lag issues

  1. B

    Question / Help Please Help/ Recording Issues

    Log File: I really don't know what could be going wrong. I am just trying to record some Rainbow Six Siege with some friends but whenever I record, the videos come out unbearably choppy and laggy. Audio is fine but the quality of the video is...
  2. Crayozo

    Question / Help Choppy/Laggy Recordings

    I have spent the past 5 hours looking up youtube videos on "Best OBS recording settings" and here is my problem. I play most of my games with 200+ fps when I record and when I don't record. It is not my game that is lagging, but the recording itself is extremely laggy and choppy. I have become...
  3. C

    Question / Help Laggy Recording, even with high end Hardware

    Hey everyone, I use OBS to capture and stream gaming content (not both at the same time). I want to record at high quality settings, because..... why not (my Hardware should be powerful enough). I want 1080p 60 fps capture without having bad picture quality. I used many different settings (cbr...
  4. A

    Question / Help Computer Lag

    Hi everyone, I was wondering why my computer was lagging when I was trying to record 1080p League Of Legends Content. My rig should be able to do it with a breeze but I don't know why it can't. Here are my specs: Dell G7 Laptop: I7-8750H 8 Cores 4.1ghz GTX 1060 6gb MAX-Q 8gb RAM 128GB SSD 1tb...
  5. J

    Question / Help Shuttering and Lag when recording

    Hi, So the last 6 months I've moved from Action! to OBS for recording games to my Youtube channel. It has been working flawlessly but in the past couple of months OBS just hasn't been working. It started out with just recording a still image with flawless audio in the background to now recording...
  6. L

    Question / Help OBS Weird lag

    Hello! My friend has been experiencing a weird lag issue when streaming any game. Fps is fine (Usually sits around 120 in most games) and so is the stream, however for him, in his monitor he can see it lagging/tearing and chopping. The issue stops as soon as he stop streaming/recording with obs...
  7. C

    Question / Help Recording choppy, while high frames in game.

    Hey. I'm having this problem, where although I'm getting a solid 100+ fps in game, the footage i record ends up being extremely choppy. Around 10 FPS or so. This is specifically when I'm in a forested area in a game called Rust, for example. I've also gotten this lag in other games, but I could...
  8. D

    Question / Help I seemed to have checked all the boxes but, still lagging (log file included).

    First things first around here, right? a log. okay how about more than one log. Most recent stream: a larger log file: (someone tell me how to find it and if you need It or another one in general I will get it. Second thing is second. Upload speed...
  9. E

    Question / Help MInecraft Lag when OBS is open

    Hey all, So my problem is this: just starting working with OBS to try and do some recording, all well and good. Sorted out the settings, that was all fine. But when I went to play some Minecraft, the title screen is so laggy that it's impossible to use. I don't know exactly what my FPS was, but...
  10. S

    Question / Help Heavy scenes drop quality & FPS hard with good hardware

    Hey all, I'll cut to the point. I record scrims for a team I play on and my last recording was atrocious in fights. I record at 40000 kpbs, 1080p with no downscaling, one 320kbps audio stream (because f*ck you too, Premiere Pro) and output to an .mp4 with CBR on veryfast, I believe. I have...
  11. S

    Question / Help Computer Performance Gone when OBS is simply open with any game.

    EDIT: This log doesn't show even recording because my computer performance fell so much that I couldn't even get it to click, and eventually if I let it stay open, would issue a BsoD error. I've run every test and reinstall under the sun and I can't figure this one out. The hardware isn't even...
  12. D

    Question / Help Games scenes LAG

    Hey guys, i have strange problem. On few games when there are Games Scenes ( when characters are talking or something like that or when there is a little bit movie in the game) i got lag when i record. When i play there is no lag at all. Only when i watch the video. My computer is : GPU - Ati...
  13. D

    Question / Help CS:GO capped to 60Hz (or lower) on a 144Hz monitor when OBS is opened

    Heyo! Let me start by saying, that I am using a 144Hz main monitor, and a 60Hz secondary monitor. This itself does cause issues in specific cases, however, this one only appears when I try streaming csgo. Basically, whenever OBS is opened, and I'm trying to stream CS, it will cause the game to...
  14. D

    Bug Report OBS LAG(Frame Drop) PLS HELP

    HI, my obs start laging today he drop frames like its 60 few seconds and drop 15 ot its 30....15...30...8 like that i try to stream with Processor with QuickSync and GPU my PC is i5-2320 3Ghz 4cores RX 550 4GB 128bit 8 GB Ram 1333Hz 1TB of Hard Only program run on pc is OBS and game Fortnite...
  15. T

    Question / Help My OBS Studio recordings is laggy

    I updated my Windows to the new October update and my OBS Studio recordings started to lag a lot and a lot of frame drops. Tried to reinstall obs studio but din\t work. I have the same settings as before. Settings--------------------------------------------------------- NVENC H.264 CBR 25000...
  16. O

    Bug Report fps drop

    Hey recently when i open a game wile obs is on obs for some reason drops fps and goes crazy and i have to open the game first and then open obs. This could happen when i am not streaming or recording i tried re downloading it still happens if you can help i highly appreciate it !!!!
  17. R

    Question / Help Bad lag and low frame rate when streaming

    Hey, I need help fixing lag and low frame rates while using OBS studio, I will make a disclaimer by saying I'm not all that knowledgeable with computers, so sorry if I come across as ignorant heheh Last log file: Computer specs: i7-4800MQ cpu @...
  18. X

    Question / Help Sound issues with OBS and Twitch

    Hello, i have some sound issues during the stream. I stream League of Legends and i listen to music in Spotify. My problem is that if i am Live the sound basically laggs. So the music and ingame sound is playing and than in the Stream there is no continuous normal sound because there are gaps...
  19. A

    Question / Help Stream lagging BAD only Overwatch

    Hi, so recently my stream has started lagging BAD when I play Overwatch, have tried Dead By Daylight and doesnt lag at all. I recently moved but this place has better internet (100mb down/110mb up). I have tried lowering bitrate, usually have it on 3500 but put it down to 3000 and more. Changed...
  20. R

    Question / Help Livestreaming lag issues after 2.0.2 update

    Hello I used to make streams with OBS at 720p 30 fps without problems but after downloading the update 2.0.2 now the stream lags with the same config I used before the update. And the option of screencapture on stram now don´t shows the screen Can anyone help me please? This are my actual settings