fps drop

  1. S

    Question / Help Encoding lag on a dedicated PC with an i7-6700K

    I have just setup a second PC with a capture card. The capture card is working perfectly and feeding video from my main system through with no load on the CPU. While idling with the capture card active, the system runs at less than 5% CPU. I'm trying to stream to Twitch.tv with these encoder...
  2. M

    Question / Help Help, OBS recording with lower FPS than what it should.

    I've been trying to configure OBS for my new computer to record in 1080p at 60 FPS, and while I've been watching a few videos to try and get the most optimized output, for some reason the output comes out with about 15 FPS or lower, and I don't really know what to do anymore. About a few months...
  3. C

    Question / Help Recording Is Laggy But Everything Else Is Fine

    So I have used OBS before and never had a issue, I have tried reinstalling and going back to default settings and nothing works. Ill tell you whats happening, My game which is csgo for example is hovering around ~170FPS while recording, and no its not stuttering or lagging by any means. I have...
  4. Peterson

    Question / Help OBS studio giving fps drops in Resident Evil 4 UHD

    I fix the problem of the lag in game just activating the v-sync in games, but RE4 UHD already locks the fps at 60, is not variable and the game is droping fps giving me slow motion in some points, is this a way to fix this in OBS Studio? heres a video showing the issue...
  5. Z

    Question / Help FPS is dropping

    I haven't had this issue in awhile, but it was never this bad. when sometimes even when my cpu is using like 30% i'm still dropping fps while streaming i've lowered the preset to ultra fast and changed bit rate and it will still do it when I swap games sometimes etc. I used to have it at 60fps...
  6. C

    Question / Help Recording choppy, while high frames in game.

    Hey. I'm having this problem, where although I'm getting a solid 100+ fps in game, the footage i record ends up being extremely choppy. Around 10 FPS or so. This is specifically when I'm in a forested area in a game called Rust, for example. I've also gotten this lag in other games, but I could...
  7. S

    Question / Help Jeu fluide mais OBS non !

    Bonjour tout le monde, je m'appelle Kélian j'ai 15 ans et j'essaye de stream depuis environ 3-4 mois. Mais depuis mes débuts, j'ai un problème concernant OBS, quand je suis sur OBS (quand j'ai cliqué dessus) tout est fluide, 60 fps mais quand je clique sur mon jeux avec OBS ouvert, mon jeu reste...
  8. PocketBoy

    Question / Help Frames Missed Due to Rendering Lag - 4% GPU Usage

    Hello everyone, new to the forums. I've been having an issue that I cannot pin down anywhere because I do not feel the common solution applies to me at all. I do Pokemon tournament streams from my computer. The only things being broadcasted are webcam footage, a media overlay, and an MP4 video...
  9. W

    Question / Help Bad computer or its me ?

    hello guys, i would like to stream league of legends, fortnite, csgo, and other game on Twitch. but when i'm starting my stream i got framedrop in game, freeze and some kind of things like this. i tried everything about buffer, fps etc (just before showing you my settings and computer i just...
  10. P

    Question / Help Game stuttering and lagging when I open OBS

    When I open up OBS (Also happens when I'm not recording), and enter the game I am supposedly playing, the game starts to stutter, lag and slow down, and it's just a big mess. I have no idea what to do. Log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/uH5AuvHw9jKHaH9c
  11. B

    Question / Help OBS Studio looses frames with things I used to use just fine.

    Hello there! I have been having alot of trouble streaming/recording with OBS as of late. On games I used to play (Total War, Dead by Daylight, Arma 3) I used to play on Ultra settings and be able to record/stream at 60fps, 1080p. Now, for the past few months, my OBS will say in the bottom...
  12. P

    Question / Help OBS records at <1 frames per second

    OBS seems to record videos at less than 1 fps My current settings: Indistinguishable Quality Encoder: Software(x264) .mp4 format 60 fps I'm not a technical person so please help me :( LOG FILE: https://hastebin.com/nuqegerihi A video I made with these settings...
  13. baskyah

    Question / Help Lagged Frames no matter what...

    So I was using OBS to stream for a while and eventually realized Ive been having a major issue: I get lagged frames a ton they range from 5% to 60%. Any game, any service, any settings. I have tried different bitrates, video qualities, vsync settings, even programs. I actually had to switch from...
  14. E

    Question / Help Fps drop when pc idle and not streaming

    Hello Everyone, I have a issue about fps drop when everything closed and only obs running. I'am not even recording or streaming. I found out my problem is "Frames missed due to rendering lag". I've tried to reinstall obs studio multiple times, reinstalled graphic card driver multiple...
  15. J

    Question / Help Frame rate drops once i stream/record

    Right so i've had this issue in the past with fornite, which didn't get resolved. And now I'm experiencing it AGAIN with Black Ops 4. When ever i few my display though obs, it shows 60 fps flat. But, once i proceed to stream/record my gameplay, it suddenly drops, drastically. Is someone able to...
  16. S

    Question / Help Hard FPS drop while game is over 60 fps.

    Hello, Im back after my 1 Year absence and i wanted to go back live again. Been testing my stream for a week now and i can not explain why i have a big FPS drop. The case is: Im playing Rust on a PC build: CPU: Intel Core i7-2600K 3,50 Ghz -> OC 4,7 Ghz GPU: MSI Radeon RX 470 8GB RAM: Hyper...
  17. O

    Bug Report fps drop

    Hey recently when i open a game wile obs is on obs for some reason drops fps and goes crazy and i have to open the game first and then open obs. This could happen when i am not streaming or recording i tried re downloading it still happens if you can help i highly appreciate it !!!!
  18. C

    Question / Help Low FPS while recording

    I'm trying to record some overwatch gameplay but the fps seems determined to stay low in the video though my game isn't lagging and it says 60 fps on the bottom right. My log for the recording is: 22:39:54.748: ==== Recording Start =============================================== 22:39:54.748...
  19. S

    Bug Report Low FPS in capture window but ingame is fine (two monitors) [SOLVED]

    Okay. Let's start from the beggining. I stream casually very often and play most of the games in windowed mode due to my setup. I took a break from streaming during summertime but now decided to start again. And very strange thing happened while i capture my game in a windowed mode. Capture FPS...
  20. S

    Question / Help FPS drop in csgo while webcam is active

    Hello! My problem is, that I have a massive fps drop only in CSGO, while I am streaming and my webcam (facecam) is active. Literally the game bacome unplayable, because the fps decrease around 30-40, depends on the situation. I think I have the hardware what is needed to stream and play fluent...