
  1. Y

    Having Issues with buffering

    Okay, I did read and go through the pinned posts in the forums but I am still not getting anywhere. I am streaming explicitly on Youtube and am having dropped frames, lag and buffering issues. I am using a one PC set up to stream and play games. This is my laptop...
  2. S

    High ping in-game when streaming at high bitrate

    Hi. I'm trying to solve this ping issue. As you can see, my internet is not bad and I want to stream at 7k-8k bitrate 1080p. But whenever I try 7k or 8k bitrate, my in-game ping will increase to 200-300 ping (50-70 ping when streaming at 6k bitrate). Will enable TCP pacing help? I have seen a...
  3. LordFraug

    Bitrate/frame rate issues. Mostly sure not related to my internet.

    I've been streaming for 2 year now at 1080p 60fps and have had 0 issues through out those 2 years. Come to this month I'm starting to have bitrate issues and frame rate issues out of no where. I'm like 99.9% sure it isn't my internet. I've spent hours trying to troubleshoot this problem on my...
  4. JaLoXxD

    Unestable Bitrate / Bitrate inestable

    Hello, I was streaming in facebook around 2 months. 6 days ago I've had problems, the bitrate that I use is 8000kbps. The stream is going well but after few minutes, the bitrate goes down to 4000kbps or less. Then the bitrate goes up to 12000kbps or 30000kbps (I don't know why xD). I tried...
  5. A

    Low bitrate when My network is good

    Hello, recently i've been having issues with streaming. I have a 50-60mbps of upload speed but OBS will only let me stream at most, 1500Kbps. Is this an issue with OBS or is it my ISP? i've tried reinstalling OBS and resetting my router, but nothing works. Is something limiting me from using...
  6. KeatonBuddy

    OBS bitrate TANKS when running Raid Shadow Legends and Raid shadow legends only

    When I am streaming, and I launch Raid shadow legends, my bitrate tanks to around 0-100 and then when I close the game it fixes itself. This is the only game I have this issue with. Any help would be appreciated. I reinstalled the game and the launcher and that did not work. I restarted my...
  7. J

    Bitrate is causing my recording/streaming to look pixelated/blurry when moving around.

    Specs: GTX 1050 TI Intel Core i7-10700F 2.9GHz Whenever I try recording/streaming the video/vod looks very pixelated and blurry whenever I start to move in game. (I'm playing 1.16.1 in Minecraft btw) I've tried experimenting with different bitrate by changing it and doing a test recording for...
  8. jellybeak

    Sudden Unstable Bitrate - After Months of Stable Streaming

    I have been streaming for months and all the sudden I have randomly started getting HORRIBLE drops in my bitrate. I stream in 1080p 60fps, around a 10k bitrate, I have 430+ down and 22+ up. For months I have had PERFECT success with my setup/settings. The connection usually starts off around 10k...
  9. S

    low bitrate and dropped frames

    i cant stream on facebook at 4000 kbs keeps saying dropped frames and low bitrate but internet speed is 700 mbps and upload is 42 mbps pc is i7 3070 16 gig ram
  10. S

    Sudden Bitrate Drops

    Hey all! Recently I've been having a lot of random bitrate drops with OBS. The two streams I did in October and December had steep bitrate drops where they fluctuated wildly between 500-4000kbps, causing the streams to stutter pretty bad. I have the log file for last night's stream (which went...
  11. T

    KB/S drops to 0 when I open a game

    Log: This log is when I started the stream and immediately opened "Paint The Town Red". The bitrate tanked and I ended the stream. Less than 5 minute stream. The stream: Bitrate: 2000 540p 60fps GPU: 1650 Super Encoder: NVENC The stream is fine...
  12. J

    bitrate issues when trying to stream on twitch.

    So I have a consistent issue with a lot of streaming applications when i attempt to stream on twitch, when I run test streams on OBS it shows that I'm dropping a lot of frames, I set my scale to 1920x1080, 30 FPS With 6000 bitrate and opened nothing just streamed a blank screen, and OBS shows a...
  13. G

    Disconnection stream

    hello, I have a problem with my stream, after a few minutes in my log this error comes out "warning: Could not update timestamps for discarded samples". this error continues every 10 seconds until the crash of the connection of twitch's servers. has it ever happened to anyone? There is a solution?
  14. J

    Bitrate going up and down

    Hey, just wanted to start a stream on my new twitch account and when I start the stream I notice the many frames dropped 30% or more and bitrate going up and down from 100 to 4000. These never happened to me before on streamlabs obs where I streamed a couple of months ago because I had upgraded...
  15. S

    Using CQP to record results in an unusually low bitrate

    Hello. I occasionally use OBS to record gameplay, but I have noticed some fuzzy elements on parts of my recordings. I use CQP at 22 (sometimes 18) to record, and mediainfo has labeled my total bitrate as around 2350kb/s. This seems very low, I am not sure if this is expected. Could someone let...
  16. V

    Bitrate drops to 0 kb/s or close to this amount

    Hello. I have such a problem that when starting a stream, the bitrate immediately or after a few seconds drops to zero. Then he tries to go up to 200, 300 kb/s, but still keeps at zero. It started a couple of days ago when I bought a new pc. Previously, everything worked perfectly, streams went...
  17. S

    Blurriness Issue Hello. I am having a problem with streaming in that it seems I always consistently get a blurry/pixelated stream during high motion scenarios on the stream regardless of what I attempt. I've tried everything from different resolutions to different...
  18. N

    Lower stream bitrate/quality after switching?

    Hi there! I recently switched from StreamLabs OBS to OBS Studio and I noticed for whatever reason my stream quality is a lot worse after switching. I adjusted all my settings so they’re the same as StreamLabs, but for whatever reason my streams are still fuzzy. Any help would be greatly...
  19. P

    Bitrate drops even with a good connection

    Soo since yesterday my Bitrate is going insanely down then up then down... in my settings I had 7000kps now I changed it to 6000kps still same problem. My internet is fine I have 50mbit upload and everything else works fine just not my upload to twitch. I thought it's my computer it isn't i...
  20. A

    Do we actually need more bitrate/average bitrate than Youtube recommendation (12Mbps) to get non-blocky video?

    I see so many people upload their gameplay video to Youtube and then complaining about blocky video quality (including myself) even they have record it in higher bitrate than Youtube recommendation (12Mbps), probably like 20Mbps or 40Mbps for 1080p 60fps. On the other hand some people believe...