Replay Source

Replay Source 1.8.1

In output/recording, I have file format set to .mkv but my replays are being saved as .flv. Is there any way to change to .mkv?Especially now that flash is no longer a supported format
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New Member
Hi guys,

Can anyone tell me if I can find somewhere step by step guide to install properly this plugin? I know it has great potential but I don't really know what to do to make it work... Of course I read the tread and tried to make it right but I don't know what I'm doing wrong :(

After installing the plugin and entering hotkeys - it doesn't work for me :( Neither on pc nor mac. Or just work only for the first time.

Replays do not load at all when I switch to the replay scene - it kick me out of it after a split of a second. I set the replay time to longer, but I've never managed to make it more than 2-3 seconds.

After a few attempts, all the hotkeys stop working at all (even those used to switch between cameras). When I turn OBS on and off, it returns to normal.

There are no error messages, it just won't work.

The effect I want to achieve is the ability to display replays from at least two cameras (we are broadcasting with four).


New Member
Ok, after two days of tests I've finally done it right... Sorry for howling ;) When you do this for the first time, you actually have to do it very carefully - and it works on Mac and on PC. I'm just not sure how stable it will be with few hours of live broadcast.

Only problem is saving the replays - when doing it in flv the quality is very poor, and when doing it lossless - they are without sound. I don't know how to fix it so I've decided to switch it off. I always can save the replays simultaneously in old way or just save the entire recording and then cut out all the needed highlights.

I still have to do some tests to see if my computers will definitely survive livestream with replays from few cameras.

BTW. Any tought how I can preview replays from few cameras in multiview screen before displaying them actually live? Because I see them in multiview only when I turn on each of them live.

Thanks for your help. Best Regards!


Have same problem with replay saved files. Very poor quality, and most of the times they are without sound, also in flv. Using the newest version.


New Member
With Replay Source 1.6.8 on OBS 26.1.2 on a Mac (Big Sur 11.2.1), I can't seem to get any cameras to work as the video source for the replay.

Everything works fine using a media source as the video source, but with a camera as the video source, the replay is always of zero length.

What data or logs can I collect that would help with understanding this (including the possibility of operator error)?


New Member
The source is visible in the live scene, but I tried adding a projector, with no real difference.

F1 hotkey reports "Load replay pressed." (With a webcam attached, this used to report replay added of 0.00 seconds; even that message is now absent.)
F2 hotkey switches to the replay scene as expected, but nothing to see there. Clicking on the Replay Source shows zero length.



New Member
Ah, that seems to have been it.

I had tried earlier to add a "Replay Filter Async" in the Audio/Video Filters for the camera source, but nothing would happen after the modal to name the filter.

I had not seen the "Replay Filter" in the "Effects Filters" list. Your comment made me look there, and use the name of the replay source as the name of the filter. Now all seems to work.

(Adding a "Replay Filter" on the "Experiments" scene itself had no observable effect.)

Thank you!


New Member

I would have a problem that if I use the obs and replay source plugins and press the configured keyboard shortcut outside the obs program, the replay source will still respond in obs.

How could this be changed?


New Member
I have my replay set at 20seconds. When I load the replay, the associated text source shows the 20 seconds duration, and the time loops round correctly. When it gets near 18 I can switch back to live before it loops.

If I trim front and trim end, and reduce the replay down to say 8 seconds, it still shows a duration of 20 seconds and the time refers to the original 20seconds values. The time starts at 8 and runs to 19. The progress percentage runs from 40% to 83%. This means I no longer know when it's due to finish and I can't switch back to live when I need to. Ideally the duration would say 8 seconds, and the time would run from 1 to 8 (and percentage from 1 to 100).

Note the trimming of the replay(s) would not necessarily be done by the same person who's doing the switching.

Thank you for reading - I hope this makes sense. I have attached a zip that ought to contain a sample flv to show what I mean. It displays from 04:11 to 04:19 which is about 8 seconds but the text still shows the original 20second values. (Had to convert to flv and zip otherwise file is too big).


    493.8 KB · Views: 42


New Member
Hi! Thanks for your plugin @Exeldro! We still have problems saving replays for CamLink source (green cast), other replays are saving perfectly and simultanosly. @Telboon or @Exeldro, can you share Lua you have talked about? It is exactly what We are looking for. We need a Lua that if a file contains data, perform a load of the replays We have, I mean a load for all the replays We have in our scene. We don't know yet how to incorporate the example code that Exeldro shared inside a Lua that checks for file content.
Also, We really would appreciate if there would be any way to fix the green cast. Thanks!


any hint Exeldro ?? Very frustrating, and can't use clips to highlights

Arh have found the problem with the sound. I use external sound in some profiles, that means the sound from cam is muted, så replay clip is alså without sound. ;-)


New Member
Thank you for the awesome work @Exeldro - really awesome plugin.

Two concerns though.
1. The build-in Replay script is able to save replays in mkv format which seems more optimised than avi and better quality than the flv format. i.e. clips that would take up 200 mb in avi will only fill 3 mb in mkv. Any way to get to same result with this plugin?
2. The plugin seems to be very memory intensive and seems to be when the filter is enabled - can something be adjusted to reduce this? Again, the built-in script doesn't seem to be memory intensive in the same way.



New Member
Are there limits on replay source frame rates? Is failing to create a 2D texture a bad thing?

I am trying to use replay source for a multi-camera sports setup. Two cameras feed 1080p60, one at 4k30 and one at 4k30 all through separate gstreamer sources. The canvas size is 3840x2160 and streaming output is 4k60. Things look great, 6-8ms render times and .3% frames missed due to rendering lag over 2 hours of live streaming. No problems with performance, task manager has happy numbers on cpu(40%), intel gpu(37%), nvidia gpu(70%), network(45mbps incoming, 40mbps up) and memory (16/32GB).

To capture replays I've added a scene which includes all 4 camera gstreamer sources, each in a 1920x1080 corner of the 4k canvas. That scene is displayed in a windowed projector which has been reduced to about 640x360. The projector window is hidden behind the OBS main window.

I've added a "Replay" scene with one replay source. When I press Load Replay in the properties panel or use my defined load replay hotkey the replay is loaded and played - but the replay frame rate is < 1 fps.

In the Replay Source properties video source is set to one of the 1080p60 camera gstreamer sources. Audio is blank, duration has been attempted between 4000-18000ms, load delay 0, max replays 1, visibility Restart, start delay 0, end action hide after all, Speed percentage is 100.

The log file shows:

14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.17 seconds
14:35:13.850: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] updated filter for 'CAM-3B'
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] connected to 'CAM-3B'
14:35:45.351: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:35:45.352: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.13 seconds
14:36:01.533: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:39:00.410: User switched to scene 'Full Field'
14:39:55.385: Settings changed (stream 1)
14:39:55.385: ------------------------------------------------
14:40:00.931: [jim-nvenc: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
14:40:00.931: rate_control: CBR
14:40:00.931: bitrate: 25000
14:40:00.931: cqp: 20
14:40:00.931: keyint: 120
14:40:00.931: preset: llhq
14:40:00.931: profile: high
14:40:00.931: width: 3840
14:40:00.931: height: 2160
14:40:00.931: 2-pass: false
14:40:00.931: b-frames: 3
14:40:00.931: lookahead: true
14:40:00.931: psycho_aq: true
14:40:01.013: ---------------------------------
14:40:01.013: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'adv_stream_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 1, channel_layout: 4
14:40:01.014: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_stream'] Using muxer settings:
14:40:01.014: method=PUT
14:40:01.014: http_persistent=1
14:40:01.014: ignore_io_errors=1
14:40:01.014: http_user_agent=libobs/26.1.0
14:40:01.014: hls_time=2
14:40:01.019: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
14:40:01.019: [ffmpeg hls muxer: 'adv_stream'] Writing to path '{stream_key}&copy=0&file=out.m3u8'...

I've tried switching to the StreamFX NVenc encoder but haven't found a set of parameters that match the stock NVEnc gpu utilization - everything I've tried uses 30% or more. Not sure if that matters for this issue so just noting it.
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New Member
Are there limits on replay source frame rates? Is failing to create a 2D texture a bad thing?

I am trying to use replay source for a multi-camera sports setup. Two cameras feed 1080p60, one at 4k30 and one at 4k30 all through separate gstreamer sources. The canvas size is 3840x2160 and streaming output is 4k60. Things look great, 6-8ms render times and .3% frames missed due to rendering lag over 2 hours of live streaming. No problems with performance, task manager has happy numbers on cpu(40%), intel gpu(37%), nvidia gpu(70%), network(45mbps incoming, 40mbps up) and memory (16/32GB).

To capture replays I've added a scene which includes all 4 camera gstreamer sources, each in a 1920x1080 corner of the 4k canvas. That scene is displayed in a windowed projector which has been reduced to about 640x360. The projector window is hidden behind the OBS main window.

I've added a "Replay" scene with one replay source. When I press Load Replay in the properties panel or use my defined load replay hotkey the replay is loaded and played - but the replay frame rate is < 1 fps.

In the Replay Source properties video source is set to one of the 1080p60 camera gstreamer sources. Audio is blank, duration has been attempted between 4000-18000ms, load delay 0, max replays 1, visibility Restart, start delay 0, end action hide after all, Speed percentage is 100.

The log file shows:

14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:34:57.640: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.17 seconds
14:35:13.850: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] updated filter for 'CAM-3B'
14:35:21.633: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] connected to 'CAM-3B'
14:35:45.351: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] Load replay pressed
14:35:45.352: [replay_source: 'Rep 1B'] replay added of 16.13 seconds
14:36:01.533: device_texture_create (D3D11): Failed to create 2D texture (80070057)
14:39:00.410: User switched to scene 'Full Field'
14:39:55.385: Settings changed (stream 1)
14:39:55.385: ------------------------------------------------
14:40:00.931: [jim-nvenc: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
14:40:00.931: rate_control: CBR
14:40:00.931: bitrate: 25000
14:40:00.931: cqp: 20
14:40:00.931: keyint: 120
14:40:00.931: preset: llhq
14:40:00.931: profile: high
14:40:00.931: width: 3840
14:40:00.931: height: 2160
14:40:00.931: 2-pass: false
14:40:00.931: b-frames: 3
14:40:00.931: lookahead: true
14:40:00.931: psycho_aq: true
14:40:01.013: ---------------------------------
14:40:01.013: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'adv_stream_aac'] bitrate: 128, channels: 1, channel_layout: 4
14:40:01.014: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_stream'] Using muxer settings:
14:40:01.014: method=PUT
14:40:01.014: http_persistent=1
14:40:01.014: ignore_io_errors=1
14:40:01.014: http_user_agent=libobs/26.1.0
14:40:01.014: hls_time=2
14:40:01.019: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
14:40:01.019: [ffmpeg hls muxer: 'adv_stream'] Writing to path '{stream_key}&copy=0&file=out.m3u8'...

I've tried switching to the StreamFX NVenc encoder but haven't found a set of parameters that match the stock NVEnc gpu utilization - everything I've tried uses 30% or more. Not sure if that matters for this issue so just noting it.
oops - the 4th camera is 1080p30 not 4k30, and in the very last sentence the StreamFX encoder is always at least 30% higher on GPU than Jim's.


New Member
Think I might have come across a bug??
OBS 26.1.1
Replay Source 1.6.8
Windows 10
I cannot setup a "Replay Filter". I select "Replay Filter", specify the name for the filter, press OK and everything looks fine for about 2 seconds before everything disappears as though I did nothing.
NOTE: Existing Replay Filters work just fine.