Replay Source

Replay Source 1.8.1


Active Member
@Want To Learn It should work with the latest version of OBS and latest version of MacOS. I don't own a mac, so I can't test it myself.
Do you get a crash? There should be a obs_ file in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
@Want To Learn It should work with the latest version of OBS and latest version of MacOS. I don't own a mac, so I can't test it myself.
Do you get a crash? There should be a obs_ file in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
Thanks for your quick response Exeldro. I chose media source - filters - then add replay filter, click ok and it appears for a quick second and then quits. I just went to log files and this is what I came up with in this attachment. I also did do a search for the file you posted, but wasn't sure what to post. As you can tell I'm not a programmer. LOL. Thanks so much for your help.


  • 2020-06-13 22-15-47.txt
    19.6 KB · Views: 39
Another thought is I might not have downloaded the most current version of replay filter by accident. I'm pretty sure I did, but sometimes a person can over look the obvious! Can you post a link right here for Mac OS High Sierra. Thanks again!
Another thought is I might not have downloaded the most current version of replay filter by accident. I'm pretty sure I did, but sometimes a person can over look the obvious! Can you post a link right here for Mac OS High Sierra. Thanks again!
Actually I just checked. It appears I do have the most recent version 1.6.2. Thanks.

@Exeldro, thank you for your effort, it's a great tool.

  • I'm getting OBS to freeze pretty soon, especially after changing interconnected object names. I do not know what information do you need to investigate these situations, please inform me.
  • Hotkeys is a very complicated task for the operator, especially if Replay Source in enabled on multiple video input sources.
  • What maybe would be a hit is a dockable panel with buttons and tasks organized as a matrix, lines for video sources and columns for tasks or vice versa, so we could click "load replays", "go first", "save" etc on preferred line.
  • If needed to stay in hotkeys approach, hotkeys "per video source" action could remain as is but all other actions should apply on current playing replay. For example "save", clear", "first", "last" etc actions hotkey to be common and to apply on the active replay. Not to have separate hotkey to "save" for video source 1, 2 etc.
  • Where can I find information about how Replay Source is behaving?
  • For example, I selected 10" duration and 10 replays in total.
  • What exactly Replay Source does? Every 10" creates a replay object and when reaching max index removes the oldest one adding to the end?
  • I notice different behavior on different cameras, it does not record the same footage based on gestures I do for test. What are the proper video input properties for best results?
Thanks again.


New Member
Maybe I am getting confused by how this is supposed to be working. I have it setup so it does show replays. But it is always showing the same replay. I assumed when I hit load it would load the last x seconds and run that? But the last replay is always the same replay instead of the most recent.

I guess the Load, last, etc... is confusing to me and trying to figure it out. Basically I have the hotkeys setup and all that and I want to be able to display the last X seconds and if that is to recent just go previous to the previous x seconds. It seems to work except like I said prior the 'last' one is an older replay versus the most recent x seconds.


New Member
I can't get recordings to save to disk is my last issue.


11:37:53.498: [replay_source: 'Replay Source'] Load replay pressed
11:37:53.498: [replay_source: 'Replay Source'] replay added of 10.00 seconds
11:37:53.976: [replay_source: 'Replay Source'] switched to replay 1/5
11:37:53.976: [replay_source: 'Replay Source'] last hotkey switched to replay 5/5
11:37:54.709: [replay_source: 'Replay Source'] Save replay pressed

Running as administrator and all that fun stuff
@Want To Learn It should work with the latest version of OBS and latest version of MacOS. I don't own a mac, so I can't test it myself.
Do you get a crash? There should be a obs_ file in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/
Exeldro THANK YOU for your efforts! If you mean OS Catalina I am not using it. It has to do with my music software. I am stuck on OS High Sierra. However, I plan to get an external drive and load Catalina into it or maybe use it for Vbox to install Windows and be able to use all those Apps that I can't use on my Mac OS. I'll probably buy the drive next week. Thanks.


New Member
Hello Exeldro. I would like to thank you for this amazing plugin.

I have however a problem with it. When I save a replay, nothing happens. It doesn't save it to disk.
I checked the previous comments and found no solution so far. Do you have any idea as to what it may need to save or if something is blocking it from saving?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
I like the plugin but my problem is that when I save the source (To flv or AVI lossless) It shows me a fully green coloured end result, and a bit of audio crackling. Any idea's?


New Member
Awesome plugin! I just wish i understood more of the inner workings so I could get my issues with it fixed.

I mean I got it dialed in with regards to having it work while I'm streaming. Made a scene just for the replay, then nested that scene in a duplicate of my live stream scene, then have transition override using the MOVE plugin that takes care of playing the replay and then going back to the main live stream scene.

PC - 2700x, 16gb, m.2 nvme, Msi gtx 1080ti gaming x
Stream - 1080p downscaled 720p60 lancoz Nvenc 5000 cbr
Files record to c:/recording

Now here is were my issues are:

1. Game: Apex Legend (obs- game capture, full screen in-game)
- when i hit the replay source hotkey, OBS stats say my FPS drops into the red (20-30fps), average render times also red, about a 3% misses due to rendering lag, memory usage seems high around 10xxx MB after 2 replays, then the after 10secs or so the pc loads go back to normal.
- when i press the the save hotkey, lossless checked in properties, an unplayable 6kb files gets saved. when i uncheck lossless, i get random video captures of the source, but not the replay that i had just played.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong or if I'm missing a step, but i just want to save these replays, because they pull from a clean source.. unlike other ways of doing replays that capture whatever is being shown.

sidenote: i used this also with Destiny 2 (obs- window capture, borderless window full screen in-game), I don't get the crazy PC loads when i hit the hotkey, but i still can't save a clip.

I hope I explained my issues well enough. Maybe somebody has had similar issues and has a fix or some insight. I really just want these replays because they are from a clean source.

Again awesome plugin and thanks for making them. just wish my brain could make this work the way its envisioning it.


New Member
The plugin keeps the replays uncompressed in memory, so depending on the resolution en framerate. For 1920 ×1080 60FPS you need 1 GB per second of replay

Well I wish there was a way to edit my previous post... I got the plugin working and was able to reduce the the PC load. After re-reading a lot of previous posts, I realized the that the amount of time I was wanting to replay was too high. Was trying to do 20sec which my pc did not like at all. My pc needs more memory, so back down to 10s. Also had to change the hotkeys, having both load replay & save replay on the same bind made the pc angered also.

a few things I wish i could do (not even sure its possible):
  1. Set a timed trigger delay that will "save replay" after the "load replay" has completed (less demand on the PC and me since I might forget to hit save while still in-game)
  2. Auto-Clear replays on a timed delay or after a certain amount of replays have been done, to refresh and free up memory
  3. Is there a way to adjust internal encoder settings for the "save replay" output file, I would like to push it to nvenc if possible. Not sure if it would help with my issue of reducing the cpu load.
there's more in my head but not able to translate it to words right now, again thanks for the awesome plugin. Can't wait to see whats in future updates.


New Member
Hey, great work Exeldro!
Plugin has great functionality, but I'm encountering OBS problems and crashes when using it which I've not encountered until I started using it two days ago.

Sometimes when I trigger a replay to play it causes my stream to disconnect; OBS keeps 'streaming' but the internet output in OBS immediately changes to 0kb/s.
My replay hotkeys are numkeys: / * -
(Are any of those the OBS kill internet shortcut haha?)

Oftentimes OBS straight crashes with no dialog box, generally when I've input a hotkey for replay.

Sometimes it crashes with an error output as written here:

The exception Breakpoint A breakpoint has been reached (0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x00007FFB119DEA62. Click on OK to terminate the program Click on CANCEL to debug the program

I've got 32gb RAM and while OBS usage is high with replays (10gb-20gb range), I'm definitely not maxing my RAM.
Some digging indicates that error is associated with Virtual RAM, so I might clear up some more C Drive space, but I'd have thought 30gb was enough for paging etc.

Am I the only person encountering incessant disconnect and crashes?


New Member
Sure do! These are the only crashes that generated logs, but I've probably really crashed about 30 times.


  • Crash 2020-08-09 20-02-07.txt
    73.5 KB · Views: 27
  • Crash 2020-08-09 14-56-05.txt
    75.5 KB · Views: 28
  • Crash 2020-08-08 23-31-26.txt
    63.1 KB · Views: 28


Active Member
@Vetinarix one of the crashes is on shutdown, the other 2 are coming from the audio thread. Can you add an normal OBS log file for me to see how your audio is setup?


New Member
@Exeldro I'm wondering if it's because I've given the replay an audio source?
I've noticed that when I play the replays, there's no audio in them despite having an audio source set which definitely has audio.

This is from a log when I just started OBS up now:


  • 2020-08-11 17-17-16.txt
    10.6 KB · Views: 27