I've had this problem for about a week & it's driving me crazy. I know there are already other posts like this, many of which I've already seen & tried, but none of them really helped...;;
The FPS drops abysmally low & it's not a one-off thing like what happens sometimes when there's a...
Hi everyone. I search a bit everywere for my probleme but couldn't find a solution.
So, when I'm play TFD my obs (recording or not) as a fps drop from my 60fps cap to ~45 or a bit below (but it doesn't really matter) every ~6sec and when it drop the image freeze on obs then it goes back top...
Hi, if someone can please help me solving this, because I have already tried everything (I think). I wanted to start recording my games with OBS while playing with my friends, but I can't because of the FPS drops, making the game unplayable. I can run the game at 200 FPS, but I have it capped at...
Hi guys I would like to understand why if I play the game League of legends at 120 sometimes it drops up to 90 and if I cap it at 144 it drops up to 110/120, is it a hardware problem of mine, an obs problem or the game?
this is my latest streaming log and the task menager while playing and...
I'm a content creator who streams to Twitch. I've been having all these problems for quite some time now. It's honestly probably more than what I put in my title, but those we're the first to come to mind. 1. I'll start with the freezing problem. My OBS mainly does this when I'm streaming...
A few months ago my PC broke and I lost all my files. After redownloading OBS, the FPS on videos I record will drop severely over a few seconds after starting recording.
I've looked through many set-up tutorials and support websites and nothing has worked. If anyone can help, it would be greatly...
So... When im not streaming I'v got 260 fps avg (usually I play at 144 fps caped stable 1%low avg 100 fps and smooth performance). As soon as I open OBS my fps going down to 150, and 1% low 60-70fps. And I can feel that game is not smooth. I got disent pc so I don't know whats the issue...
Hello everyone, many of my videos recorded in OBS have been experiencing lags lately. Sometimes the video was recorded without lags; sometimes half of the video was smooth, and the other half was not. I set a higher priority (higher than normal), and it got a little better, but the problem...
I'm only experiencing a big drop in fps in the game Minecraft, in the other games everything is normal.
When I open the game it is at about 160 fps +-, when I just open OBS without detecting any window it is still working normally, but when OBS detects the Minecraft window (Both in "capture any...
captura de janela
capture specific window
capture window
fpsfpsdropfpsdrop when obs is open
fpsdrop without recording
fpsdrop without streaming
So I wonder if someone could help me cause I searched the whole web and just cant find the problem.
latley while I stream Im getting fps drops and the stream is laggin but my internet is good( for exmple I conected to Vienna and the results are 503 download speed and 16.66 upload speed I...
Greetings. I am having a problem with the most recent versions of OBS Studio that I can't figure out. For some reason, my encoded randomly goes from 60 FPS to 30 FPS for a while. But the thing is, while steaming or recording, OBS Studio does not report any errors. There's no "encoder can't...
RYZEN 5 3600X
So, I played watch dogs on my live some days ago and everything was fine, but then I updated obs and started another day of lives, that's when my live started to have a fps drop when playing watch dogs. I tried to fix it by changing my...
I stream games on the PlayStation 5. To do this, I use the Avermedia Extreme Cap U3 video capture card.
In OBS, I select "Capture Device" as the source. There I set all the parameters.
The day before yesterday everything was working perfectly.
Problems started yesterday. Approximately...
since 2 Weeks i have MASSIVE problems on my computer and OBS is the origin of that i guess.
When i am streaming - out of the sudden OBS stoppes and crashes the PC in 99 %. Only not in that cases when i can open fast enough the Task Manager to stopp the process to close OBS.
Hello all, I'm new to the OBS Forums but I've ran into an issue that I'd like to see if anyone else if having the problem or if it's dedicated to my machine. I streamed all through 2021 running all sorts of games with Admin mode enabled on OBS so that the GPU would be prioritised to that first...
log: https://obsproject.com/logs/VC_JWCpSOMmwrdEi
Hello all and thanks all for this resource!
I'm running OBS Studio on a WIndows 10 laptop, capturing external video from game consoles and streaming live to YouTube. The stream maintains 60 fps for a while but then drops to around 23 fps after...
Hi, since couple days Im struggling with FPS (more specifically with freezes about every 3 sec) problems in CS:GO when OBS process is active. It means whenever I run OBS (even not streaming but it run in background) weird things is happening in CS which you can see in below video. FPS goes down...
Tengo un problema con mi obs, lo uso para transmitir en twich. En esta semana busque como poder solucionar mi problema en youtube o en foros y en ningún lugar aparece mi problema en específico. Todos los lugares dicen que baje la taza de bits rate, la resolución de emisión o los fps de 60 a 30...
Hello, how the title says, when I'm playing FiveM normally without OBS opened, the GTA V it's going fluid good without any problems but, when I only open the OBS, FPS drops inmediatly. I've tried with OBS 24.0.3 and more things trying to change configurations for example. When I see the...
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