for my next project. Thank you so much.

It works flawlessly.
Try to add the filter but crashes OBS every time I select it, I have the log file if that helps to sort it.
Unfortunately, mine is an OS system.
Sorry! There is potential to bring it to macOS and linux in the future as I've used frameworks that are cross-platform. If there is enough demand I'll consider porting it.
Awesome script
WOW. This plugin is awesome. It allows me to finally get rid of complicated 2 vm potato setups AND to route any source's audio from my streaming pc for monitoring to my gaming pc through audio filters. Plus i can save some resources by completely uninstall vm on the streaming machine. Thank you very much for the implementation of VBAN to OBS, highly appreciated work!
Functionality that feels so essential you wonder why something like this wasn't built into OBS from the start.
love it. I should think a lot of people have been waiting for this. Would it be, or is it possible to have it so when OBS is minimized, a popped out dock doesn't also minimize?
Thank you mate! Good job!
I think it would be really cool if you could use the plug-in to make the license plates of other cars unrecognizable. This is often a contentious issue and would be ideal, especially for live streams, as soon as the recognition works without lags.

But it's a really cool plugin in itself.
This plugin is almost as awesome as seeing Exeldro naked. Really good stuff!
win11 24h2 ,obs31.0.1,After installing the plugin, there is no Media Playlist Source in the Add Source menu.
For now there is no way you can do input monitoring with alert using regular LUA or Python way, so this plugin is a lifesaving thing. Excellent work!
Thanks! I kept waiting for someone to write this thing and figured out why it didn't exist once I started. It should be easier, I hope they add some API functionality to make this a bit cleaner in the future. Hope it is helping you out!
Perfect alternative to the VLC playlist. Thank you!
i am getting a encoder overload with the aitum plugin
God bless, FiniteSingularity <3
You cannot appreciate such a good deed.... I trully do, thanks a lot for the cool assets!
Thank you, I appreciate it!
Top 5 personal favorite plugins. Thanks, Exeldro! <3
As always, a great tool from the FiniteSingularity legend! Thanks a lot!