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New Member
I have something strange in my log file. I don't have any problems with streaming, but these 3 lines keep repeating on an on and I get like 200Mb log files.

22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFDeviceDX11Impl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\DeviceDX11Impl.cpp(200):AMF_ERROR 18 : AMF_DIRECTX_FAILED: CreateNativeSurface(format, width, height, true, (void**)&pSurface)
22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFSurfaceImpl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\SurfaceImpl.cpp(292):AMF_ERROR 18 : AMF_DIRECTX_FAILED: AllocPlanes()- CreateSurface
22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFDeviceDX11Impl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\DeviceDX11Impl.cpp(162):COM failed, HR = 80070057:CreateNativeSurface - CreateTexture2D failed

log file


Active Member
I have something strange in my log file. I don't have any problems with streaming, but these 3 lines keep repeating on an on and I get like 200Mb log files.

22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFDeviceDX11Impl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\DeviceDX11Impl.cpp(200):AMF_ERROR 18 : AMF_DIRECTX_FAILED: CreateNativeSurface(format, width, height, true, (void**)&pSurface)
22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFSurfaceImpl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\SurfaceImpl.cpp(292):AMF_ERROR 18 : AMF_DIRECTX_FAILED: AllocPlanes()- CreateSurface
22:55:10.409: [AMF Encoder] [22:55:10.361][AMFDeviceDX11Impl]    Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\DeviceDX11Impl.cpp(162):COM failed, HR = 80070057:CreateNativeSurface - CreateTexture2D failed

log file

You either have your OBS color format set to anything but NV12 or are using Windows 7. Windows 7 support is rather experimental at best.


New Member
why via AMD record contrast so low ? (Twitch preset 3500)


  • 123123.jpg
    206.1 KB · Views: 86


New Member
Your player isn't using the correct color range. The footage produced by default is partial range and your player is responsible for converting that back.

maybe it is OBS problen
records this img not shows all white rows (that is 16-235, right?) but when i check in pleyer render "use 16-235 color range" - i see all white graduation rows

PS like messed up settings in OBS, when i select Partial color range, i see all white range of this image (236-253) in record file
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Suslik V

Active Member
@leporel Setup your PC that you can view any test videos and charts from the the link in its normal state. If your player fail to decode any of the videos in the right way, then you can't proceed with AMD encoder any further.


Hi there, just wanted to ask a question and hopefully it hasn't already been answered or too dumb a question :D

If i use this instead of OBS's standard Encoder will i get better performance both local recording and streaming?
I currently record with 60fps, CRF 15, Superfast, MP4 with two seperate audios at 1080 resolution.
So basically want to know will it increased recording efficiency, and still provide as good if not better (less laggy) recordings, as obs does still tell me it's overloaded at times(not often but it does happen).

My System:
24 GB DDR3
Gigabyte 990FX-GAMING
250 GB SSD (Windows)
250 GB HHD (Recordings)
1 TB HHD (Games & Software) << to be updated to a 1 TB Hybrid drive later on.
750W PSU
CPU is AIO Water Cooled
GPU is Air Cooled
Case has 8 fans

Thank you for your time :D


@DxLwebs Your CPU may be limiting you. Have you considered preparing to switch to Ryzen once it's out?

Hi yes i have thought about it, but with 3 kids money is tight as always, i'm in the middle of building my wife a video editing PC from the older parts of my PC as i upgrade often lol, so this CPU will go to her and i will be getting a AMD FX-8370 8-CORE 4.0GHz or the AMD FX-9590 8C 220W AM3+ 16M 4.7G BLACK, but i do agree the cpu is whats getting bottlenecked, i had to change boards to help with the heat lol and i ride my pc hard af :) but sadly AM4 is still very much a while away for me as it will require and entirely new board cpu(ofcause) and ddr4 ram i would think

Thats why i was hoping this would help the CPU release some of the stress over to the gpu


@DxLwebs I wouldn't spend any more money on buying current AMD CPUs, they're just not going to help you much and it's generally not worth it. I'd say you should save money for a bit longer, maybe even until Ryzen 5 is released (only Ryzen 7 processors will be released at March).


@DxLwebs I wouldn't spend any more money on buying current AMD CPUs, they're just not going to help you much and it's generally not worth it. I'd say you should save money for a bit longer, maybe even until Ryzen 5 is released (only Ryzen 7 processors will be released at March).
Very true :) but the wife needs the pc to edit her videos as she uses a crappy laptop right now, and it will give a bit of a performance boost not a big one but a lil bit of a boost which will hold me over until i'm able to save up for the new ryzen cpu setup


@DxLwebs I still would hold from it, unless you find a really good deal.
For video editing and rendering, this FX CPU can perform at a level close to 3rd gen Core i5, or even Core i7 if it's overclocked. She will definitely feel a huge boost compared to whatever laptop she has now :)


@DxLwebs I still would hold from it, unless you find a really good deal.
For video editing and rendering, this FX CPU can perform at a level close to 3rd gen Core i5, or even Core i7 if it's overclocked. She will definitely feel a huge boost compared to whatever laptop she has now :)

Yeah totally agree specially with adobe's gpu enhancer the rendering and stuff will be 100%+ better and faster, i might just buy a FX-8350 as their cheap as hell and OC it a bit.

thnx for the help bud :)


Active Member
If i use this instead of OBS's standard Encoder will i get better performance both local recording and streaming?

It definitely will, GPU Encoding takes a huge chunk of work away from the CPU and uses dedicated HW instead of wasting CPU cycles.

I currently record with 60fps, CRF 15, Superfast, MP4 with two seperate audios at 1080 resolution.

A R9 390 should be capable of 1920x1080 at solid 60 fps with the highest Quality preset in the encoder and to match CRF 15 you can use Constant QP at 15 (even though CQP at 15 is highly overkill, you will get near-indistinguishable footage at 18 already). I recommend using the "Indistinguishable" preset if you are using the Advanced Output mode.

So basically want to know will it increased recording efficiency, and still provide as good if not better (less laggy) recordings, as obs does still tell me it's overloaded at times(not often but it does happen).

See above. If it runs into overloaded Encoding then you might have better luck enabling OpenCL surface transmission, which takes another huge chunk of work from the CPU and pushes it to the GPU. It is available when you select View Mode Advanced.


It definitely will, GPU Encoding takes a huge chunk of work away from the CPU and uses dedicated HW instead of wasting CPU cycles.

A R9 390 should be capable of 1920x1080 at solid 60 fps with the highest Quality preset in the encoder and to match CRF 15 you can use Constant QP at 15 (even though CQP at 15 is highly overkill, you will get near-indistinguishable footage at 18 already). I recommend using the "Indistinguishable" preset if you are using the Advanced Output mode.

See above. If it runs into overloaded Encoding then you might have better luck enabling OpenCL surface transmission, which takes another huge chunk of work from the CPU and pushes it to the GPU. It is available when you select View Mode Advanced.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond :) have a great weekend, i got a lot of testing to do now :D


It definitely will, GPU Encoding takes a huge chunk of work away from the CPU and uses dedicated HW instead of wasting CPU cycles.
A R9 390 should be capable of 1920x1080 at solid 60 fps with the highest Quality preset in the encoder and to match CRF 15 you can use Constant QP at 15 (even though CQP at 15 is highly overkill, you will get near-indistinguishable footage at 18 already). I recommend using the "Indistinguishable" preset if you are using the Advanced Output mode.
See above. If it runs into overloaded Encoding then you might have better luck enabling OpenCL surface transmission, which takes another huge chunk of work from the CPU and pushes it to the GPU. It is available when you select View Mode Advanced.

for some reason i was only able to get it to record at 43fps, not sure why, I'm pretty sure its because of a bad config i probably made lol, but i did notice a massive improvement in performance.

basically this is how i record:
I play highly intensive games pushing my system to its max most of the time, in game for games like ARK: Survival Evolved i get anywhere from 30-50 fps if its a highly built up place with tons of dinos at times it'l drop to 19 and then shoot straight back up, so i have OBS set to record at 60fps no matter what the fps is actually at in the game, recording at 60fps makes the video even if i lag a little the recording looks better.

i believe obs and my card was trying to record at the fps i was actually playing at rather than the set 60.

is there anyway to make sure that no matter what the games are being played at it will always record at 60fps?
having it record at a steady(stable) 60 means that when editing and encoding the audios do not go out of synch plus looks a lot sharper, i did also notice a colour change in the amd recording vs the obs x264 recordings while viewing them in VLC

sorry to be a pain :D and thanks for your time in all this


New Member
I have a question for you fine gentlemen!

PC relevant Stats
AMD 290x
16 gig ram

I'm been streaming(720p30) on twitch with OBS Studio just fine for around a year now in case VODs need to be seen. I use the standard encoder of x264, bit rate of 3000 and I'm able to stream just about any game I want with great quality, no dropped frames, and pretty much flawless across the board.

ONLY game I have issues with is H1Z1 kotk, granted its unoptimized garbage and extremely CPU heavy for what it is. I've been looking at ways to resolve this issue(I know i7 4790k would be quickest option) and one thought was to unload some of the CPU load to the GPU in hopes that it would be streamable.

So I duplicated my current profile and only changed the encoder to H264 media whatever, but I'm unable to test. When I hit start it doesn't do anything. I was hoping someone knows what is the hang up here, and why it isn't wanting to connect to twitch?



Forum Admin
I have a question for you fine gentlemen!

PC relevant Stats
AMD 290x
16 gig ram

I'm been streaming(720p30) on twitch with OBS Studio just fine for around a year now in case VODs need to be seen. I use the standard encoder of x264, bit rate of 3000 and I'm able to stream just about any game I want with great quality, no dropped frames, and pretty much flawless across the board.

ONLY game I have issues with is H1Z1 kotk, granted its unoptimized garbage and extremely CPU heavy for what it is. I've been looking at ways to resolve this issue(I know i7 4790k would be quickest option) and one thought was to unload some of the CPU load to the GPU in hopes that it would be streamable.

So I duplicated my current profile and only changed the encoder to H264 media whatever, but I'm unable to test. When I hit start it doesn't do anything. I was hoping someone knows what is the hang up here, and why it isn't wanting to connect to twitch?


Can you post a log? Start OBS, try to record, Help -> Log Files -> Upload Current Log and then post the link here.

However, from the post if you're trying to use the Media Foundation VCE encoder, which was deprecated in favor of the proper AMF plugin. Let's verify you're using the right one here.
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