Running into bandwidth issues (seemingly) out of nowhere


New Member
I have started streaming recently and suddenly yesterday I started having bandwidth issues and as far as I can tell the internet is still 100%.I am playing the same game (suikoden II) and I don't think I changed any of the settings other than installing some extensions. When I looked in the log files I noticed a lot of new things popping up and I would like to know if someone could help me figure out what might be the issue.


  • 2020-09-29 18-00-34.txt
    78.5 KB · Views: 35


Active Member
In many cases, wireless connections can cause issues because of their unstable nature. Streaming really requires a stable connection. Often wireless connections are fine, but if you have problems, the first troubleshooting step would be to switch to wired. We highly recommend streaming on wired connections.


New Member
I have started streaming recently and suddenly yesterday I started having bandwidth issues and as far as I can tell the internet is still 100%.I am playing the same game (suikoden II) and I don't think I changed any of the settings other than installing some extensions. When I looked in the log files I noticed a lot of new things popping up and I would like to know if someone could help me figure out what might be the issue.
I would be careful with the statement "the internet is still 100%". We stream daily at 9 am and other times, and for each time we would see internet speeds as expressed in the OBS stream rate go from 5500 down to 0 in a matter of seconds, and then occasionally come back up. This flapping continued and i followed the standard troubleshooting playbook but could find nothing on my side wrong.

When I looked at our internet provider's piece I picked up chatter that Comcast had rolled out some new antivirus technology, and it could interfere with certain sites and apps. True enough, that appear to be the problem, and we are working with Comcast to remove the "technology." Will add update when i get confirmation it is fixed and that the antivirus changes they made caused the issue.