need Hints to reduce Stress on Cpu Because of own-made Overlay


New Member
first of all: im a Streamer since 3 months and i love it❤

now the Problem:
I made my very own Overylay with GIMP and Davinci Resolve Fusion.
I made some Panels with Animated Backroung and Finally a big Gameframe with an animation.
I was scared how big such files can be. The Frame has a Size of 1.68 GB!
So i thought i was clever and Rendered it into smaller Files. In the End a panel reached a size of aprox. 150 MB and the Frame 200. Still big but no chance to make it smaller. its already downscales to 720 x 360 ( im using a widescreen monitor)
so a lot of work for OBS.

My Setup:
Omen 17" Gaming Laptop
Intel I7 10750H
RTX 2070

Im using nvec for sure.

So has anybody some hints ? i take every hint to calm down the stress to my pc. My absolutly last choice would be a Dual pc setup but im not sure which setup this problem could handle.

The frame i was composing do 40 % stress on OBS and my CPU ist always on 100% if i play a game on that Overlay.
The Files are in .mp4 already converted coming from .mov with huge sizes.

thx for answers and creative help


  • 2021-07-14 16-02-26.txt
    22.1 KB · Views: 49