Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin

Free Ubiquitous 2 chat + OBS source plugin 2.2


Sorry, I completely forgot to update portable version. Now it done.
It seems I need to add "afterpublish" script to upload zip automatically.


Its okay i use the Installer version but its seem that i can't choose where i want it to be install and my Windows 8 smart screen always block it -_-
My Smart screen also blocks the program, but just press "more info" and then "run anyway".

Codex: Do you have any public ToDo list?
So we can see what you are planning? Cuz ive been thinking about some stuff and i would like to know if you already are going to do them or if i should write them to you.


You could install certificate if you want to get rid of that "run anyway".
Here is installer: http://xedocproject.com/apps/Ubiquitous2Certificate.exe
I will add it to start post.

I'm planning to add few donation systems and Overview tab to the Dashboard. There no any public TODO list yet.
So you can leave it here or post it as an Issue (enhancement) on the Github.com


One of the ideas i was thinking about:
  • Chat tabs - Keep it the way you have it now for "stream channel" but add "chat tabs" so i can moderate my friends chats.
    So not every message show in the same chat box.
If you want i can make a picture in paint ;)


What was added in 2.2?
User list. After that there were published few new builds with bug fixes. You can track commit details on my github page: https://github.com/xedoc/Ubiquitous2/commits/master

How do i add my Youtube username? its only red..
Please check if you use username nor display name. You need to take it from the url (e.g. codex000):
And it become yellow only after you start live stream.


I just tried test channel (hromadsketv) and it works fine.

To get youtube video Id it polls that url: https://www.youtube.com/user/stainlessgaming1/live
So it must be available and it should redirect you right to your livestream

It could take up to 1 minute to change status if you start application before livestream. Status is changing when application get HTTP 200 result from youtube. If livestream isn't started or comments disabled it gets 403.

And I didn't check what will happen when chat is empty and livestream is started. Maybe it need at least one message in chat to get valid result. Could you try write something to chat to test it next time ?


Some reason. OBS kept locking up this evening. There wasn't any crashing, or not-responding... but my OBS wouldn't be clickable an wouldn't respond even though it shows on task manager as responding. This happens when I use the ubiquitous plugin with the current auto-update ubiquitous.


I've been busy with power supply in the office this week :/ Generator, automatic control system, SMS notifications... So I didn't have too much time for programming the application. However I made few performance optimizations. I will publish it this Saturday.