If they both receive MIDI, do they both grab exclusive control of that MIDI input? If so, then you have the same problem that sound and video used to have (video still does on Windows), where the first device to ask for it gets it, and everything else is either denied or gets an easy-to-generate blank stream. This leads to all kinds of tricks, and routing between apps, to get everything to where it needs to go while technically satisfying the exclusivity rule.I ran into another issue, I use controller akai apc40 to run ableton, but when I launch the software - advanced scene switcher stops responding, and vise versa, when advanced scene switcher is running - akai apc40 does not catchup with ableton... Is it impossible to run them both simultaneously?
If all you need in Adv. SS is a button or two, can you use hotkeys instead of MIDI? Then the MIDI controller goes to the DAW. There are USB numpads available, that might fit next to the MIDI controller, but keep in mind that your normal keyboard will also have the same hotkeys. It's not specific to the physical keyboard.