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I just reinstalled, the scene is composed from a background image, the camera and camera overlay image. No settings were changed/touched, went straight into simple, adjusted bitrate and enabled replay buffer. Never went to advanced output mode.
I did wipe all the settings from AppData\Roaming\obs-studio.

Here's the result:

Same stuff in log file about VBV buffer ( along with the json error ).

I will try portable mode i guess, no idea wth.
Btw i am using 17.2.1 AMD Driver if that matters.


Active Member
I just reinstalled, the scene is composed from a background image, the camera and camera overlay image. No settings were changed/touched, went straight into simple, adjusted bitrate and enabled replay buffer. Never went to advanced output mode.
I did wipe all the settings from AppData\Roaming\obs-studio.

Here's the result:

Same stuff in log file about VBV buffer ( along with the json error ).

I will try portable mode i guess, no idea wth.
Btw i am using 17.2.1 AMD Driver if that matters.

Found the bug, 18.0 will hopefully have a fixed version out. No "official" build due to 2.0.0 being the primary development target at the moment.


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First Submission time is the time it takes for the encoder to initialize. This is normally around ~0.01ms but on your system it was a lot higher.

There should be no difference in terms of encoding with those settings. Both produce identical results, as Simple Mode (Streaming) sets the following (and leaves the rest at default):
  • Usage: Transcoding (Default)
  • Profile: High
  • Rate Control Method: Constant Bitrate (Default)
  • Filler Data: Enabled (Default)
  • Keyframe Interval: 2.0 Seconds (Default)
  • User Defined: Bitrate, Quality Preset
While Advanced Mode with Twitch preset sets the following:
  • Usage: Transcoding (Default)
  • Profile: Main (Default)
  • Profile Level: Automatic (Default)
  • Rate Control Method: Constant Bitrate (Default)
  • QP Min/Max: Restore Default (Default)
  • Filler Data: Enabled (Default)
  • Keyframe Interval: 2.0 Seconds (Default)
  • Scan Type: Progressive (Default)
  • Motion Estimation: Both (Default)
  • User Defined: Bitrate (at least 500kbit), Quality Preset]
So, the only difference in things being set is Profile, which is set to Main instead of High in advanced output.

Did you record any of the sessions? If it was the simple one, try starting the recording and then starting the stream instead of the other way around.

OK! lol here is my log files from my recordings today both with your encoder and the one i currently use, i recorded my normal games with obs default encoder and starwars battlefront which obs and mysystem are not able to record with out framy recordings for your encoder and i got 60fps recording great audio and picture perfect smooth recordings :D 100% amazing i can now start to record the games i other wise was unable too.

I'll include my logs so that you can look through if you have 5 min and let me know if there is any way to improve what already looks like perfection and if there is any issues i should be aware off, and maybe check my first submission time and see it's been sorted :D

THANK YOU SO MUCH! for all your help, and have a great day!


  • logs.rar
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Xaymar updated AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder Plugin for OBS Studio with a new update entry: - The Encoder Rebirth Update (Pre-Release)

"And on the third month after the last patch, the encoder shall be reborn!" - These Patch Notes
And with that said, the AMD Encoder Plugin makes a big return, bringing with it much needed performance and latency improvements, HEVC Encoder support, Pre-Pass Mode, VBAQ and many more improvements and fixes. Two of the mos

Advanced Video Coding (AVC) Encoder

The AVC Encoder has seen a much needed update, reducing encoding latency and CPU usage while keeping the same performance as...

Read the rest of this update entry...


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I'm kind of confused. When I downloaded OBS it already has a (AMD advanced Media Framework) option in the encoder settings. Should I install this pluging anyway? And if yes, How I do install it? Just running the .exe file? Hope you can help me. Thanks

This plugin is the solo (non-bundled) version of the plugin, which receives updates at a much faster rate than OBS itself. Since OBS can only update the plugin by pushing out a new version, I offer a solo installer for just the plugin related things. If the version you have right now works fine, you shouldn't install this. And finally, the .exe (installer) will install it to the known obs-studio directory.


New Member
This plugin is the solo (non-bundled) version of the plugin, which receives updates at a much faster rate than OBS itself. Since OBS can only update the plugin by pushing out a new version, I offer a solo installer for just the plugin related things. If the version you have right now works fine, you shouldn't install this. And finally, the .exe (installer) will install it to the known obs-studio directory.

Oh ok! thanks for the explanation. Im using OBS's original AMD encoder but for some reason it doesn't seem to be smooth as I would like it to be. It looks kind of blurry when Im moving fast in the game. I have tried both CBR and VBR_LAT but it goes blurry anyways. I don't know if it has to be with my bitrate settings or something. Should I try with your plugin? I have a Radeon 290x.


Great to see the update being out!
But I just realized I cannot enable replay buffer without switching to simple output mode... I can then choose the AMD encoder but I cannot choose which codec it should use, and as such it's using h264. Is there a way to use HEVC with replays?

E: Tested some settings for local recordings, and these are my current ones - is there something I could change, or something that I should not have touched? Seems to be working fine, recordings are good, there's still some stuttering but I'm quite sure they're not as noticable as before on h264.

Also what I noticed is that after I enable OpenCL, apply settings and go back to settings, OpenCL is already disabled. Is that by design?
Last edited:


Hi Xaymar,

I can't seem to be able to set keyframes i change them to 3-5 and as soon as i close obs it goes back to 2


Active Member
Great to see the update being out!
But I just realized I cannot enable replay buffer without switching to simple output mode... I can then choose the AMD encoder but I cannot choose which codec it should use, and as such it's using h264. Is there a way to use HEVC with replays?

E: Tested some settings for local recordings, and these are my current ones - is there something I could change, or something that I should not have touched? Seems to be working fine, recordings are good, there's still some stuttering but I'm quite sure they're not as noticable as before on h264.

Also what I noticed is that after I enable OpenCL, apply settings and go back to settings, OpenCL is already disabled. Is that by design?

Replay Buffer will eventually be available for advanced output. As for why OpenCL reverts to Disabled (which only happens in the Streaming tab) I have no idea.

Hi Xaymar,

I can't seem to be able to set keyframes i change them to 3-5 and as soon as i close obs it goes back to 2

Remove any presets you have selected.


Replay Buffer will eventually be available for advanced output. As for why OpenCL reverts to Disabled (which only happens in the Streaming tab) I have no idea.

Remove any presets you have selected.

Hi thank you for that do you have any recommended settings i should use, after the update im getting 59 fps on the recordings not 60 fps but that might had just been a one time thing


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    33.1 KB · Views: 30


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Hi thank you for that do you have any recommended settings i should use, after the update im getting 59 fps on the recordings not 60 fps but that might had just been a one time thing

The log reveals that the input queue was full, which usually only happens if there's no GPU memory left or if the encoder is too busy pulling things from RAM or pushing things back to RAM. Even with that, only 135 frames were skipped in encoding and 84 were skipped due to rendering lag/stalls. So overall you should have gotten 60 fps in everything but one section which is exactly at 00:11:12.396 and lasts about 2 seconds (game loading?).


The log reveals that the input queue was full, which usually only happens if there's no GPU memory left or if the encoder is too busy pulling things from RAM or pushing things back to RAM. Even with that, only 135 frames were skipped in encoding and 84 were skipped due to rendering lag/stalls. So overall you should have gotten 60 fps in everything but one section which is exactly at 00:11:12.396 and lasts about 2 seconds (game loading?).

I feel like im such a pain in the backside lol, made another recording with 7 days to die to test everything properly, and got a few framy sections and one from what i see discoloration in the video too, really want this to work as it means i can record starwars battlefront, which normal obs encoders have a hard time with on my system, maybe i'll go back the the previous version until you have gotten a few more updates out for your latest one, not being rude or saying its crap i love it but I record everyday my normal games and get no issues and recorded today with your last version perfectly, here's my logs from the last recording.

p.s. I am almost 99% positive that its a config issue on my side but just don't have a clue which setting or settings i have done wrong, i'm a noob at this kind of thing, normaly follow online guides and stuff lol


  • logs.rar
    34.8 KB · Views: 32


Active Member
I feel like im such a pain in the backside lol, made another recording with 7 days to die to test everything properly, and got a few framy sections and one from what i see discoloration in the video too, really want this to work as it means i can record starwars battlefront, which normal obs encoders have a hard time with on my system, maybe i'll go back the the previous version until you have gotten a few more updates out for your latest one, not being rude or saying its crap i love it but I record everyday my normal games and get no issues and recorded today with your last version perfectly, here's my logs from the last recording.

p.s. I am almost 99% positive that its a config issue on my side but just don't have a clue which setting or settings i have done wrong, i'm a noob at this kind of thing, normaly follow online guides and stuff lol

Have you tried increasing Keyframe Interval to 5 or so? As for the discoloration, make sure to select 709 Color Space in OBS Advanced Settings, as it is the new more modern format. Any other discoloration is caused by the player.

Also, the update does say pre-release, which means that it's pre-alpha/beta/release. It contains tested code but I'm gathering more data for issues that appear.

Having this issue when trying to download the plugin. took too long to respond.

Problem with Amazon S3.
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