rendering lag

  1. xKiichan

    OBS rendering lag even WITHOUT streaming/recording

    I've had this problem for about a week & it's driving me crazy. I know there are already other posts like this, many of which I've already seen & tried, but none of them really helped...;; Issue: The FPS drops abysmally low & it's not a one-off thing like what happens sometimes when there's a...
  2. G

    rendering lag and encoder overload

    Bonjour, je vais vous expliquer mon problème qui dure depuis un moment et je n'arrive pas à trouver le problème même avec de l'aide. Quand je streame, j'ai des saccades, des retours en arrière. J'ai essayé différentes résolutions de flux avec différents FPS Pour la sortie, j'ai essayé tous les...
  3. Z

    Sudden Encoding/Rendering Lag

    Hello! I've been streaming for a few years and recently ran into an issue with OBS that I have NO idea how to solve. I'm not very tech savvy when it comes to things like this but I've been using the same hardware, settings and have never had a network issue before. A few weeks ago I loaded up...
  4. R

    Getting 25% if rendering lag what could it be?

    This is a pc used only for streaming btw currently trying to minimize the stress on the system checked the logs and i see 25% rendering lag is the only thing popping up in critical
  5. A

    Frames Missed Due to Rendering Lag

    I am having issues just having OBS open (not even recording or streaming). My stats show a rendering lag. Ive already deleted several scenes, changed FPS to 30, and none of this seems to fix the issue. I am worried because I recently started live streaming and in my last stream, all of a sudden...
  6. P

    Rendering Lag while streaming, but GPU usage at 40%.

    Hello, I normally stream at 1080p / 60fps. Haven't had an issue with a game at these settings for quite some time. I play games on all ultra settings at 1440p, with frames globally capped at 100 fps. I wanted to test out Starfield on stream, and holy hell the rendering lag went through the...
  7. S

    Can no longer stream more then a hour....

    I have no clue what to do, before all of this I was able to stream for hours but now once I get to around 30 to 35 minuets in I start to see "Skipped frames due to encoding lag" & Frames missed due to rendering lag start going up gradually even hit 500+ at some point. On top of that my obs...
  8. L

    Encoding overload This is just 1 log. But I've been having GPU and Encoding overload at around 0.4% for a long time now. My games have always felt off when I record. I thought it was just performance anxiety, but I did blind tests and can 100% of the time tell when...
  9. E

    OBS Develops Rendering Lag/Encoder Overload Over Time

    I'm hoping to see if someone can spot the source of my issue as I tried to explore different options. I noticed while streaming Sea of Thieves over a long period of time that I will eventually begin developing rendering lag and encoder overload as I continue to stream longer. At first, I thought...
  10. P

    Rendering lag

    Hello guys. I have a problem, the settings are literally on the lowest and 25 fps, but when capturing a game with display capture (osu), the fps drops from 25 to 13 or less. I have obs in Administrator, high priority, disabled hardware and lowest possible settings. Log...
  11. ale1ver

    Max Audio Buffering, Rendering Lag, GPU Encoder Overload

    Hey guys, thanks for reading, I'm new to this kind of stuff, however I have more than 20 days in a row trying to get my streams/recording in a decent way. Still I'm facing different issues. At the moment I'm getting Max Audio Buffering with rendering lag and gpu encoder overload. All my games...
  12. D

    Skipped frames due to rendering lag PLEASE HELP!!!

    I am live streaming not recording. I am having an issue where games will run fine for about (depending on the game) 10 min to 2 hours but mostly around the 10 to 15 min then just major stuttering, so bad that it crashes my gpu unless I stop game play. I have tried to down scale resolutions to...
  13. T

    Output Video looks Very Choppy

    Hey y'all, I've been working on trying to fix this for several hours now and I still cannot get to the bottom of why my videos are suddenly coming out super choppy/laggy. A few weeks ago I was able to record just fine but now I'm having issues. I've tried turning Game Mode, DVR, Bar, and GPU...
  14. Akilis

    Slight loss of frames from OBS 28

    Hello there, I know it's been talked about a billion times but I've never really found a solution - apart from downgrading to 27.0 - and with the new 29.0 version I couldn't fix it either. So maybe I can't search, maybe I don't use the right keywords, anyway here I am today. The problem is...
  15. R

    used to run smooth streams, now I'm dropping frames when streaming/recording.

    This issue has come up recently. it hasn't happened at all until recently, been able to record/stream, even do both at times with no issues with frame dropping, until a week and a half ago, I've now started suffering from frame drops. I have a killer pc that can perform these task at once and...
  16. S

    I cant stream for more than 60 FPS no matter the resolution

    I haven't been able to stream or record over 60 FPS on any game lately. I have a fairly decent rig that has a: i7-8700k 2070 RTX 32 GB of DDR4 I have been able to run 900p at 60 fps in the past, so I don't know what the issue is anymore, I have tried lowering encoding presets, running obs as...
  17. 2

    OBS Audio buffering

    So recently my Warzone streams have started to have lots of audio buffering out of no where. It says im not dropping frames or anything like that but when im tabbed into warzone the audio buffering is really bad. Ive posted my log file and looked in the analyser and it says audio buffering due...
  18. M

    persistent GPU encoder lag, skips, and overload with 3080 Ti and 3950x CPU

    Hi! I'm really hoping someone can help me, I've been troubleshooting something that started happening a couple months ago and still can't find an old topic that helps or quite fits. Sorry for how long this is, trying to be as thorough as I can! My PC specs are: Windows 10 Pro (21H2)...
  19. TheMad_N

    Sudden Encoding Overload

    Today I stumbled upon a very interesting message during my stream: encoding overloaded. The thing is, I have been using the same settings for months now, and havent had a single encoding issue until today. I tried several changes that I found online, but nothing seems to solve the issue. When...
  20. deadtomb

    frames dropped due to rendering lag but GPU usage is low

    I'm running a very simple scene on my slow slow macbook. The scene is basically a video play back and a camera capture placed left and right. I didn't use streaming nor recording since the scene is to be projected via HDMI. The problem is that frame dropped due to rendering lag is very high. (...