I will pay you if you fix my microstutters when recording, not in game.


New Member
No fix yet? I've been suffering with this isse for a year now.
If you tried everything on your pc to fix this, on the expensive side there is the double pc setup option. Although if you have some spare pc parts then maybe it will not be so pricey.
Know that This can also bring other problems.. I had some but now they are fixed for the most part as you can see on my thread on the subject



New Member
I upgraded my PC about two months ago with the latest hardware for 4K60 game recording. I started using Shadowplay instead of OBS because it uses less GPU resources. It wasn't until after a few recording sessions that I found out my shadowplay videos had minor microstuttering. Bummer, but I'll switch to OBS. Then I found out my OBS recordings have microstutters as well.

I have tried EVERYTHING. EVE-RY-THING. to try and fix this for the past 60 days. I disabled game bar completely, disabled windows dvr, I tried so many things that I'm going crazy. I'm 100% serious with the title when I say that I will pay you if you can fix my microstutters. I'm 99% sure it's something I need to do outside of OBS, so if I manage to fix that, I'm sure shadowplay is fixed as well.

Attached is a log of the recording, here is a google drive link to the recording. ( 900 MB file ) I recommend using potplayer to watch the video as its 4K60.
You can see the microstutter starting at 00:30 when I run around the pillars and 01:35 when I enter the Kichijoji area. These stutters are NOT in game and gameplay has been completely stutter free while recording this.

This is my PC, I'm running Windows 11 Pro version 10.0.22621 build 22621. Game is installed on my main samsung 980 pro m.2 nvme ssd, recording goes to my samsung 970 evo ssd. ( I also tried recording it to my second nvme ssd, no dice )

If you prefer to talk in discord, feel free to send your # and I'll add you there. Again, I'm 100% serious when I say that I need this fixed, I do not mind paying you, sending you a steam gift or what you prefer.
Updating to the latest & greatest has it's risks


Hey everyone, i am new here and also having the same issue. I was just wondering; has anyone tried using a capture card with a single pc setup? So the PC does not have to capture the game or screen?


Active Member
Hey everyone, i am new here and also having the same issue. I was just wondering; has anyone tried using a capture card with a single pc setup? So the PC does not have to capture the game or screen?
You take a performance hit by doing that instead of using game or display capture.


You take a performance hit by doing that instead of using game or display capture.
Hey Harold, thank you very much for the reply! I know it might be a performance hit, but for a powerful single PC setup it might work i guess?
Has anyone tried it so someone can speak from experience?
I suggest trying this purely to see if it can eliminate the problem of OBS not smoothly capturing the gameplay.


New Member
Hey Harold, thank you very much for the reply! I know it might be a performance hit, but for a powerful single PC setup it might work i guess?
Has anyone tried it so someone can speak from experience?
I suggest trying this purely to see if it can eliminate the problem of OBS not smoothly capturing the gameplay.
I tried the desktop "cloning method" with my Elgato 4k60 Mk2 and after a while I get the same stuttering in OBS preview and recording even with this fix (https://youtu.be/eubBwFxWwzc) which works fine in my case if I use my normal setup (1 PC + 2 monitors 144 Hz [to 60 Hz]/60 Hz)

It's a little tricky and makes the recording more complicated, but it helps A LOT.

The capture card test showed me that the problem is definitely an “OBS problem”. There is no stuttering at all when recording with the Elgato 4K Capture Utilitie - even after hours of recording - but I won't be recording with it all the time as there are too few audio settings and no ability to pause and resume a record without stopping it.


Active Member
In a single pc setup, it is a performance hit to use a capture card over the game capture source, regardless of how powerful the system is, because unlike game capture, the capture card needs to feed the video frames from off the video card.

Game capture uses a shared texture function to take the video frames from the game and put them into the OBS scene composition subsystem, both of which live on the video card, and when used with game capture, the frames DO NOT leave the video card for that process.

Video capture device sources are always external to the video card, and as such have to send the frames to the scene composition subsystem by way of the video card's PCI-E bus.


In a single pc setup, it is a performance hit to use a capture card over the game capture source, regardless of how powerful the system is, because unlike game capture, the capture card needs to feed the video frames from off the video card.

Game capture uses a shared texture function to take the video frames from the game and put them into the OBS scene composition subsystem, both of which live on the video card, and when used with game capture, the frames DO NOT leave the video card for that process.

Video capture device sources are always external to the video card, and as such have to send the frames to the scene composition subsystem by way of the video card's PCI-E bus.
All right, seems like a good explanation, thanx!
I agree, and also i have ordered a cheap capturecard on Amazon to try it, and i can confirm it had ZERO positive impact or visual improvement. OBS preview still looking choppy and jittering.


Ok guys, While it can be pretty obvious when internet says "match all the hertz and fps to be equally" it can be a pain to actually accomplish that. After lots of hours i am more than happy to share that i finally resolved my problems by using Custom Resolution Utility, wich you can use to customize the standard resolution and refresh rates that you can pick in Windows. I set everything to 60 hertz / Fps and made sure to not have many drops below that by turning down my in-game graphics. And now it's butter-smooth. From preview to recording.


Active Member
Yep, it's actually pretty simple. I've been recording stutter free for over 10 years on 3 different systems, 2600k/Fury-X, 6700k/GTX-1660 Super & now 12900k/3090.


However, i went to stream a little bit of Skyrim today, and back it was... Inside High Hrothgar and outside on the mountain in started to stutter again. Really hopeless here. What is your secret then, rockbottom?
I run a i59600KF, RTX3060TI and 16GBDDR4, M2SSD for Windows and SATA SSD for storage and recording.
It does not matter wheter i record, stream or just watch the OBS preview.
Sutter is there no matter what circumstance.
Last edited:


Active Member
I have everything set to 60HZ. Nvidia control panel settings are optimized provide maximum throughput & I only record to a Pro NVMe drive (or my TB NAS) & that's about it.


I have everything set to 60HZ. Nvidia control panel settings are optimized provide maximum throughput & I only record to a Pro NVMe drive (or my TB NAS) & that's about it.
Thank you very much for the reply again!

I have:
Set my 165hz monitor to exactly 60hz
Set my secundary monitor to also exactly 60hz
Both monitors had weird framerates originally, so i used Custom Resolution Utility.
Set my Nvidia v-sync ON
OBS video settings also 60 fps
Tried setting 60fps cap in Nvidia Inspector, but option is not there.
Connected main monitor with HDMI instead of DP, no difference

Even when i only watch the preview so no recording or streaming, the stutter starts at random moments.
When i set my OBS FPS to 30 the stutter is still there but less noticable due to the lower framerate.

Yesterday, my stutter occured in Skyrim.
Originally that game is capped to 60 fps i believe.
I will try to install a mod that pushes beyond 60 fps and also try other games.
Once i know more i will report here.


Active Member
I don't see a log from you in the thread, but if you post one with a recording/streaming session, I'll take a look to see if there's any issues with your OBS set-up.


I don't see a log from you in the thread, but if you post one with a recording/streaming session, I'll take a look to see if there's any issues with your OBS set-up.
Thanks again for helping me!
Today i decided to quit spending time on it, i spent the last 3 weekends on it including every evening.
I currently have other things to focus on in life, so maybe i'll pick it up later.
It's causing me too much stress / time that i can't have right now.

Again, thank you for beeing willing to look at it, maybe in the future!