I've been using this plugin for a while now, and it's always worked fantastically! I thank you for this!
I use it to provide replays on live-streamed ice hockey games, and then would compile the resulting "replay" files into a recap to play prior to the start of the third period (while they Zamboni the ice). Unfortunately, these saved "replay" files are no longer saved on my hard drive that I can find, and so I can no longer compile them.
I'm not even sure where to look in settings to get them to save again.
Also, I save a recording of the entire broadcast (in case I need to upload the game because of crappy internet), so I'd rather not lose that ability. But I had the capability to BOTH keep the entire broadcast, and the replays, so I'd like to figure this out.
Any idea where I might have screwed this up, or perhaps the latest revision of OBS caused it?
Thanks in advance.
I had a similar problem with saving replay clips. It worked before, but suddeltly it dosen't.
If i created a new videocapture source then it worked, but not on the old. Today i reinstalled the OBS and now it can save replay again
Jesper - Icehockey video manager.

DanSport Stream - Boon
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