Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


@Wolfbane, Do you use some additional software for multiple monitors. Like DisplayFusion ?

Here is latest github build, if somebody want to test it:
and OBS plugin:

I've added fade out effect to OBS plugin also. Timeout can be changed in plugin settings.
I'm trying out the latest build tonight I'll let you know how it goes. Hey is that OBS plugin for 64bit windows or 32bit? If 64bit can where can I get the 32bit version?


Well I use my "Intel CPU QuickSync" for a 4th monitor/streaming, does that count ?
It looks like OS configuration issue. Maybe something in accessibility settings. Unfortunatelly I can't reproduce it on my system with dual monitor setup :/


There is 32 and 64 bit. It automatically detect OBS version when you select a folder.
I couldn't get it to work in 32-bit... Is there a way to uninstall the old original non "beta" plugin 1st cuz maybe that's messing with it. Then I can try re-installing the "beta" 32-bit plugin.


Did you try to remove old chat source from a scene and add it again ?
To uninstall it just delete ubiquitous2plugin.dll from the plugins\CLRHostPlugin folder


I've added background color change if channel update have been successful.



New Member
this maybe a silly question but did you ever find a fix for the chat window being cut off on the right on stream ? Also i have 3 streams up and 3 chats and its really annoying that my 1 reply shows up 3 times (once pre chat). its ok on site side as it shows up once but on cast and in local chat window it posts it 3 time . thank you for this app as it has made life much easier .


New Member
i already had installed the Tool before and i loved it! But after i installed a new windows (win7 64bit), i cant install it.
After the installation i become this Error:
Ubiquitous 2_error.jpg


Here is right now the biggest issue i have with the stable one , Change game title hitbox = Loading . Twitch Work. I know already that because of the DDOS that happen on Hitbox but on the beta everything work fine unless crash :/
Please make sure you are using latest beta version. Try to download it again.


New Member
dashboard seems to be currently not working as intended, web upload does not work. It wold be nice if also the language could be selected.

Hitbox game selection not loading, and Update Web not working at all.

As example:

Stream title
Stream language

Stream Title
Stream primary language
Stream Secondary language

Really enjoy using your tool!

Version: latest stable version!
Bug does not occurs in latest beta version!

Bug "Update Web" deletes Twitch language selection
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New Member
i cant seem to get the OBS plugin to work. all i get is a clear box and when i click on properties of the new source it creates i get nothing. Also i noticed that it is installing it into my Clr Browser folder inside of my plugins folder. Am i doing somthing wrong or is the installer broke?
I use 32 bit version
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