
  1. F

    Constant Frame and Bitrate Drop despite never changing a setting after a year

    Hey guys, I understand that you have probably received this exact prompt about a million times however I am just at my wits end. Basically I have been streaming on Twitch using OBS on this computer since March last year. And in that whole time between March-This last week (January 2024) I have...
  2. Viviku

    OBS Stream Bitrate Drops Heavily After Last Update

    I've been streaming for a few years now and ever since the last update (running OBS Studio 30.0.2) I've noticed significant bitrate drops that occur basically every 30ish seconds and it's just making my streams unwatchable. It will drop down to the 3000s then back up to 6000. I also talked to...
  3. M

    YouTube live streaming bitrate issues

    New to livestreaming/ bitrate issues Hello, ive been trying to begin livestreaming to youtube but have been having bitrate issues. Verizon 1 gig internet 900 down and 800 up on ethernet cable so i dont understand where the issues are coming from. On OBS ive tried different CBR ranging between...
  4. I

    Bad Quality When Moving

    Can someone help? Ive been streaming since June and the quality of my vods do not looks great... I even got a new pc a few days ago and its still not awesome... (I have a test account I did some streams on if u want me to give u the name of it to check the vods) Above are what I have in my OBS...
  5. D

    Getting Red or yellow network warnings with a 240 mb network

    ive swapped to obs from slobs because my webcam clarity was awful only to find my stream lagging and dropping 60% of frames and stating 0 kbps. so i turnt on the ip locking, dynamically change bitrate, and enable network optimizations. which all added a large stream delay, like 60 secs, and made...
  6. T

    Low Bitrate, Drop Bitrate, Good PC & Internect Speed, please help! :(

    Guys, I had a problem with my bitrate during the broadcast.. I have high Internet speed, a good PC, but at the same time my bitrate jumps from 6000 to 3000 or 4000 or even lower. I also ran tests in TwitchTest and the results were bad: This is connected to any twitch servers At the same...
  7. R

    AMD AV1 - CBR funktioniert nicht

    Hallo zusammen, leider habe ich nun mehrfach festgestellt das die CBR sowie die HQCBR bei mir nicht funktioniert. Leider trotz einstellen von 6050 kb/s springt es immer wieder zwischen 100 - 11500. Eine konstante Bitrate wird hier nie gehalten. Ist das ein bekanntes Problem? Sowohl mit der...
  8. G

    Virtual Cam Bitrate

    I'm being asked to adjust my bitrate of my virtual camera. Is there a way to adjust the bitrate of your virtual camera? I see there is a Bitrate setting in the Stream section of Settings, but this does not seem to change my Virtual Camera. I thought it was just raw video being sent out so...
  9. L

    File size is MASSIVE

    I've not had any problems with obs until now, I haven't touched any settings recently so I don't know what changed but here the other day I went to upload one of my videos to my editing software and it said it was 43 GB FOR A 1 HOUR VIDEO. I've tried looking up tutorials on limiting bitrate and...
  10. A

    bitrate decreases 0kb/s and rises 20,000kb/s - game capture black screen

    Hi everyone , I am facing a strange problem that I have never seen before with anyone I have very fast internet with up to 500 uploads and downloads I don't face any problems with streaming in general with "just chatting" in twitch , I streaming via Restream In some games, or almost most of...
  11. M

    Really bad bitrate when streaming when using direct x12

    When i stream my games with reshade, i have to enable direct x12. And as soon as i use direct x12, the bitrate becomes very bad. When i turn off directx 12 and use the same settings, the bitrate and quality gets good. Anyone knows how i can get better bitrate with dx12? my settings in obs...
  12. E

    OBS Recording MKV File metadata problem

    Hi everyone! First time here :) I am recording with OBS on the file format of MKV with CBR and 20000 bitrate. But whenever I save a recording and go check the file details to verify the bitrate, it does not show any. Always at 0. Is there some specific settings that I need to use so OBS can...
  13. SavvierNelson

    Overlay causing my bitrate to drop to 0?

    I seem to have an overlay that is causing my stream to drop to 0 bit rate. This is what I've gathered from my log file: It is the bottom most stuff in there starting at 22:18:24.040. 22:18:24.261: [obs-browser: 'INGAME'] Error: [Report Only] Refused...
  14. K

    OBS Recording stuttering caused for no reason

    I have dived deeply into all of the reasons this could be happening and tried everything, even running NO GAME my on my machine with a rtx 2070 and a ryzen 7 3700X, it stutters in the recording. I have noticed that it uses about 20-30% gpu power no matter the encoding settings, and it does not...
  15. Rampant99

    Intel QUICKSYNC broken, dropped framerates and dynamic bitrate drops connection.

    Operating System Info Windows 11 OBS Studio Version 29.1.2 OBS Studio Log URL Expected Behavior After changing from NVENC to QUICKSYNC i expected for everything to work as intended but using my...
  16. ATron

    Bitrate Problems, any suggestions or help.

    Hello everyone, I am new to streaming, and I am having some problems with bitrate. I just recently moved to another country and am a bit confused about the bitrate. I used to have great internet with, 10000+ Kbps. Now at my new place, using the Twitch Bandwidth Test tool, the best Kbps I am...
  17. K

    Game starts - bit rate drop

    I have a long during problem about 2 weeks. Before that, I was streaming normally without any problems. But one day when I start games - bit rate drops to 0 (even if I DON'T SHOW THE IMAGE OF GAME). Without game, the bit rate has stable 6000-8000. I've tested a lot of ways of solution of this...
  18. QuackMaNuts

    Bitrate drop to 0 when i try to play any Online games

    so i have been trying to stream for a bit now but I notice that everytime I play an online game the bitrate drops down to 0, keep in mind this doesn't happen when I watch youtube or play offline game, when I'm just watching youtube and playing offline game i get a constant stable 6k to 10k...
  19. R

    If anyonen can help me with a program to use virtual obs cam and adjust the correct settings for it please?

    I am trying to use obs virtual cam with a application called Oranumcam which is for my work which is live streamed. I the requirements for the live feed I am not exactly sure of. but, here is what it states on the site help for Oranumcam... Operating System: Windows 10 64 bit, Mac OS X 10.16 or...
  20. J

    Choppy Frames & Low Quality Bitrate

    Hello, I've recently built a new PC that has an RTX 3090 and 12900k (which should be more than capable of running smooth 60 fps and a consistent bitrate) but my frames just don't look all that smooth and high quality and my bitrate is inconsistent and very low quality and looks more like CBR...