OBS freezing while streaming+recording


New Member
For the past 3 days (23/02, 24/02, 25/02) my OBS will freeze randomly while I am simultaneously streaming to Twitch and recording. I've tried switching from mkv to mp4 but nothing changed. I'll attach a zip file with the logs, tell me if you need more info. Thank you in advance


  • Logs.zip
    47.7 KB · Views: 41


Active Member
Dont record to the System drive uns a second one

DDont use stream fx its Alpha Software maked as unstable in the most sectio. And had problems with 27. 2.1.
Stream fx goes so deep in the obs instalation you must delete the complete obs folder and reinstall it


Same here! Ever since the newest update the preview just locks up (not a system lock up) and I have to kill it in task manager. Buttons and stuff still work (for the most part) but many times won't complete their action. The last 2 updates have been really buggy. 3 Lock ups today during 4 hours of streaming tonight; 3 lockups during 2 on Thursday.


New Member
Dont record to the System drive uns a second one

DDont use stream fx its Alpha Software maked as unstable in the most sectio. And had problems with 27. 2.1.
Stream fx goes so deep in the obs instalation you must delete the complete obs folder and reinstall it
How can I still use StreamFX? Is there an alternative?