
  1. P

    OBS Disconnect and Reconnect When connecting VR

    I was just forced to update to windows 11. Since then, I have not been able to stay connected to OBS once I connect my Quest2 via steamlink. I have attached logs from my last disconnects and crash. First I will list my settings/setup, the steps to repro the issue, then I will list the steps that...
  2. T

    Low Bitrate, Drop Bitrate, Good PC & Internect Speed, please help! :(

    Guys, I had a problem with my bitrate during the broadcast.. I have high Internet speed, a good PC, but at the same time my bitrate jumps from 6000 to 3000 or 4000 or even lower. I also ran tests in TwitchTest and the results were bad: This is connected to any twitch servers At the same...
  3. J

    Bad quality with AV1 in dark scenes?

    Hello Guys, I realized my youTube streams in AV1 look kinda sketchy, if i am playing games in a night setting. However, my twitch streams doesnt have the same problems, at least not that strong. The paradoxical thing is, my twitch streams use the H.264 encoder. No that one from obs, but the...
  4. T

    Bandwidth issues with twitch servers

    Hello,I'm having problems with the internet on one of my PCs, I've tried turning off the firewall, turning off the antivirus, restoring the default settings of the network adapter and nothing works for me. The 2 PCs are in the same network, with the same type of LAN cable, at the same distance...
  5. NickA

    Dropped Frames even with Fiber

    speeds are amazing, connection should be great; its fiber lol. so why am i still getting buffering on my streams/ dropped frames? gotta be a settings thing right? even have a new Ethernet PCIE card in my new computer. Current Log: this is a short...
  6. T

    very low bandwidth

    Hello guys! I have a problem with the stream bandwidth. Usually i've streaming with like 6000 bitrate, but now, when i'm starting stream, bitrate drops on 700-1500. How do i can fix it? Someone faced that problem? Attached my logs.
  7. J

    Dropped Frames Randomly

    I've streamed for around 5 months with the same setup, internet, and settings. Around a month ago, my viewers and I started noticing that my frames would drop in the middle of the stream, for a couple seconds at a time, and then go back to normal. I checked the logs afterwards, and noticed that...
  8. T

    Bandwidth is red (Very low-0 kb/s) but Internet is perfectly fine.

    (( LOGS )) As soon I go press the: Starting Streaming button, my bandwidth (color) will go red with significantly low kb/s (it is set to 4,500 kb/s) and most of the time will go to 0 kb/s and stay in 0 kb/s. This issue I have been having for a time now but not as bad as today; where I cannot go...
  9. P

    Bandwidth Issues

    Hi guys, I have been having an issue when trying to stream with obs, which involves bandwidth. for whatever reason my stream crashes after a few seconds due to bandwidth issues and after about five seconds, it comes back on. this happens every 5 minutes or so, if im lucky. I have exhausted my...
  10. D

    Stream disconnecting and reconnecting every 2 to 5 minutes

    I know there's a lot of people already posted this issue but I'm still hoping. So here are my log files right after obs reconnected again. OBS LOGS: OBS SETTINGS: SPEEDTEST RESULT...
  11. J

    Does "Refresh browser when scene becomes active" reduce bandwidth when pulling multiple sources from OBS Ninja?

    I have 10+ scenes on OBS Studio, each pulling a different video source via OBS Ninja for a live conference scenario. I would like to know whether ticking "Refresh browser when scene becomes active" will help to reduce bandwidth during the conference. When a scene is inactive, does it stop...
  12. A

    Stream consistently keeps disconnecting-(successfully)reconnecting every 2/5mins

    Based on the title given: - My internet is doing fine (35up, 35 down) - Output settings: - Stream: Twitch, Tokyo Region - Bandwidth Test: - Logs to my OBS:
  13. K

    Running into bandwidth issues (seemingly) out of nowhere

    I have started streaming recently and suddenly yesterday I started having bandwidth issues and as far as I can tell the internet is still 100%.I am playing the same game (suikoden II) and I don't think I changed any of the settings other than installing some extensions. When I looked in the log...
  14. A

    Bitrate spikes drastically

    I stream at 6000 bitrate, but sometimes my bitrate output spikes up to 20 - 35K, which makes my ping in-game really high and the stream laggy. I really need help with this as the high bitrate stays for at least a minute which really ruins the vibes.
  15. C

    OBS Disconneting

    I have been having issues with OBS disconnection from YouTube when streaming my church live stream. It just stops streaming on Youtube, doesn't show me any errors and still shows that it is streaming because it gives me the option to click the stop streaming button. I will attach the Log.
  16. badneck

    Mysterious NDI+OBS Problem

    Hey so I've been stuck using NDI for about a month while I allocate some funds for a capture card. Log files will not help you guys here as my problem is this: I run scan converter on my gaming pc and send it through my router to my stream pc which uses plain ole OBS, but somewhere along the way...
  17. K

    Question / Help OBS kb/s drops with 20mb Upload Speed

    Hi guys, I have been getting kb/s drops while streaming, I never had this proble, I stream at 6000 bitrate 60fps and never had problems. Now I drop to 3000-4000 I'm using Spain servers, because as you see I have a really stable connection. I think OBS use 64k TCP Window Size right? So it...
  18. O

    Question / Help OBS Bitrate drops to 0 after a couple hours then refuses to disconnect

    This has only started recently but after a couple hours of streaming, sometimes less, OBS drops my bitrate down to 0 but doesn't actually disconnect (no disconnect message is displayed and it doesn't attempt to reconnect). Even worse, if I attempt to manually disconnect it gets stuck attempting...
  19. microbox6

    Question / Help OBS losing frames because is not using all the bandwith

    Hello everyone, thanks for read me. I want to share a problem I just realize I had over year and a half with OBS Studio 23.2.1 and behind... With the last and current version of OBS Studio, I can't surpass the 2000 Kbps of bitrate without drastically losing frames. But here's the thing, it only...
  20. J

    Question / Help Bandwidth Test Mode not working?

    Hi, I was messing with OBS and ended up having to uninstall and reinstall everything. I reconnected my OBS with my Twitch account. While I can stream normally, every time I check "Enable Bandwidth Test Mode," nothing shows up on my Twitch and it says it's offline. Is this a problem with my...