
  1. P

    Elgato HD60 s+ Black screen

    Hallo, ich hab mir die Elgato HD60 s+ gekauft und eingerichtet. PS4 mit der Elgato verbunden und alles klappt Bild und so kommt in der 4k Utility Anwendung In OBS habe ich dann eine Videoaufnahmegerät Szene gemacht und meine Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+ ausgewählt. Anstatt dem PS4 Menü kommt...
  2. F

    Distorted Audio When i Use Elgato Sound Capture and Sometime Video Choppy

    Hello I am new user of OBS I try to record my gameplay (just record) I use dual pc record I connect to PC use Elgato HD60 S+ To make output audio into my record pc i use Elgato Sound Capture When i use that software my audio got distorted, sometime the sound goes after video. I got choppy on...
  3. M

    Audio Default Settings Not Saving Between Restarts

    I'm new to OBS, my setup has two Elgato HD60 S capture cards and I'm handling audio through the analog connector on one of the cards. It outputs from a soundboard to the analog slot on the card. Whenever I launch OBS, it starts pulling audio through the HDMI which causes issues. If I close OBS...
  4. I

    Problem with Elgato Facecam & Elgato HD60 S+

    Hello everyone, i'm Michele and nice to meet you. I need help with this problem and i hope someone will help me. I use HD 60 S+ to acquire PS5 video and Elgato Facecam but OBS Studio (27.2.4 64-bit, windows) prevents me from activating both video sources at the same time. When i activate the...
  5. M

    Streamvideo is freezing for a couple seconds, audio continues

    Hi There, Problem: Whenever I stream & record my video has lags. Basically what happens is that my video us freezing for a couple seconds and then continues again as normal. Audio is uninterrupted. Example: https://www.facebook.com/madzed5/videos/546066193625902 0:55-0:57 Setup: Dual PC Setup...
  6. X

    OBS + Elgato Audio Problem [Elgato HD60S+]

    Hey guys, I have a huge problem. Namely, I connected my Nintendo Switch to the Elgato and of course to my PC. The problem now is: I can't get any audio output from the switch via OBS. Yesterday it worked for a while playing a game, then the audio got scratchy in between and when I tried to fix...
  7. LPDarkSoulsHD

    Recommended settings for better quality?

    Good evening, all. Can anyone help recommend the best setting for my setup to achieve higher quality recordings? My capture preview seems to drop frames and stutter in the preview window and these things end up in the recordings as well. I've spent many, many hours watching YouTube videos and...
  8. A

    NVENC Start Failure black screen

    Hi, I recently bought an elgato HD60x to be able to stream when I console game as well. Since hooking it up however my preview shows fine but whenever I record it is just a black screen with audio. After getting frustrated and deciding to just stream like usual no Elgato but I now appear to have...
  9. Z

    NDI Source: Capture Card - No Video

    I don't know where this problem came from, I streamed no problem this passed Wednesday but now the video from the capture card isn't going through and I don't understand why. I verified that the OBS link was up to date, updated OBS studio, and rebooted my notebook at least 3 times with no...
  10. M

    Elgato audio duplicating

    SO recently there was a delay with my Elgato audio i was able to fix it by setting mic/aux 2 to my Elgato audio. But now the problem is there's an echo that follows the audio, any way to fix it?
  11. C

    Elgato stutters dual pc setup after 10 minutes of playing

    Hello I have searched everywhere and could not find the solution literally anywhere I have been trying to fix this for days so I have a dual pc setup after 10 minutes of playing valorant the Elgato starts stuttering on stream and in obs. looks like I am running on 40fps but before the...
  12. S

    Canon m50 and Elgato camlink recording in OBS. Preview looks good, but recordings quality drop.

    https://obsproject.com/logs/hIiZD3e9WvQCngT- Hi there! I just got a camlink for my DSLR, and I am not a videophile, so I am having trouble with settings. For streaming and the preview before recording it looks pretty good (a smidge grainy), but after recording and going into the file, my videos...
  13. Z

    Elgato Facecam freezes

    So i got a Facecam about a month and a half ago, but haven't been able to use it because I didn't have enough watts in the power supply to power everything I have plugged in usb wise and my 3070 lol Well i got my new 1200 watt power supply and can finally have everything plugged in and my pc not...
  14. K

    Elgato HD60s+ Keeps dropping audio on OBS

    Please help, this is driving me mad! I have recently purchased an Elgato HD60s+ to stream from Xbox One to PC. When I first start up OBS the audio is crystal clear and working, however, after a couple of minutes (sometimes seconds) the game capture audio simply stops, after a few more seconds it...
  15. S

    help! When trying to set up audio from discord to obs, it only makes a weird squeaking noise.

    so obs is up to date, and discord and my soundboard (ableton) are in the same audio output (multi output device). i can hear everything that comes from ableton just fine, but the discord audio is super distorted. It happens when ableton is closed and the audios are separate, but no matter what...
  16. I

    Black Video output after finishing a recording

    Hello! I just came upon an issue where, when recording an elgato input, my finished file is black video, with no audio. I have included a log file with this post. The weirdest part is that, when recording the same setup last week, there was no issue, but now one has come up. Please advise.
  17. S

    MacBook M1 Pro with MacOS as streaming PC connected to windows gaming pc?

    Hello, i was wondering if it is possible to somehow use macbook as streaming pc. I was using my old PC with windows for streaming, but it looks like that right now the performance is not enough for both streaming and playing games. I want to buy new macbook mainly for my work, because i actually...
  18. P

    OBS and Elgato HD60 Pro Video lag

    Okay, Everyone wants to talk Audio lag NO. I have no ide what happened, within the last week My OBS no has at least a one second or more delay from input to Visualization; I say visualization because it's happening on my PlayStation or Xbox I'm just not seeing it or hearing it. This is off...
  19. M

    Automatic unchangeable false resolution using Elgato capture card

    Ive been streaming PS4 gameplay using an elgato capture card and OBS for weeks without issue. BUt for some reason today when I opened OBS, the size and quality of the PS4 capture were both changed. The size was an easy fix, but for some reason the video quality went down the drain and got blurry...
  20. S

    Elgato HD60 S+ Muffled/Distorted Audio When Streaming via OBS.

    Log File: https://obsproject.com/logs/lNVt7o50t1JoFF-b Hey hey, I just got a new Elgato HD60 S+ in today and I've set it up and when listening to the audio in the 4K Capture Utility program thats for it, the audio is just fine. However... when I go to OSB to start streaming it for either twitch...