
  1. K

    [Help - 11/09/2023] OBS Drop frames at 30% CPU USAGE

    Hi friends, I am facing drop drops next to CPU USAGE with Software encoding x264,. but when I use Nvidia Encoder I face frame drop and Encoder Overloaded issue if doesn't matter if I reduce Base/Output resolution to lower then 720P and make it 30FPS, when running Sekiro or Gylt CPU USAGE goes...
  2. L

    OBS not connecting to Twitch

    I've all of a sudden had an issue trying to stream to twitch (worked fine in the last few days). I have the most up to date OBS software, I adjusted multiple settings (picked a specific server [tried all of them], tried linking a stream key vs connecting my account directly, resetting my stream...
  3. I

    OBS does not authenticate Twitch?

    Hello, I am posting this because I am having issues with my OBS out of the blue while trying to link my twitch account. My OBS will fail to authenticate twitch and I can not seem to fix it. I can still stream but I can not edit my twitch stream information (the dock won't appear). I tried...
  4. E

    Free ChatBuzz

    Displays repeated messages (NOT Combos). There exists a widespread OBS Plugin concept of the "Combo". However, this is different from a "Repeat", in that it checks when consecutive messages are identical, whereas, for a Repeat, I used a time duration which ignores whether or not a message is...
  5. JonaSanz

    inestabilidad en el bitrate

    hola llevo desde hace unos meses queriendo hacer streaming en distintas plataformas pero tengo un problema en concreto yo actualmente tengo contratado 20 megas de subida sin que nadie los utilice a demas de mi pc , el problema que surge es que siempre que hago directos y ponga cualquier cantidad...
  6. I

    can i broadcast at twitch with Android tablet

    こんにちは、皆さん、質問させてください。 Android タブレットを使用して Twitch でブロードキャストできますか?
  7. J

    Bad quality with AV1 in dark scenes?

    Hello Guys, I realized my youTube streams in AV1 look kinda sketchy, if i am playing games in a night setting. However, my twitch streams doesnt have the same problems, at least not that strong. The paradoxical thing is, my twitch streams use the H.264 encoder. No that one from obs, but the...
  8. T

    Bandwidth issues with twitch servers

    Hello,I'm having problems with the internet on one of my PCs, I've tried turning off the firewall, turning off the antivirus, restoring the default settings of the network adapter and nothing works for me. The 2 PCs are in the same network, with the same type of LAN cable, at the same distance...
  9. N

    Change title and category when changing scenes

    Hello everyone :) I've been looking for a solution for a while, but I haven't found anything except "" but this plugin is from 2015 and doesn't work anymore. Do any of you know of a way to automatically change the title and category...
  10. V

    Hago stream con OBS y el audio falla

    Hola gente, espero que alguien me pueda dar una mano. Me paso que descargue Steelseries sonar para usar con OBS, pero me trajo algun problema que no puedo solucionar. Cuando hago stream el audio del escritorio y del mic sale de lo más bien, pero al momento de quedar el stream guardado en twitch...
  11. justslinger

    low bitrate with decent upload speed??

    i have been able to stream to twitch the past few days, but now whenever i stream i get insanely low bitrates ranging from 100 to 1000 kbps. i have been streaming at a constant bitrate of around 7000 my past streams. my upload speed is around 14 mbps as well most recent logs...
  12. E

    OBS Disconnecting and Reconnecting Issues

    My OBS while streaming to twitch keeps disconnecting and reconnecting at random times. I'm not sure if it even records crash reports when this happens so I can't seem to find a solution. My internet runs at 23Mbps or so wireless from the laptop (sadly no direct line in for this laptop). I tried...
  13. R

    Twitch Stream Keeps Going Offline - Please Help - Log Provided

    I've tried streaming w/ new PC's, new internet in new address's, a multitude of games but I always have issues. I come here begging for help. ISSUE: My stream keeps disconnecting w/out OBS showing many issues. When streaming at OBS recommended settings I get about %4 "Frames missed due to...
  14. ATron

    Bitrate Problems, any suggestions or help.

    Hello everyone, I am new to streaming, and I am having some problems with bitrate. I just recently moved to another country and am a bit confused about the bitrate. I used to have great internet with, 10000+ Kbps. Now at my new place, using the Twitch Bandwidth Test tool, the best Kbps I am...
  15. El Matador

    Possible using "Twitch disconnect protection" to restart stream with added delay?

    I am currently trying to put "delay on demand" into my twitch stream without creating another streaming session on twitch (another VOD, viewers loosing connection, etc.). Youtube has backup RTMP server option, where if your main RTMP server fails, it will get replaced with another. However...
  16. L

    Twitch Login Issue

    Hey so I had to log back into Twitch on my SE Live (OBS) app after not streaming for a while, but when I tried, it said, "Oops! We encountered an unexpected error. Please try again." I double checked that my password was correct by logging in with it on the Twitch app on my phone and it worked...
  17. Monsteer

    Twitch Studio Theme 2.1

    Twitch Studio Theme for OBS Studio A Twitch Studio inspired theme with special adaptations for the most commons plugins. Example with multiple plugins: Added icons in the controls: Settings: How to install 1. Unpack files into your OBS Studio Theme Folder...
  18. Grofit

    Free Strem - Stream Automation App 0.9.29

    Strem is a free and open source stream automation tool for PC (Windows only atm) which lets you control 3rd party apps/services through user defined flows and portals as well as having a simple to use and easy to extend plugin system. It also contains a bespoke real-time todo system that lets...
  19. NickA

    Dropped Frames even with Fiber

    speeds are amazing, connection should be great; its fiber lol. so why am i still getting buffering on my streams/ dropped frames? gotta be a settings thing right? even have a new Ethernet PCIE card in my new computer. Current Log: this is a short...
  20. D

    Is it possible to switch scenes and have a function?

    Hi my name is Desty and I'm working on fixing up my OBS scenes with the help of MixItUp and I've ran into a sort of bottle neck. What I'm trying to accomplish is having two fully function and separate randomizer wheels, made through StreamLabs, that can be triggered through Twitch Channel Point...