I figured it out. Thank you for the showing me how to find the process. I found that "AgentServices.exe" was taking up that port and I ended the process in Task Manager. My account is now connected and I've learned a new CMD command.I have just released a new version which does include the necessary binaries once again.
However, it might still be necessary that you install the latest release of the the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, which can be found here.
That either means that you have some sort of firewall in place which prevents binding to that port or something is already using that port.
You might be able to find out which process is using this port by runningnetstat -a -b
If you can't figure out what the issue is we can also try to modify your settings file and manually enter the token there.
Feel free to contact me directly in this case (just to avoid accidentally leaking your token here).
Thank you so much :)