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New Member

Sorry for delay yesterday was ...well...crazy. I have uploaded log, there are 2 stream attempts in this long, one game capture, and one display capture.

Here are links to the 2 stream vids.

If you want to try the game itself, maybe there is something wrong with it. It is steam game or stand alone, and is free to download and play as guest. is the stand alone, but I would strongly suggest the Steam version if you care to test it.

Here also is my DxDiag.log.


  • DxDiag.txt
    116.3 KB · Views: 30


Already reported this to AMD, should be fixed in the next non-hotfix driver.
Oh thank you very much, I'm sorry I checked but didn't see much information, and also thought that it was fixed in the latest plugin update hence why I reported it.
Will wait for next driver update then.


Active Member

Sorry for delay yesterday was ...well...crazy. I have uploaded log, there are 2 stream attempts in this long, one game capture, and one display capture.

Here are links to the 2 stream vids.

If you want to try the game itself, maybe there is something wrong with it. It is steam game or stand alone, and is free to download and play as guest. is the stand alone, but I would strongly suggest the Steam version if you care to test it.

Here also is my DxDiag.log.

YouTube re-encodes, so unless I get the actual raw recording I can't say much about the quality.


Active Member

The file shows that the encoder actually slightly overshot the target bitrate (~200-400 kbit), so it actually can't do much more than that. I-Frame QP averaged between 33-38 and P-Frame QP averaged between 33-36.

However, there are some issues with how you have set things up:
  • Profile is set to Baseline instead of Main or High
  • Quality Preset is set to Balanced instead of Quality
A R9 390 is capable of Quality Preset 'Quality' at up to 151 fps for this resolution.


Active Member
@Xaymar first, thanks for all the work on this plugin.

A suggestion, could you detail which driver you are using when updating the plugin? As you can see here ( sometimes "latest driver" can produce a crash. Also can lead to confusion because some drivers, specially beta ones are not show on the "latest driver" section of AMD website (16.11.1-3 did not appear for example).

16.11.4. The atiumd6a.dll crash existed in all previous versions too, it just now started to actually happen more often. It is already reported to AMD and will be fixed in the future.


New Member
By far is a great program the OBS+Your Plugin combination. Quality is top notch.

Xaymar, don't know know why FPS halves when recording?? Also GPU speed while on the rec is limited to 80% of what it can achieves(Card is RX 470, goes from about ~1130Mhz on gaming only to ~900Mhz while gaming+rec).

And VSR don't works nothing well togheter with VCE, whatever is the program used.


Active Member
By far is a great program the OBS+Your Plugin combination. Quality is top notch.
Great to hear.

Xaymar, don't know know why FPS halves when recording??
Because OBS pulls the frame from the GPU to CPU space and I later have to push it back to GPU space. I already do everything I can to minize the impact of this transfer, but it is still quite bandwidth hungry.

Also GPU speed while on the rec is limited to 80% of what it can achieves(Card is RX 470, goes from about ~1130Mhz on gaming only to ~900Mhz while gaming+rec).
Looks like your card is not cooled enough, the plugin doesn't change the GPU speed and neither does the AMF runtime. Encoding is a task that doesn't just work, it generates additional heat that needs to go somewhere.

And VSR don't works nothing well togheter with VCE, whatever is the program used.
I can't confirm that here, using VSR at 4k.
Are there any significant issues with VCE 3.0 for streaming at the moment? I'm still thinking about picking up a Sapphire Nitro Radeon R9 Fury to keep me going until Vega 10. My R9 290 just isn't cutting it for me anymore.


Active Member
Are there any significant issues with VCE 3.0 for streaming at the moment? I'm still thinking about picking up a Sapphire Nitro Radeon R9 Fury to keep me going until Vega 10. My R9 290 just isn't cutting it for me anymore.

None that I know of, I streamed with my R9 285 with no issues. The current presets set everything up (minus a few options) so there shouldn't really be any issues with those cards.


Active Member
Xaymar updated AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder Plugin for OBS Studio with a new update entry: - The Multi-GPU Update

Once again back to change things around, the multi-GPU code has finally been rewritten and properly implemented - which means that DirectX 11 and DirectX 9 are now fully supported. So rejoice Windows 7 users, you can now choose which GPU the encoding should take place on (with the limitation that a Monitor must be connected)! Needless to say, this change removes the old multi-GPU selection properties with the new revamped ones: 'Video API' and 'Video Adapter'.

Some changes to the available...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Hi, I'm using OBS Studio lately to record 1080p 60fps on my R9 290/FX 8320, I'm very surprised that I can do this now.. because if I remember correctly, I could do it before with the Classic OBS + VCE branch, and I have a question, what's the difference between this plugin and the default VCE already included in the OBS Studio? (I'm using the latest version 0.16.6), I mean, apart from the advanced settings and stuff? could I get more performance/quality using this plugin? or is it a recommended configuration that you have for a 290? or should I stick with my current config?

Ok, just as I was writing this, I decided to try the second AMD thing that pops up in the list of encoders (it was x264, AMD Video Coding Engine H.264 Encoder(Media Foundation) and H264 Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework)), used the last one just because I didn't before, I tried with recording preset and wanted to go back to the one I was using normally and now it's gone, is not on the list anymore, I guess it will re-appear if I reinstall.. but, wth?


Active Member
I have a question, what's the difference between this plugin and the default VCE already included in the OBS Studio?I mean, apart from the advanced settings and stuff?

If by "default VCE" you mean Media Foundation Transform, then this is the newer, proper way to use the AMD encoder. It's maintained better, has much lower CPU overhead (nearly identical to Game DVR in performance, better than Plays.TV/Raptr) and is generally recommended to only use this one and upgrade from the MFT one.

Could I get more performance/quality using this plugin?
Yes, you definitely can. With MFT I was not able to record at 4k60fps on my R9 285, with this plugin I am capable of going higher than 60fps at 4k.

Or is it a recommended configuration that you have for a 290?
Configurations are mostly identical for all cards, just use the presets provided and you're good to go. High Quality provides decent recordings, Indistinguishable is for those needing even more and Lossless is for those with killer PCs that have a PCI-E 3.0 x16 bandwidth of more than 1 gigabyte per second (my own computer only has 555mb/s).

Or should I stick with my current config?
If it works, keep it. If not, change it. I generally recommend upgrading to the proper VCE implementation.

Ok, just as I was writing this, I decided to try the second AMD thing that pops up in the list of encoders (it was x264, AMD Video Coding Engine H.264 Encoder(Media Foundation) and H264 Encoder (AMD Advanced Media Framework)), used the last one just because I didn't before, I tried with recording preset and wanted to go back to the one I was using normally and now it's gone, is not on the list anymore, I guess it will re-appear if I reinstall.. but, wth?
The Media Foundation one was deprecated in 0.16.4, so unless you made a backup or for whatever reason don't want to use the proper VCE implementation, you'll need to downgrade.
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