Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


@Alkanir, to compile it you need to get MS VS2013 Express, download source code from github, open ubiquitous2.sln and hit F6. Or here is compiled version: https://app.box.com/s/6c09e0uq4s8dddgymntb
It contain fixes for Steam, Hitbox and Youtube. Though I can't guarantee that it will be stable enough.

@AckMeL666, Youtube will work with these scrambled channel names.
BTW there was a problem with character case in channel names. Thats why it didn't work for channels with capital letters in user name.


Alkanir, do you use some overlay programs ? I noticed that it doesn't work well with RadeonPro.
Maybe there something else.

There is html parser which strips html tags. I'll try to tune that regular expression.


@Alkanir, to compile it you need to get MS VS2013 Express, download source code from github, open ubiquitous2.sln and hit F6. Or here is compiled version: https://app.box.com/s/6c09e0uq4s8dddgymntb
It contain fixes for Steam, Hitbox and Youtube. Though I can't guarantee that it will be stable enough.

@AckMeL666, Youtube will work with these scrambled channel names.
BTW there was a problem with character case in channel names. Thats why it didn't work for channels with capital letters in user name.
Thx tried the new compiled version and I was able to get the YouTube working mostly. It shows up in Yellow now instead of Red. What does the Yellow mean exactly? and How can I make it green like the rest?


Thx tried the new compiled version and I was able to get the YouTube working mostly. It shows up in Yellow now instead of Red. What does the Yellow mean exactly? and How can I make it green like the rest?
Yellow means "Connected". Green - "Logged in".
So you can read messages but you won't be able to respond.

I didn't implement google authorization yet.


Any plans for Ustream Chat Support? Also a Comment Counter (with output for displaying on screen in OBS). Do you have a donation page setup somewhere? I'd love to kick you some $$ for being so awesome. ;c)


UStream is using IRC so it's not a problem. I will add it.
There is already comments calculation in code for each channel but it is not in use yet.
I just need to decide where to put that counter. As separate window, stick to viewers counter or somewhere else.

Thank you for support! I don't have any donation page yet.


UStream is using IRC so it's not a problem. I will add it.
There is already comments calculation in code for each channel but it is not in use yet.
I just need to decide where to put that counter. As separate window, stick to viewers counter or somewhere else.

Thank you for support! I don't have any donation page yet.
I say options are always good, people like to customize the look and feel of things. So an option to have the comment counter separate or part of the view counters would be great. I personally would just be happy to have it either way.

Also can you add check box to disable Time Stamp in the Chat kind of like you have for Channel name. I don't really have a need for the Time Stamp so I just am making it super small at the moment. Leaves more room for everything else.

Last thing I can think of that would be amazing that would make my Multi-Streaming perfect is a cross Stream Giveaway System. I use the kind that either generates a random number that people have to guess or randomly picks a User in Chat.Really hard to do with all the chats I have going. But if you could make this work for all of the Chat's combined built in with your amazing chat system that would be Super God Like!

Hey a man can dream right ;c)

Keep up the amazing work and just let me know when and were I can donate to your cause.


Well I had a hectic and exhausting month :) To many projects on my main work to do.
So I had not so much free time.

What I did:
- added scripting engine. So people who know c# can extend it now. New chats, new commands etc..
- added Connectcast.tv
- customizable xaml themes under Documents folder.
- obs fixes and plugin settings dialog

Currently I'm playing with side channel list to implement filtering, message clearing etc:


Well I had a hectic and exhausting month :) To many projects on my main work to do.
So I had not so much free time.

What I did:
- added scripting engine. So people who know c# can extend it now. New chats, new commands etc..
- added Connectcast.tv
- customizable xaml themes under Documents folder.
- obs fixes and plugin settings dialog

Currently I'm playing with side channel list to implement filtering, message clearing etc:
So awesome! When is it come out? How do I get it? How do I give you $$$$? (::throws $$$ at screen::)
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I absolutely love this program, be able to talk to everyone all in a single window. But i've been having lag issues where sometimes, it takes up to 4 mins to receive the messege on the actual chat on whatever streaming site i use. Not sure if this was because of server load or what, but ill keep testing it. Also would love to see support for other streaming sites such as streamup, Instagib/VaugnLive. Would of listed but you just recently added support for connectcast, so thats another plus for me. This software will come a long way in order to talk to people across 6 streams and 1 singular chat window.


Hi there, installed the program on computer and installed plugin for OBS.
(Plugin was installed 2 times, one time for x86 and once for 64bit version)

Now Each time i try to stream I get an error and OBS crashes.

Tried to remove the "Ubiquitous2Plugin.dll" in
"C:\Program Files\OBS\plugins\CLRHostPlugin" and in
"C:\Program Files (x86)\OBS\plugins\CLRHostPlugin"
But same error happens, so first question, how do I uninstall/remove all the things the plugin "installed"
so I can stream with all my old settings/layouts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now to the error part and what information I have about the problem




Please help me out.

Using OBS latest version and x86 version of OBS atm.

Im also using another OBS plugin called "Desert Kharon irc" - Im not sure if ther eis any conflict or what is the problem. But the error happens when I swap to a layer that has "Desert Kharon irc" enabled. If I dissable the "DK irc" in that scene then the error dont happen.

This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll' module.


  • OBSCrashLog2015-01-31_8.txt
    3.1 KB · Views: 21
  • OBSCrashDump2015-01-31_8.dmp
    857.9 KB · Views: 50
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Besides the bugg, it seems like a really nice plugin.

There are a few requests features I was looking for.

Suggestion ***1*** ===> Customizable "#allchats"
The Feature reply to " #allchats " is nice, but would it be possible to have a reply to "#custom chat" so you can have boxes enabled/Dissabled, so you can manually pick what chats you want to talk to. I know that you can pick one to write in.

Suggestion ***2*** ===> "#allchats" only written once
And when replying to "#allchats" or "#custom chat" would it be possible to have it write "#allchats" or "#me".
So if you have 4 streams up to differnt channels and you display that on the stream, and you want to write "Helly everyone" with "#allchat" it will display the same message 4 times. Can be rather dumb and confusing.

Suggestion ***3*** ===> "Save chat to txt"
Options to "Save chat to txt" send to txt file instead to image

Suggestion ***4*** ===> Fading chat
Also, option to auto fade chat, so messages disspear after X amount of seconds. So if I have chat display on stream I can get it to start to fade away after 120seconds or whatever I set it to.

Suggestion ***5*** ===>Edit numbers
In "Personalization" option to edit numbers manually 1-100 by typing instead of a slider that you only have a rough estimation on the setting.

Suggestion ***6*** ===> More font options
Font Sizes, more options of what kind of font, and options to have higher then 24 Font Size if user wants it.

Suggestion ***7*** ===> Remove frame options
In "Personalization" if one sets the "Background opacity control to the following. "0% - 0% - 100% -0%"
Then there is still a boarder around it, would be nice to have option to maybe remove that if desired.

Suggestion ***8*** ===> Color options for chat
Option to give differnt channels color, so one can easier see what text msg is from where.

Suggestion ***9*** ===> Windows pixel size
Option to set windows pixel size with numbers.
Atm when I have sized Ubiquitous to be the size I want, then If I use "Save chat to Image" feature then the image will be at that size, so by misstake chaning size of window would be really bad. And could be a shitload of trouble to get the right size back.

Suggestion ***10*** ===> Locked Window size
Locked size. So even if Suggestion 9 goes thrue, it would be nice to have feature to lock the window so one can not rezise it.

Suggestion ***11*** ===> Reset window size.
Reset window size, this way if one did change size of window that you can reset it to your personal default size saved settings.

Bugg ? or I just missunderstood how to dissable it?
I did enable "Click-throught windw. Hold down CTRL to dissable" and CTRL thing does not seem to work, and there is no way for me to get back to the options to disssable this option. So I cant do anything atm with it.
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Also, when I run Ubiquitous2 (without OBS plugin), and I streaming some game, but then I need to ALT+TAB to change something on 2nd monitor.
When I do ALT+TAB, every window on my computer is minimized. Resulting it is impossible use the program.


i've been having lag issues where sometimes, it takes up to 4 mins to receive the messege on the actual chat on whatever streaming site i use.
Does window respond to mouse when you get that problem ? There is known issue with timeout in OBS plugin and it is fixed in current version.

Now to the error part and what information I have about the problem


Please help me out.

Using OBS latest version and x86 version of OBS atm.

Thats known bug. It will be fixed with next release. Please try to use x64 version or don't use it as Global Source with x86 OBS.

Suggestion ***1*** ===> Customizable "#allchats"
The Feature reply to " #allchats " is nice, but would it be possible to have a reply to "#custom chat" so you can have boxes enabled/Dissabled, so you can manually pick what chats you want to talk to. I know that you can pick one to write in.

Suggestion ***2*** ===> "#allchats" only written once
And when replying to "#allchats" or "#custom chat" would it be possible to have it write "#allchats" or "#me".
So if you have 4 streams up to differnt channels and you display that on the stream, and you want to write "Helly everyone" with "#allchat" it will display the same message 4 times. Can be rather dumb and confusing.

Suggestion ***3*** ===> "Save chat to txt"
Options to "Save chat to txt" send to txt file instead to image

Suggestion ***4*** ===> Fading chat
Also, option to auto fade chat, so messages disspear after X amount of seconds. So if I have chat display on stream I can get it to start to fade away after 120seconds or whatever I set it to.

Suggestion ***5*** ===>Edit numbers
In "Personalization" option to edit numbers manually 1-100 by typing instead of a slider that you only have a rough estimation on the setting.

Suggestion ***6*** ===> More font options
Font Sizes, more options of what kind of font, and options to have higher then 24 Font Size if user wants it.

Suggestion ***7*** ===> Remove frame options
In "Personalization" if one sets the "Background opacity control to the following. "0% - 0% - 100% -0%"
Then there is still a boarder around it, would be nice to have option to maybe remove that if desired.

Suggestion ***8*** ===> Color options for chat
Option to give differnt channels color, so one can easier see what text msg is from where.

Suggestion ***9*** ===> Windows pixel size
Option to set windows pixel size with numbers.
Atm when I have sized Ubiquitous to be the size I want, then If I use "Save chat to Image" feature then the image will be at that size, so by misstake chaning size of window would be really bad. And could be a shitload of trouble to get the right size back.

Suggestion ***10*** ===> Locked Window size
Locked size. So even if Suggestion 9 goes thrue, it would be nice to have feature to lock the window so one can not rezise it.

Suggestion ***11*** ===> Reset window size.
Reset window size, this way if one did change size of window that you can reset it to your personal default size saved settings.

Bugg ? or I just missunderstood how to dissable it?
I did enable "Click-throught windw. Hold down CTRL to dissable" and CTRL thing does not seem to work, and there is no way for me to get back to the options to disssable this option. So I cant do anything atm with it.

1) I can add checkboxes near channel names
2) Could be implemeted as an option.
3) Look under Settings->Services for History
4) Good idea
5) Not a problem
6) Theme will be fully customizable via XAML. Though I can add it to Settings also.
7) Yeah I didn't notice that. Thank you for report ;)
8) Will consider it
9,10,11) I'm thinking about adding settings profiles. That would allow to save personalization settings as profile. .

CTRL doesn't work if you using Debug version of chat. It mess step-by-step debugging in Visual Studio so I switch it on for Release build only.

Also, when I run Ubiquitous2 (without OBS plugin), and I streaming some game, but then I need to ALT+TAB to change something on 2nd monitor.
When I do ALT+TAB, every window on my computer is minimized. Resulting it is impossible use the program.
I will check it with dual monitor setup. Though it shouldn't minimize on its own...


@ codex
Thx for reading and replies.

***4*** ===> Fading chat
There is a OBS plugin here on the forums that does this really well, its called "Desert Kharon Irc"
Problem is that the developer there has stoped working on the plugin, but long story short, the way faded chat works there is really nice, maybe worth looking into.

And also the CTRL, was apparently working, I just missunderstood how the CTRL button worked, I tought holding it down would dissable the setting, or that I could move the windows, so tried holding CTRL but could not move window and the feature was not dissabled so tought it was broken. Did some more testing now, and I noticed by holding down CTRL, I could press the options button, and that way dissable it. Missenterpitation from my part.

But as I wrote, the ALT+TAB minimizing every other window I have on my computer, is a huge problem and its not usable for me at least. Hope you find the problem.

Cheers and keep up the awesome work.