This is the changelog of build 2 of the 4.0 release. Here is a list of the fixes:

General Changes​

  • Fixed Clear log button not styled.
  • Fixed double clicking change buttons visuals action silently crashing
  • Fixed on discovery message not setting ip correctly.
  • Fixed multiline paste in multiline tagview removing newlines.
  • Fixed removing plugin not removing granted permission
  • Fixed plugin actions not loaded when OK is chosen.
  • Fixed crash for using security code on Mac not having a device name.
  • Fixed Mic and Speaker volume sliders not working on Mac
  • Fixed Sliders and Buttons not functioning in specific situation with security code enabled
  • Like
Reactions: OpenFields
A new version! We changed & added a lot again in version 4.0. Check it out below. The theme this version is missing actions and events! But we have done a lot more as well.

Full change log:

New Multiple Devices Upgrade​

With this Upgrade you will be able to connect multiple devices to one Touch Portal desktop. One device, the primary device, will be the device that will act on automatic navigation based on the active application on your desktop and the rest of the devices will function as a secondary devices. These will not act on automatic navigation but will be able to fully operate on their own.

The new Multiple Devices Upgrade.
All connected devices, even without the Multiple Devices Upgrade, will show in the connected device panel popup. This panel will describe the specifics about a connected device.

All your connected devices can be viewed in the connected devices panel.
The Multiple Devices upgrade is purchased and connected to your store (Google or Apple) account just like all other Upgrades in Touch Portal. This means that all devices that use an account that has purchased the Multiple Devices Upgrade can be used to connect with the desktop application. If you buy the license for both iOS and Android, it means that both can connect at the same time to the desktop. As long as the device has the license it can connect as a secondary device to the desktop.

MacOS Improvements​

We have added highly requested features to MacOS which were already present on Windows already:

  • Auto Navigation based on window activity - We have added the ability for our users to automatically navigate their primary device based on what application is active on their desktop.
  • Low Level Key presses - You will now be able to send Low Level Key presses to control your MacOS. They are more reliable than virtual key presses and have better performance. This also eliminates the bug where moving the mouse and pressing CMD would fail to register that key press.
  • Fixed the App Nap issue - No more issues with connectivity due to MacOS putting Touch Portal in sleep mode. Using this new functionality allows Touch Portal to run without ever being put to sleep, ensuring that the connection to your mobile device is always up and performant.

Adobe Lightroom implementation​

Control Adobe Lightroom directly through Touch Portal without the need for shortcut combinations. Use sliders to quickly set the image adjustments in Lightroom.

All new Lightroom actions, events and connectors.

Usability Improvements​

This version is packed with several usability improvements. We have been striving for this version to be the most user friendly version we have made so far.

  • We have improved the Action Lists with a lot of new features and options. More details are mentioned in the specific section about the action list control.
  • We have added an are-you-sure popup when you close editing a button using ESC or the close button when you have unsaved changes.
  • Button IDs can be changed by the user. This allows for better and clearer IDs to make reading the flows easier and reduce the number of errors.
  • We have added instant tooltips for all icon-only buttons in the application. This allows you to instantly see and read what the button does.
  • We have added the option to change the location of the backups folder. This can be set in the settings.
  • When editing a button, you can now apply all changes directly without having to save and close. This will also immediately update your changes on the mobile application.
  • We have improved the Action Category List Control with a lot of new features and options. More details are mentioned in the specific section about the action list control.

Usability Improvements - Plug & Play Buttons​

In this version, we have added a large collection of buttons that you can add without having to make them yourself. Just drag the premade control to your Page and finish the wizard. The Page Settings migrated to a button in the page control bar to make room for the plug and play buttons.

Drag the premade button to your Page.
Once dragged and dropped onto a location on the grid, the wizard will guide you through the necessary elements to specify. After you have chosen the button Theme and specified the settings for the button, it will be fully created with all actions and events present. Of course, you can always edit the full button as usual to make it fit your requirements exactly.

Example of the wizard to for an OBS source toggle button.

Usability Improvements - P&P Button Theming​

You are now able to create themes for buttons that you can use for the new ready-made buttons, for the auto generated button for navigating back to the main page and for new buttons that you create to automatically get a theme set up to allow you to create and edit your button as efficiently as possible.

Create your own preset button themes for newly create buttons.

Usability Improvements - Action Category List​

We have also improved the action category list:

  1. The category collectionin Touch Portal has grown over the years. We have added many additional categories of actions and we have also seen a great number of plug-ins being created for Touch Portal. When using a lot of them, the list can become a big pile of unorganized functionality. To fix this, we have introduced new category collections that will parent specific types of categories.
    Category collection will group category for their main purpose.
  2. Multiple Level - Categories can have sub categories to even allow for more clear structuring. Plug-in developers can also make use of this to also integrate plug-ins in the normal structure.
  3. Clear search button- We have added a clear search field button inside the search area to make it easier to quickly search and use actions.
    Click on the 'x' to clear the search field.
  4. Resizable width - In the past, you were able to set the category list to a small or wide view. With this version, we have made it resizable by dragging the side of the category list.
  5. Favorites always visible - The favorites are no longer affected by the search query, meaning that you will always have direct access to your favorite actions and events.

Action List - Improvements​

We have made several improvements to have a better experience when building your flows.

  • Improved loading performance - In previous versions, when you had a long list of actions or events, it could take seconds to load the entire list. We have greatly improved this in such a way that it now takes under 1 second to load the list, no matter how long it is.
  • Drag and Drop from the Category list - You can now also drag and drop new actions to the location you want. This allows you to quickly build complex logic flows without too much hassle.
  • Drag and Drop for actions in the list - Dragging actions to a different location in the same list has been changed, just drag the action and it will show a transparent version, which you can then place on the location you want.
  • Drag and Drop for actions scrolling up and down the lists - When you drag an action in the list to the bottom (or the top) it will automatically scroll the list to be able to drag and drop throughout the whole list.
  • Category coloring - We have also changed a few action colors to fit the category they belong to a bit better for a better visibility of the categories and actions.
  • Improved text fields - all text fields and selection fields will show the full text on load. The text is no longer partially cut off.

Action List - New Themes​

You already had the ability to set your own color theme for the actions lists from the settings menu. We have expanded this by also adding different styles to choose from. Choose your theme and your color scheme to get the flows to look the way you want.

Examples of the added action list themes.

Action List - Visuals Tags!​

Touch Portal nows shows visual tags in the text where you use dynamic text variables. It will no longer show you long IDs, but instead it will show you the name of the state, Value or text variable.

Examples of a visual tag added in a text field.

Action List - Tools for Actions​

Each action will have an action box attached to the end of the line, which will show when you hover your mouse over the action. This box has different kinds of actions you can do on that specific action, such as:

The Play Audio (advanced) action with the tool box on the right.
  • Disable / Enable action - This action allows you to disable an action in your flow of actions so that it will be ignored when the flow of actions is executed.
  • Documentation - This action allows you to view the documentation for that specific action, event or connector. Clicking this will redirect the user to our online documentation. The documentation will describe the action and it will also show specific notes, guides and FAQ entries to help the user use the action properly and effectively. The documentation can be found here.
  • Run Action - This action, allows you to run the action. This allows you to test the action to make sure it works properly. This will be a great help when you are building complex flows.
  • Go To Page - This action, which is only available on actions that handle Page functionality, will load the selected Page as the current selected Page in the desktop application.

Plug-in API changes​

With API version 7 we have introduced a lot more possibilities for plug-in developers. Check out the updated API documentation as well.

  • Language-specific action descriptions. We have added the ability for plug-in devs to add translations for user faced texts in multiple places. The languages supported are the same as those supported in the main application of Touch Portal.
  • Option to add tooltips to a plug-in setting that holds the following features:
    • Title, optional, describes the setting in a one liner
    • Body, the actual text that can be used to describe the functionality or purpose of the setting
    • Link to documentation, which is optional. This is an url that you can specify that allows users to go to the proper documentation about this setting online.
  • Added more options for the when-the-plugin-state-changes event;
    • Contains, checks if the state contains the user value
    • Does not contain, checks if the state does not contain the user value
    • Begins with, checks if the state begins with the user value
    • Ends with, checks if the state ends with the user value
    • Matches (regex), checks if the state matches the user value, which is being processed as a regex.
  • For the plug-in developers, we added specific plug-in dev tools to assist during the development of your plugin. Check the API documentation for more information.
  • Actions from plug-ins can now have multiple lines.
  • Migrated plug-in actions text fields to tag supported text fields.
  • Touch Portal users are able to change the plug-in server IP to allow connections from plugins running on other computers in the network. More information can be found in the documentation.
  • You can also update state lists in Touch Portal. These state lists need to be defined in the entry file to make them eligible for this.
  • Plug-ins developers can now create subcategories for their plug-ins, allowing for better separation of plugins and their subcategories.
And we have fixed a few bugs as well:

  • Fixed states with choices which were not usable as states
  • Fixed When-Plugin-State-changes event not showing dynamically created states after restarting Touch Portal.
  • Fixed IF Statement not showing dynamically created state after restart of Touch Portal.
  • Fixed IF Statement (Extended) not showing dropdown choices for plugin state of type "choice"
  • Stopped plug-ins will be listed in the log to show the plug-in was detected but not started.
  • Fixed plug-in icons causing issues not following the guidelines.
  • Fixed plug-in importing when previously imported but set to stopped, resulting in non-functioning plugins.
  • Fixed Stopped plug-ins are not started when restarting Touch Portal.
  • Fixed Change text color by plug-in state not parsing AARRGGBB formatted colors correctly
  • Fixed Action list is not updated when starting, stopping and removing plug-ins.

Plug-in API V2 Documentation​

We have reworked (and appended) the API documents to have a more consistent and clear structure. The new documentation can be found here.

Changes to the logging system​

We have made a lot of changes to the logging systems. The most important change is that you can turn it off completely which will improve the performance of executing your buttons and events and reduce disk writes. But that is not all:

  • We have also added the option to specify the log file size so that when you have a complex setup it will log enough information for when you need it.
  • We have also made it possible to turn on or off all logging tags individually to have a log file that shows precisely what you want.
  • The log view itself will be updated in real time when it is opened.
  • Added Log View filter options (contains case-insensitive, matches regex)

Update system​

We have also made improvements to the update system.

  • Fixed update fails when library files are locked or in use.
  • Added capability for the Lightroom plugin update
  • Fixed Update Popup modal opens behind the main window
  • Fixed properly closing the updating state when an update fails.
Import / Export Systems
We have also made improvements to the import and export systems.

  • You can now add multiple Pages to one exported file.
  • Added scripts as part of the export of Pages.
  • Events can be exported.
  • Flows can be exported.
  • When importing Pages, you will have the choice how to handle the Values during the import process. You are able to ignore the Value during the import, which will not import them and use the Values already in your own setup, add them renamed, or add them and overwrite the Values with the same name currently in your setup.
  • Fixed import failing and hanging when import has a Page that contains a Button that has an incomplete If Statement
  • Fixed export not handling type of image correctly
  • Fixed missing Value references when exporting certain actions.
  • Fixed exporting Local Values as unique global Values.
  • Fixed naming of imported Values not updated in already existing actions (but linked correctly).
New Language Support
We have added the Italian language to our application. We have made the translations using AI tools. If you are Italian and you notice things are not entirely correct, please let us know.

Mobile Deeplinks​

For improved usability of Touch Portal on your mobile device and other systems we have introduced deeplink functionality to open a Page through deeplinks on your mobile device.

You can use the tppage:// scheme to open Touch Portal. You can specify the path of your Page as the path of the url. If none is given it will just open Touch Portal on the default Page. If you have a Page stored in your Touch Portal setup in the sub folder 'Example' and the Page is called 'Page 1', you can open it with the full url; tppage://Example/Page%201. Remember that an url needs to follow the proper http protocol so spaces in this case should be set with %20 like in our example. Other characters if used in the Page path should also be converted if present. Some characters cannot be converted and should therefor not be used in the path or Page name if you want to use it with this deeplinking system.

What else?!​

  • We have added a bunch of new fonts to Touch Portal
  • Improved the File to Content wording to make it clear that it is about storing the contents of the file into a specified Value.
  • We have also added some textual parts to the application that were not translated.
  • We have improved the onboarding screens to better handle the language selected and to properly show the text on all screens.
  • The handling of a button press is processed faster to have lower latency.
  • We added the ability to apply button changes without closing the button edit screen to improve your setup editing.
  • We added a clear-all-notifications option to remove all notifications.
  • We have added file association and loading when double-clicking the file
  • Added option to vertically center the icon and text on top of a slider.
  • Added new preview mode options, that allow you to select the dimensions of your connected devices as the preview device.
  • We have added a Cooldown flow for global Events that allows you to execute actions when the event is triggered while it is still cooling down.
  • With this new version, we have also added file associations to all Touch Portal extensions. A reinstallation of Touch Portal is required for this to take effect.
  • We increased the Global Events queue size to 12
  • Buttons can now have custom IDs
  • We have changed a few maximum allowed parameters for the Graphics Upgrades


Most bug fixes are already mentioned in the sections above but we also fixed some bugs not in those categories:

  • When changing colors in the color picker, it will no longer go to the main window instead of the window you were on when saving or canceling
  • Some texts were cut off in popup dialogs, this has been fixed.
  • When deleting a button with an auto-text-updater it will no longer render the text from the auto updater
  • We have fixed the title of the global Events' editor screen, incorrectly naming Flows
  • Fixed all local states with selectors to show a selector instead of a text field in the Extended If statement action
  • Fixed the stop all audio not stopping advanced audio playback
  • Fixed Execute Flow action control shows information about Values in the search bar
  • Fixed OBS streaming bit rate value shows correct bit rate.
  • Fixed high IO (writes) of the application (thanks P'lumel for the fix)
  • Fixed Get Url to file or state not preserving newlines
  • Fixed a silent crash resulting in not all states being loaded and presented to the user
  • Fixed Edge Graphics Upgrade Label Background not previewing on the desktop application.
  • Fixed the search value being cleared when moving the window.
  • Fixed Page Graphics Upgrade options not showing at first load.
  • Fixed Page Graphics Upgrade first load visuals not getting the correct dimensions
  • Improved precision rendering Edge Graphics Upgrade rows or columns
  • We have added a failsafe for when the services file cannot be found.
  • Fixed issue for when an image has been removed and trying to use the icon editor after removal.
  • Fixed advanced audio action audio file not included in export.
  • Fixed counters on Buttons not updating when context menu options were used to alter the contents of a button.
  • Fixed Streamlabs Desktop filling log for German users when not used.


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Change Log

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This is changed in this new version:

General Changes

• Fixed OBS V5-variant folders not selectable part of source visibility changed event
• Fixed OBS V5-variant sources enabled state not set at connection/initialisation time
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene items list updated when new item is added in OBS
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene items list updated when item is removed in OBS
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene list updated when new scene is added in OBS
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene list updated when scene is removed in OBS
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene filters not added in Touch Portal when created in OBS
• Fixed OBS V5-variant scene filters not removed in Touch Portal when removed in OBS
• Fixed silent crash when no Values exist in specific query step
• Fixed get file line not in utf8 format
• Fixed Streamlabs Desktop not reloading scenes and source when switching scene collections
• Fixed HTTP Post result, code and error message storing these into the local states
• Fixed HTTP Put result, code and error message storing these into the local states
• Fixed HTTP methods are forced utf-8 encoded
• Fixed snapshot title to On Pressed instead of On Press
• Fixed snapshot flows background glitch
• Fixed local states and value showing inside Value Changed Event selector
• Fixed plugin button in the settings that indicates whether the plugin is started or not still shows the action start when plugin loaded and started when trusted only this instance of usage by using 'ok' button instead of the 'trust all' button.
• Fixed plugin first import with accepting trust ok not showing the plugin functionalities
• Fixed plugin fields with numbers showing a + sign while not usable.
• Fixed plugin file fields accepting and saving values and states in paths.
• Fixed show Iconpacks having wrong title and functionality that should not have been there.
• Fixed export flow with change buttons visual action not including the icon.
• Fixed rendering glitch when Graphics Upgrades tab in button edit screen is opened

• Added Play Audio (Advanced) action that allows playing audio (wav & mp3) over specific devices.
• Added Set Capitalization of a Value action
• Added Streamlabs Desktop action - Set Scene Collection
• Added Streamlabs Desktop Event - When Scene Collection changes
• Added Streamlabs Desktop updating scene collection list when scene collections are renamed
• Added Streamlabs Desktop updating scene collection list when scene collections are removed
• Added Streamlabs Desktop updating scene collection list when scene collections are added
• Added Streamlabs Desktop Current Scene Collection state
• Added Streamlabs Desktop Current Scene Collection to If statement and Extended If Statement
• Added Streamlabs Desktop updating scenes list when scenes are removed
• Added Streamlabs Desktop updating scenes list when scenes are added
• Added hint for selecting plug-ins in the plugins settings section instead of empty dropdown list.

Change Log

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This is the changelog of build 6 of the 3.1 release. Here is a list of the fixes:

General Changes​

  • Fixed OBS V5-variant Nested scene visibility within groups not triggering events
  • Fixed Flows selection control not rendering with error
  • Fixed Touch Portal services not starting for custom system process
  • Updated the OBS onboarding screen to be correct for V5 plugin integrated with OBS 28
  • Changed default port for OBS to 4455 instead of 4444
  • Fixed OBS V5-Variant on connected message not triggered correctly for subsystems.
  • Fixed OBS V5-Variant losing connection when websocket sends corrupted data.
  • Updated the whats new window to make the current version more clear.
  • Fixed OBS V5-Variant saving screenshot to file not working
  • Fixed OBS V5-Variant on hold functionality for source visibility
  • Fixed OBS V5-Variant streaming state not known at start connection between TP and OBS
  • Improved popup behaviour on scaled screens
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General Changes​

  • Fixed Values parent folder .. selectable and causing issue
  • Fixed Values multiselect and delete not showing folders in list
  • Fixed Values multiselect Values and folders not being able to delete then all at once
  • Fixed global Events parent folder .. selectable and causing issue
  • Fixed global Events multiselect and delete not showing folders in list
  • Fixed global Events multiselect Events and folders not being able to delete then all at once
  • Fixed Flows parent folder .. selectable and causing issue
  • Fixed English textual errors
  • Fixed copying buttons keeping reference to old button for icon edits
  • Fixed visual change button icon change keeping reference to old icon edits when duplicating
  • Changed the version string in the Info settings section to match the title bar
  • Fixed duplicate audio menu items
  • Fixed underscore not showing in popup menus when used in name for plug-in state
Previous updates:
(Touch Portal 3.1)
A new version! We changed / added / fixed a lot again in version 3.1. Check it out below.

Restructured lists for Values, Events and Flows​

We have reworked the lists for Values, Events and Flows.


You can now organize your Values, Events and Flows in folders to easily find and edit your existing things.

Example of folders in the lists.


With Values and Flows it is sometimes unclear where they are being used. We added the ability to search for all references to your Values and Flows. Right click on a Value or a Flow and select "See usage..." and it will show you a list of all Buttons and Events where these are being used.

We have also added the possibility to go to the Button or Page where the Value or Flow is being used by right clicking the entry in the list and selecting where you want to go.

Example of the screen showing the usage of your Flows and Values


You are now able to set a Value from the desktop application to test the Values or just to reset them without using a button on your mobile phone.


With the new structure we can no longer use a straight list of elements. Just like the Pages selector control we have made similar controls for Values, Events and Flows. You can also search through the elements to quickly find the element you require at that moment.

The new control to easily find and select the element you require

Extended If Statement​

You are all already familiar with our current IF statement action. A logic function that checks whether some Value or State is something and then and only then it will execute the flow of actions below until an end-if or an else action. This is a very handy logic action but when creating complex tasks also a bit limiting. This is where the extended IF statement comes into play. With this improved IF statement logic action you can make different kind comparisons and you can link statements together.

Example of an extended if statement that checks if you are on the BRB scene in OBS AND this buttons state is ON.
With the extended if statement you have a lot more control on your comparisons. Read more about it in our guide.

Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade​

Introducing our latest Graphics Upgrade; the Icon Editor. The Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade allows you to make changes to your icons straight from the Touch Portal desktop interface. No need to have Photoshop or other image editing skills. The Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade allows you to change the appearance of your icon. The following graphic shows everything that you can do with the Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade:

The options you get with the Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade
You can stack all of these options on one icon in any way you like. This allows you to be very creative and get the most out of this Graphics Upgrade. A few examples of what is possible with stacking.

Examples of stacking outputs; the icon is scaled, then greyscaled and finally a red stroke has been added.
Examples of stacking outputs; First the pink color has been replaced with red, secondly the yellow color has been replaced by red and finally the green color has been replaced by red.
Examples of stacking outputs; The image was first greyscaled and then a color blend was applied.
Examples of stacking outputs; The image was scaled down to a smaller size, secondly we have offset the image a bit downwards so it nicely fits in the first step where we added an image layer background icon.
All changes you make to an icon are stored and can be adjusted easily and the original icon will be kept so that you can undo each adjustment you have added. You can also copy all icon adjustments from one button and apply it on other buttons as well to make the editing process as effecient and quick as possible. Read more about it in our guide on the Icon Editor Graphics Upgrade

OBS Palakis Websocket 5.0 Support​

We have added support for the OBS Websocket 5.0 and later. With version 5.0 the OBS Websocket team has fully reworked and rewritten the plugin and the old communication protocols could not longer be used. Touch Portal v3.0 and older only supported version 4.9.1 of the plug-in and not the 5.0 version because of this reason. In Touch Portal v3.1 both old and new protocols are supported. We have implemented the 5.0 plug-in based on the beta version. It can always happen that the released version has small changes that break the integration partly with Touch Portal. Although we have the support we advise you to stay on version 4.9.1 if you have critical use of OBS.

Improved copy and paste options​

We have extended the copy and paste capabilities with this version. You can now apply a style over multiple selected buttons and we have added the ability to copy and paste icon adjustment settings so that you easily can copy your icons look and feel to other buttons.

We have also added the option to copy Actions or Events separately as well as the option to only paste one or the other.

This version also includes the possibility to copy and paste colors right on the color pickers. There is also a list of the last copied colors which helps you greatly when creating a Page and you have a set of colors for a theme.

What else?!​

  • We extended the script running action for MacOS to include the execution path to be customized to allow to run all sorts of script files.
  • The run script for MacOS now also includes the wait for option which will wait until the script is executed. The result of the script is stored in a local State as well to be used in actions after that.
  • We have changed some texts to improve clearness of what functions do.
  • We added the one-time payment nature of our Upgrades on a few places.
  • We improved the assests lists with respecting image sizes and improved rendering
  • We have added the Value connector for sliders. You can now connect a Value to a slider and it will have a value from 1 to 100.


Most bug fixes are already mentioned in the sections above but we also fixed some bugs not in those categories:

  • Fixed Page name underscore not listed correctly in Pages list
  • Fixed Windows Audio event removing the list of audio devices when used.
  • Fixed duplicating Change Button Visuals action referencing same image.
  • Fixed the repeat action having 0 repeating endlessly until it crashed
  • Fixed when copying buttons the images from the origin were still linked.
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This is changed in this new version:

General Changes
  • Added ability to use values and states in the command line of run actions
  • Improved text yellow free base version information
  • Improved all language indications in own language.
  • Improved firewall step in onboarding with EXAMPLE watermark on image
  • Improved the dynamic text value category is now ordered
  • Improved loading images on buttons when page loads
  • Improved commandline parsing for run actions
  • Improved resize window functionality by increasing drag area
  • Improved resizing window on all sides
  • Improved ordering list of plug-in states in tag list
  • Improved importing plugins files with missing path information
  • Improved logging bad message received from plugins for debugging purposes
  • Fixed correct logging for a few Twitch actions
  • Fixed translations percentage counter during onboarding
  • Fixed Windows Audio functionality crashing when using mute action
  • Fixed Windows Audio crashing when source device could not be found
  • Fixed log getting spam with auto navigation states
  • Fixed the buttons not placed precisely within the preview
  • Fixed If statement logging issue
  • Fixed that moving a page to the same folder results in removing the page
  • Fixed edit option for button-state-change event still present
  • Fixed services crashing when no default audio is set for both output and input sources.
  • Fixed button image removed when you changed image but cancel changing the button
  • Fixed parsing issues for iconpacks when color is incorrectly set in info file.
  • Fixed Select Icon Pack screen border issue
  • Fixed command line parsing not taking brackets into account
  • Fixed removing image not updating preview
  • Fixed actions margin issue

Twitch Migration
  • Twitch announced to shut down the old v5 API. Touch Portal was still using a few endpoints on that old API. In this version we have migrated those to the Twitch Api.
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated scopes
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated set stream game action
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated set stream title actions
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated get stream game to value action
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated get stream title to value action
  • Twitch migration v5 -> Migrated show commercial break action
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Touch Portal 3.0.6

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This is changed in this new version:

General Changes

Added Set button state by Id working when button is not on same page
Added visible id to button settings (non-editable)
Added notification when using mobile version lower than 3.0.0
Added secured connection indicator
Added ease-of-use action If Statement + Else
Added option to show the number of actions and events set on a button in the categories on-press, on-event and on-hold.
Added favorite actions category for button actions category list
Fixed logging sequence global events
Fixed Set button state by Id not working in Global events
Fixed Set Button state by id not working in Pages that are in Folders
Fixed Deselecting actions in Events and Flows editor
Fixed Streamlabs Desktop scene change on global events not working
Fixed Replace action not handling values and states correctly when running
Fixed search not left aligned in control edit screen
Fixed collapsed state of action list not remembered correctly when categories are hidden
Fixed collapsed state when searching and resetting search
Fixed Values having underscores not rendering properly in selectable tree list of values
Reworked the general setting section.
Reworked the control selector to have a more prominent presence on the control edit screen
Reworked the plug-in importing sequence.

Changes OBS
Fixed OBS communication crashing when action refers to non-existing Scene
Fixed OBS communication stopping when invalid message is being send
Fixed OBS source volume data becoming corrupt and stopping OBS communication
Fixed OBS Strain state invalidated when not streaming
Fixed OBS initial states showing correct value when OBS is not connected
Fixed OBS communication crashing due to corrupt return message from plugin
Fixed OBS source list not updated in set-source-filter action when you have added a new source in OBS

Changes Philips Hue
Added Philips Hue Bridge list selector on connecting
Added Philips force Ip connection functionality

Changes Plug-in system
Added plugin connector short id for more efficient communication

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Touch Portal 3.0.5

Uninstall the previous version if you are using a version below 3.0
Make sure you create a BACKUP before proceeding with your update
Just restart Touch Portal to get the notification to update

Automatic update from your notifications center
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This is changed in this new version:
- Added Photoshop Event when current layer visibility changes
- Added Photoshop Event when current layer locked state changes
- Added grouping Photoshop states for IF Statement
- Added Photoshop current layer name as state
- Added Photoshop Current Tool Radius state
- Added Photoshop Current Tool Radius Event
- Added Photoshop Current Tool Hardness state
- Added Photoshop Current Tool Hardness Event
- Added override function for philips hue bridges
- Added plugin support for start commands per platform (Windows, Mac and Linux)
- Added Photoshop resize Image action
- Added Photoshop resize Canvas action
- Added message on macos when Apple Script is not installed when using speech action
- Added support for values in MacOS text to speech action
- Added support for selecting voice for text to speech on MacOS.
- Improved plug-in states in IF statement in own category
- Improved speech action to inline action instead of popup
- Improved apple media function to inline action instead of popup
- Fixed missing text for Photoshop action set current brush radius
- Fixed Photoshop Current Tool Radius Connector delayed updating after sliding
- Fixed Photoshop Current Tool Radius connector not updating when changed more than once from Photoshop
- Fixed Photoshop Current Tool Hardness Connector delayed updating after sliding
- Fixed Photoshop Current Tool Hardness connector not updating when changed more than once from Photoshop
- Fixed Photoshop special background layer locked not seen as normal locked state.
- Fixed Photoshop not unlocking special background layer
- Fixed Photoshop layer information not updated on load.
- Fixed setting Photoshop current brush through action not updating the connector
- Fixed the ordering of the Photoshop tools
- Fixed installer closing all touchportalservices before installing
- Fixed dynamically created plug-in values not showing in text replacements list
- Fixed stopping plugins causing CPU rise and hogging.
- Fixed visual update issue when changing pages

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