@RatWithACompiler is there a way you could log the clean text to a file on the PC? Having this would be incredibly useful in conjunction with scripts. I was digging through the codebase and trying to figure out how I could add in an extra staticly named file output to match the OBS preview dock (like transcript_clean_output.txt) so the file contents match the preview dock window exactly. Is this something you could add easily?? I haven't written cpp in a long time and do not have the tools to properly build the DLL's even if I did figure out how to write to a file.
The keycodes are mixed up the normal insert, delete, end etc. keys are actually VC_KP_INSERT, VC_KP_DELETE etc.
Thank you very much for helping, I've been testing and even when using "Plain Text", there is no way to get the non-numpad "Insert, Home, Delete, End, PageUp, PageDown" buttons to show up.
The code for the the numpad buttons shows like this:
#define VC_KP_END 0xEE00 | VC_KP_1
#define VC_KP_DOWN 0xEE00 | VC_KP_2
#define VC_KP_PAGE_DOWN 0xEE00 | VC_KP_3
#define VC_KP_LEFT 0xEE00 | VC_KP_4
#define VC_KP_CLEAR 0xEE00 | VC_KP_5
#define VC_KP_RIGHT 0xEE00 | VC_KP_6
#define VC_KP_HOME 0xEE00 | VC_KP_7
#define VC_KP_UP 0xEE00 | VC_KP_8
#define VC_KP_PAGE_UP 0xEE00 | VC_KP_9
#define VC_KP_INSERT 0xEE00 | VC_KP_0
// End Numeric Zone
So I assume the code is always 0xEE00 probably because it's just some kind of a reference and that the NumLock key acts as a switch that when is off it refers the numpad keys to these set of codes:
// Begin Edit Key Zone
#define VC_INSERT 0x0E52
#define VC_DELETE 0x0E53
#define VC_HOME 0x0E47
#define VC_END 0x0E4F
#define VC_PAGE_UP 0x0E49
#define VC_PAGE_DOWN 0x0E51
// End Edit Key Zone
I've researched and tested and it seems like these are the only codes that exists for these buttons in both cases- numpad and non-numpad.
They do work being used in the numpad with the NumLock key off, but not by themselves using the non-numpad keys.
So I'm not sure the codes are confused, but I am :) and still wonder what's happening since they are defined in the file.
Any idea what's wrong with it? Sorry to bother you with it and thank you so much for helping again. :)