fps drop

  1. R

    Question / Help OBS computer frame drop

    For some reason Right after I got OBS my conputer started to act up. I used to be at 144 frames at 144 hz in rainbow six seige. But after I installed OBS, it has been below 60 frames and even at the home screen it drops down to 40 frames. When I go to OBS it doesnt say that it is recording. I...
  2. C

    Question / Help Very bad fps drops

    So I started streaming on twitch playing fortnite and my fps went from normally being 250-300 while not streaming to only about 100 while streaming and my obs fps would top out at 10 and be super choppy then I switched to cs go to see how my fps was there and my in game fps was good at around...
  3. O

    Question / Help FPS drop while recording

    Hi, I have a pretty good PC with a GTX 1050 TI and i want to record CS:GO and everytime when i have OBS opened in the background (not recording) it lags, it goes from 100 to about 20 FPS, when i'm recording it's just unplayable. Please help me.
  4. M

    Low FPS

    I have a pretty decent PC with a GTX 1050 and somehow if i try to record CS:GO for example. it like goes from 100 FPS to 20, even if i don't record and only have OBS opened in the background it lags. Please help me Mercify
  5. 4

    Question / Help My stream is lagging and is dropping frames but my game has steady 60 fps, help please.

    So when I was starting streaming yesterday my stream was clean and smooth but today my stream is lagging and loses frames. Help fast please
  6. gamingbunny

    Question / Help FPS problems and lots of lag

    i have been having issues with obs studio recently when i record the video lags
  7. P

    Question / Help FPS Lag/loss my OBS record/stream under 60fps

    Hello people a few months ago OBS studio made me a huge problem it was the following during the filming of one of my clips I saw on my second monitor that OBS did not shoot the video in 60fps and it ranges between 15 to 37 - 40 which is accordingly very unsatisfactory and I have been making big...
  8. G

    Question / Help Cannot stream anymore without getting lag HELP!

    So one month ago I reset my computer to get it a fresh start. I started streaming too and everything was going fine and no issues with streaming. When I reset my PC I downloaded OBS and everything I needed like drivers. So I tried to stream but now all I get on my stream is stutters and lag. I...
  9. Dark_Shadow8u

    Question / Help OBS Studio Making Games Unplayable Suddenly.

    I've been streaming with OBS for a long time now, but suddenly two days ago onward, anytime OBS is simply OPEN, My games become unplayable, even low usage games like Clone Hero. I hadn't changed anything or downloaded/deleted anything. So far I've tried lowering graphic settings in-game...
  10. Dark_Shadow8u

    Question / Help OBS Studio Making Games Unplayable Suddenly.

    I've been streaming with OBS for a long time now, but suddenly yesterday onward, anytime OBS is simply OPEN, My games become unplayable, even low usage games like Clone Hero. I hadn't changed anything or downloaded/deleted anything. So far I've tried lowering graphic settings in-game, closing...
  11. A

    Question / Help Lag in videos

    I was wondering why iam geting lag , fps random drops in recorded videos log file below can you help me out what could be the problem ? 20:41:02.378: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7400 CPU @ 3.00GHz 20:41:02.378: CPU Speed: 3000MHz 20:41:02.378: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4...
  12. R

    Question / Help FPS recently got low/freezy (recording)

    Hi. Recently my recordings begun to get very low FPS, sometimes even freezing and I have no idea why. My GPU drivers are updated and also is my OBS. I've tried a lot but nothing works. Also, I don't know if this matters at all but I've also changed the OBS from C: to D: since I don't have much...
  13. R

    Question / Help OBS PREVIEW(literally the preview, not recording or streaming) FRAME DROPS.

    So I have been searching EVERYWHERE for a possible explanation to this because it is actually ridiculous. As the title says, I am getting frame drops on my PREVIEW when I am tabbed into a game. No, I will not post a log because I am not streaming or recording. I have heard and seen this too...
  14. B

    Question / Help Need help,weird stutter

    Hello guys,I'm new to obs and streaming but i have this really annoying problem when i'm recording/streaming with obs ,my games and the stream feel like they are droping frames but ,my game is capped at 75fps(Both my monitors refresh rate) and obs doesnt show any dropped frames.I know i have a...
  15. E

    Question / Help fps drops while streaming obs (with elgato hd60s)

    i am facing fps drops while streaming with obs through elgato hd60s. when i am not streaming my fps is 80-120(in PUBG) when i start stream my fps drops to 40-80 current bitrate is 2500 encoder in nvenc h Basic Spec P.C. Gtx 1060 6GB 8gb RAM i5-7 th gen
  16. P

    Question / Help OBS FPS drop issue

    Hello. When i try to record Fullscreen games with obs the framerates drop no matter what i do. If i go to windowed at any resolution i get normal framerates but at fullscreen i go down to 20 even without recording. My specs are a ryzen 5 1600 and a gtx 1060 3g so i can record pretty much any...
  17. T

    Question / Help Streaming Issue FPS Drop

    Hello, Im hoping this is the right forum. So my PC seems to run OW fine 1080 HD, 70fps all good. When i start streaming Overwatch is still running 100% ok but my stream often drops frames. This is mainly when engaging the enemy. In spawn and practice range all is ok. I use OBS Studio (64 bit)...
  18. E

    Bug Report FPS cuts in half (Jurassic World Evolution)

    This only occurs to me during Jurassic World Evolution, but I wanted to report it both to Frontier and here, since in-game events are not the only instigator of the FPS drops and it sounds like a lot of streamers are running into this. Note: the fps drops are only on stream. The game runs...
  19. I

    Question / Help Dropping FPS in OBS.

    Hello, I searched across the forums, different communities, and everywhere else i can think of. Recently i been having issues for my FPS in OBS Dropping to 10 when normally streaming at 60 FPS no Problem. I went through changed setting, updated drivers, changed game settings, etc. I don't...
  20. Drkylec

    Question / Help FPS dropped but nothing in log says it is.

    So I have been using OBS for a long time now. I have had my isues here and there but this is a little different. When I am playing certain games mostly games like PUBG and Fortnite the framerate seems to drop like crazy bad all of sudden after the latest windows update I think it was the May or...