
  1. bramses

    Heartbeat Tearing & Blurring

    Whenever streaming/recording my OBS is tearing/blurring periodically, once every 3-5 seconds or so, see attached pics below (first pic is a tear heartbeat, second is normal). How might I address this? Thank you!! Specs: MBP 2021, Apple M1 Pro 16GB RAM Sonoma 14.0 OBS 30.0.0 64bit Video: -...
  2. J

    OBS freezing at the end of live stream

    Hello! A bit of a newbie OBS user here. I've been using OBS to broadcast streams of webinars to RTMPS YouTube via stream key for a few months now, and so far I haven't had any issues until earlier today when OBS froze at the end of a one hour live stream event. I tried to advance to the next...
  3. J

    How to Fix Washed out Colors on Mac?

    Hello, I realize this question has been asked before but can't find a clear answer anywhere. I recently switched to OBS on a Mac and my exported recordings look washed out and too white. The files play normally in players like VLC but look washed out in Quicktime and internet browsers on my...
  4. M

    Virtual Camera Not Recognized in Zoom

    My OBS & Zoom were working together as expected last week. This week Zoom does not see OBS virtual camera, even though it's started in OBS. I am currently running Mac OS Sonoma 14.1, OBS 29.1 & Zoom 5.16.6. I've tried upgrading OBS & Zoom, downgrading, uninstalling & reinstalling. Before I...
  5. T

    Nintendo Switch not showing thru El Gato / NDI Source

    Hello! I recently moved to M2 Mac and been having issues with showing my NSwitch Screen to my OBS I already downloaded NDI Source plugin AND NDI 5 Runtime but still having issues and NDI doesnt seem to be connected to OBS I then found this thread on Github...
  6. A

    Color Correcting OBS

    My OBS is showing the colors of my drawing much differently than what I am seeing on my secondary display (drawing tablet). It is coming off much more yellow/green than I want. Both monitors are set to SRGB, so they should be showing the same thing. Any suggestions on how I can fix/color...
  7. H

    MacOS Ventura 13.5 and OBS 29.1.3: Black Camera Output

    I use OBS 29.1.3 on an Intel iMac with Ventura 13.5 My external USB-Device is a Cam Link 4k which now only shows a Black Screen / Camera Output with every setting that I try. This device however works in every other App (Quick Camera, Zoom, ...) without any issues. But in OBS the output is...
  8. R

    OBS not finding Elgato HD60 as a device

    Hello, I have recently got a Elagto HD60 to stream my PS5 through OBS on a MacBook. I have the most up to date version of OBS and My Mac is currently running on Ventura 13.4.1 - I have downloaded the Elgato Game Capture software and my Elgato capture card is picked up fine as a Device within...
  9. T

    Capture Screen on single laptop

    So I've set everything up for display capture, but when I tab over to my browser, I can't tell that the capturing is still happening. I'm sure I'm missing something. Any ideas? Or is this something that can only be done with multiple monitors?
  10. R

    OBS for recording a livestream using GoPro 9 and GoPro 10 on Mac

    Hello everybody. I'm planning on doing recordings for further publication on Youtube for a room with a dj and crowd, using a GoPro 9 and 10 connected through cable with a Mac which I'm not sure yet what specs. -Is it any M1 16gb good enough for the job? What Mac would you recommend? -Do i need...
  11. M

    Virtual Cable Monitoring Mic + 'Media Source' working for all apps EXCEPT Zoom!

    This one is super confusing... I have successfully got OBS + Virtual Cable A+B running and sending both the audio from my mic and an 'applause' sound effect being sent to `virtual cable A`. I know this is working fine, because when I got to my mac's `Systems Settings > Sound > Input' and...
  12. P

    Random audio clicking / clipping - sounds like rate mismatch but it's not

    Have been running livestreams on Macs with OBS for the last 3 years of pandemic and in fall 2020 started getting this issue with the occasional clicking / popping / clipping in the audio. (seemed to coincide with Big Sur update?) I have tried a variety of Blackmagic capture devices - Ultrastudio...
  13. S

    Recording Echo problem on a 2up Interview Scene

    Hoping someone here can help. I am using OBS to record video interviews. I have three scenes, 1 that has both participants side by side and 1 each for a single view of each participant. I use ZoomIsoV2 for streaming i the NDI video sources for each. When I recorded a session last night, the...
  14. S

    Mini DV screen recording alignment issue

    Hey there, I'm in the process of screen recording Mini DVs to digitize them. I'm using OBS version 29.0.2 (mac) on a 2013 Macbook Air. Running the Mini DVs from a camcorder (a Canon Elura 2) to my PC using an RGB cable plugged in to the HDMI Docking Station that comes with the camcorder (it's...
  15. YuaBeVibin

    Lost all GDI+ on scene collection via transfer to OBS on Mac (Mac OS El Capitan)

    I've lost all my text upon transferring scene collection to my iMac (from a Windows 10 machine), I didn't realise the Mac version only supports FreeType 2. There's also fundamental features that are only on GDI+ that I need. What's the fastest way to convert my text to FreeType or a compatible...
  16. V

    Lower output fps problem. Need some help!

    So to be short - my output video is "ok" if you look into its properties, but you can see a tiny glitches and it's definitely not capturing all 60fps. I would say it's like 50 or something. I'm attaching a link for the OBS log file here. I would appreciate any help with OBS settings to run a...
  17. V

    Best OBS Settings for M1 Macbook Pro

    Hey guys! I would really appreciate your help on setting OBS for game recordings cause I've been straggling and looking answers for several days in a raw... INPUTS: Hardware - MacBook M1 2020 13' - 16Gb RAM - 8 GPU Monitor - 1440p Capture Card - Elgato HD60 X Games platform - PS5 Software - OBS...
  18. T

    Audio Cutting Out

    Forgive me if this is covered somewhere but I have search around and tried everything I've come across and nothing has helped. About 8-10 minutes to the recording, or even on standby, my internal audio crackles and fizzes out without warning leaving the rest absent of audio. The video is...
  19. S

    OBS Not Recording Microphone Audio

    Hi, I have been streaming for well over a year now using OBS. I got a new USB microphone for Christmas, and it is a good old plug in and use which I have been using for little over a month with no issues. However as I went live yesterday, the audio input for the microphone is REALLY choppy with...
  20. K

    PS5 Lags On Monitor

    I’ve noticed that PS5 exclusives (Ratchet & Clank, Forspoken, etc) lag on my monitor. I’m using an M1 Pro MacBook, the HD60X, and my 43” LG tv (4K 60hz LCD display) as a monitor. The games display fine on my MacBook and on a stream but the fps tanks on the tv. I’ve only noticed this with ps5...