Installed the OBS-NDI Plugin (Palakis) on the computer which has OBS installed. The runtime was also installed.
Restarted the computer
However when I start up OBS (v. 28) it gives an error message - "the following plugin obs-ndi failed to load - please update or remove these plugins."
I am...
Is there a way to do stuff like changing Scene with stream deck on your Gaming PC OBS and send the signal to your streaming PC OBS just like NDI, BUT with Capture card instead of relying on the internet.
Just tried to open my 2 pc set up to stream with NDI & it's not working.
What's the deal? Also my alerts & things are no longer registering?
Anyone else having these issues? I mean the new esthetic looks nice but what's with the update...
Create In New Ways
We want to bridge the gap between remote and in person content creation.
Try It Out can be used to send video feeds directly into OBS Studio as a browser source. You can send one video feed with "Send Video" or create a room to pull in multiple video feeds for...
I know it sounds a little complaining. But if one of my pcs falls asleep when I open them up to stream I need to restart both pcs for ndi to work? I can connect and sounds will pull through but video will not. And yes firewall and both open. Any advice?
So I've been searching for a solution that would allow three users to stream their A/V from their desktops as sources in OBS. I've come across the NDI solution and it works perfectly when you're on LAN. However, I'm searching for a solution that provides the same functionality, but over an...
"Robust" is the important part here, it means that audio and video stays in sync even if there is a short lag in one of the OBS instances. And "staying in sync" mostly (though not exclusively) means "don't produce the infamous 'adding X milliseconds of audio buffering' message", because that's...
I have been trying to troubleshoot thia problem for hours now and can't seem to get it to work. Currently, I have NDI on both OBS Studio clients and when I go to add the NDI source, my main PC does show up, however, it only show a black screen with no audio output.
One thing I do notice after...
I have been trying to find this answer all over, but is there a way in OBS for MacOS to send and NDI camera feed out like you can do in Wirecast and if so how can I go about setting it up? Thanks so much for any help on this.
When I am going to transmit the screen of my other laptop (laptop 1) I see that the receiver (laptop 2) shows the colors run
I would like to know what to do in a little detail, since I have looked for solutions and I still cannot find, help
This does not show my phone in the NDI source under sources in obs. It work on the webcam input part of NDI so I can use my phone as a camera in Zoom or other apps on my desktop but not in OBS
Hey there, would love any ideas/suggestions for help...
I use OBS to bring in guests for interviews via Skype. Over the past few weeks, every guest I've had has experienced glitchy video feeds within OBS. Their video will stall for 3-6 seconds (audio remains unaffected), and then eventually...
Can we do that yet?
I only have windows 10 and android. And I would like to stream my OBS output to my android with less latency (so watching my own stream from youtube is not the solution). I heard about NDI but currently NDI could not support ARM based phone to decode its signal. Weblink does...
Trying to confirm whether it's possible to use a combination of both wired and wifi sources at the same time. The system is PC-based with 3 hardwired PTZ cameras. Trying to add handheld cameras using the NDI Plug-In and NDI app on iOS devices. There is no wifi adapter currently installed but...
I don't know where this problem came from, I streamed no problem this passed Wednesday but now the video from the capture card isn't going through and I don't understand why. I verified that the OBS link was up to date, updated OBS studio, and rebooted my notebook at least 3 times with no...
Hi all!
I'm currently using three Mevo cameras sent through the obs-ndi plugin for a show I'm currently working on. Recently, when I switch between scenes using different NDI camera feeds, there will be a freeze frame of the last image that camera showed on stream before it updates to the live...
Whenever I use my recording laptop (2020 macbook pro 13') I can't use ethernet becuase of some wifi issue and I have 5ghz wifi but when I record the recording has frame drops even though my laptop stayes at the 60fps its supposed to. I can share the test recording if you'd like.
Hey everyone,
Im on a fresh install of obs with the NDI plugin and the source is mysteriously refusing to appear on any other device in the network.
This is the set up I am trying to make work:
Desktop Plugged into the router directly (NDI OUTPUT) ->
Laptop (5ghz) Connected wirelessly to the...
I'm using NDI and Skype to capture audio and video from the people on the call. I successfully capture the audio and video from myself and 4 others. The fifth person I'm only capturing their audio. The video shows up fine in the properties for the NDI source when I go to select the source name...
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