I use OBS.Live to stream. I just recently got a PC and was on a laptop wit a dual-core processor. I'm now on a Quad or Eight pending how you look at it. I'm also using the Elgato HD60 s to stream my game play from my PS4. This wasn't an issue on the ad laptop but now i got something way...
Hello, all!
I am reporting this issue to the OBS forums because I figured some of you would know some information about this bug. It is not directly OBS related I think but whenever I try to use Elgato to record/stream with my Switch it will crash my computer. Now, recently I had been having an...
Alright guys, I've hit the breaking point with OBS and I simply do not know what is causing this or how to fix it.
I've been experiencing audio popping while monitoring my Elgato Capture Card through OBS for playing Nintendo Switch games and it just won't go away no matter what I do. It does...
Hello All,
I've been in communication with ElGato hoping the issue was on their end but I see multiple users having similar issues. Can't seem to find the results in the threads after searching for a solution and after troubleshooting with ElGato over 10 emails over 2 weeks and talking to...
I’m streaming from my PS4 Pro through an Elgato HD60 S capture card into OBS on my Windows 10 MSi GE63 laptop. Everything works perfectly, but OBS stutters/lags if I don’t move the mouse for a while. As soon as I move the mouse, everything runs perfectly again. This actually happens whether I’m...
Hi, I've been having periodic disconnects from Restream.io while streaming from my Elgato card. I switched from Game Capture to OBS and I like OBS a lot more now that I'm on.
i have an idea but im not sure how or if its possible.
i want to use my stream deck to change a text source in OBS. if I have a text source with a number and then I press a key on the stream deck and it adds +1 to that number. like a scoreboard, I score a goal presses the key and it adds +1...
I use to record with OBS while running the Elgato but after an update and it's never been the same again with Elgato. I can't get it to work correctly. The top picture should look like the bottom picture but its not. My settings on the left is Elgato and on the right is for OBS. I don't know...
Hello all,
I have two issues I'm trying to address, both concerning recording video from my XBOX 360. I have a dedicated Recording-Only PC (i5-3570K, GTX 970 SC 4GB, 16GB DDR3, 500GB SSD + 1TB HDD) that does nothing but capture video from sources, whether it be my other computer or consoles...
i am trying to stream my xbox one with a elgato hd60 capture card through obs. I have my capture card setup in obs and its working fine.
But whenever i add my mic i cant hear my desktop audio at all. its still picking it up but its not playing for anything and i only have one mic and one set...
I have an issue when using my Elgato stream deck. Everytime I switch scenes using the stream deck, my OBS crashes. I have uploaded logs here: https://obsproject.com/logs/_sylQwTT4PHTvRTu Now, what you are going to say is that there is a problem with one of my Browser sources because at least 4...
Does anyone know why my OBS crashes when I use my Elgato stream deck to switch scenes?
I can't figure it out for the life of me. Here are my logs: https://obsproject.com/logs/XuZhzgUNSiE7V8k0
Apparently it is due to one of my Browser sources but, I swear to god I can't find out what source...
Deleted member 175885
browser source problem
crash browser
elgatoelgato stream deck
Hi, im new too this So im unsure if ive posted in the right area!
I have an ELGATO HD60. This is connected with the 2 hdmi's and the usb cable. All working and Displaying in elgato's Game capture software.
No matter what i do and how ive tried the sound doesnt work on OBS. I have set the video...
Hey what's going on guys!! I recently started streaming, and I purchased an Elgato HD60s to use as my capture device. I stream off of my Omen Gaming laptop, while playing the game on my Xbox one x. I added the Elgato to Capture my game gameplay On streamlabs OBS, and everything looks absolutely...
So for a couple months now my elgato and obs have not been working together, either obs will instantly crash, stop responding, open but with only a black screen or be stuck on one my moment please, is there a way to fix this? I attached a log file and 2 of the crash report I am not sure if...
I recently bought a second PC with Elgato HD60 Pro and i was wondering how to set it up. I'm using OBS on both PC's and i'm transfering a preview from my gaming PC to Elgato which is connected via HDMI from my graphics card to second PC. And the problem is that there's no sound transfered...
I record my Xbox with my Elgato, then record on OBS. My settings on the Elgato is 720p 30fps. Along with my OBS settings, they’re 720p 30fps and at 5000 bitrate. I keep my CPU preset at Ultrafast. Even if I make the preset ‘slower’ it’s still pixelated. And if I go up to 9000 bitrate; it’s still...
I have two Elgato HD60 Pros in my tower and I am able to capture two different games in two different scenes.
My bro and I want to stream the same game but with our own perspectives and switch between the two. The problem is whenever we switch scenes, OBS only detects one capture card's audio...
My streaming system is
CPU: AMD A8-6500 with Radeon HD Graphics
Ram: 16GB
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
I've been streaming with the Elgato Game Capture since 2014, and it runs perfect... I keep it at 720p 30fps for best compatability. (60FPS maxes out the processor, while 30 only uses like 40-50%)...
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