I noticed that our macro actions are slightly different here. Is it good?
I'm still using an older version. That might be the difference. Think through what it says and what that means. Seeing the other choices for that setting, and thinking through what *they* mean, may also help to understand *that* choice.
Also is everything on my general tab okay?
Looks good to me, except for the scan interval. 300ms is slow enough to see, if you pay attention to it. Like I said, I like to set mine as fast it it will go, which for me is 50ms. You can't see that.
1) I have two scene collections (recording and live-streaming). I have made macro rules for the recording. If I make a new set for the livestream will there be any issues? Or does the macro only work when the scenes are available in the selected collection?
All of Adv. SS settings are in the Scene Collection. So if you load a new Collection, you get a whole different set of settings and macros.
2) What if I need to step away for my live stream and set it to a different scene that isn’t on the macro. Will it simply continue or will it continue when I click back on a scene that is in the macro?
Each macro runs independently. If it's looking for Scene X for Y seconds, and you switch away from Scene X before that, then the condition never becomes true.
In fact, that's how you escape this sequence: just switch to something else, and the next step is not triggered. If you did it with a single macro and an alternating chain of Switches and Waits, then the Wait would keep running, and the next Switch would happen anyway. So I don't like the single-macro method with Waits.
3) Does the Advanced Scene Switcher only start when I press start recording or start streaming?
That's a setting towards the top of the General tab. I set mine to always be running all the time. Sometimes that causes some macros to run unexpectedly when I'm still working on them, but by the time I go live, they're all worked out so they won't.
And, always-running allows you to do other things too, like start recording or streaming at a given time or by some some other trigger.
Also, I see that you're looking for the "Recording - Split" scene "For exactly" 6 minutes. Looking for something exact is usually a "bug magnet". A classic example from the larger world of programming might be:
if (x == 5)
print_line("x is 5!");
//do other stuff
And the printout might be:
Notice there's no 5, and the special announcement didn't happen.
It's much more reliable to look for a threshold instead of an exact value. In your case, that would be "For at least" instead of "For exactly".
And use the "only on change" checkbox to keep that from repeating. In fact, I have that box checked for *all* of my macros, whether they need it or not.