Just updated my Windows 10 and now SMG won't start.
Fixed this by deleting my config folder and restarting.
To be honest, I'm kinda curious why SMG would break on a Windows update, it's written to be as independent of file structure and stuff as possible.. hm
Are you working on a fix for soundcloud? I can get the app to work but it repeats the song name twice and I can't put a space in between the name or anything so it's a bit of a pain.
I am, yes. I've got SoundCloud working locally. I'm getting closer and closer to getting the current release out. I
really want to release the next version as soon as possible, but given my current situation I cannot promise anything.
The next release has lots and lots of upgrades for all kinds of things:
There's honestly too much to mention, but I'm mainly working toward making it completely effortless and pain-free for everybody to use this program. The intention here is to make it easier for myself to add support for new music players, maintain currently supported ones, reduce the amount of crashes, make the UI simpler. The biggest thing I've been researching and working on for the past two-ish months is to greatly reduce the friction between the web plugin and SMG.
In the upcoming release, working with web music players will be a
lot easier. You don't have to have a specific tab open anymore, you can have as many browser windows open as you want, you don't have to "start" the plugin anymore, communication is a lot faster and more reliable, etc etc etc...
So what needs to be done at this point?
1. Communicate to all Groovemarklet users that it will be stopped from working in say.. a month or so, in favor of the newer plugin
2. Slowly bring out the new plugin together with the new SMG version, as the new SMG version as well as the improved plugin will not be compatible with older versions.