Replay Source

Replay Source 1.8.1


New Member
@JesperBon Can you provide a log of that happening? Does it work again the next replay? Or what do you do to get it working again?
Hi @Exeldro. I will try to generate a report. Unfortunately it often happens while I am busy with my "one-mand show" and I just try to keep the game going. When the replay freezes I can't get i going again unless I set it up again (delete the source, add a new source etc).


New Member
Well Hello! I'm running windows 7 laptop
Installed OBS Studio 24.0.3 (64bit Windows) version to C:\Program Files\0bs-studio\
1st scenario:
D/L and extracted Replay Source 1.5.0
Copied replay-source.dll and replay-source.pdb with admin rights to C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\
Starded up OBS Studio, checked the current log and I see:

LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll' not loaded

Shut down OBS,

2nd scenario
created new directories in C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\
Copied replay-source.dll and replay-source.pdb with admin rights to C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\
Starded up OBS Studio, checked the current log and I see:

LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll' not loaded

Shut down OBS,

3rd scenario
D/L and extracted Replay Source 1.4.3
Copied replay-source.dll and replay-source.pdb with admin rights to C:\Program Files\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\
Starded up OBS Studio, checked the current log and I see:

LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll' not loaded

Shut down OBS,

4th scenario
Copied replay-source.dll and replay-source.pdb with admin rights to C:\Program Files (x86)\obs-studio\obs-plugins\64bit\
Starded up OBS Studio, checked the current log and I see:

LoadLibrary failed for '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll': The specified module could not be found.
Module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/replay-source.dll' not loaded

Shut down OBS,

Any advise appreciated...


New Member
Also getting this after a new install of OBS and the plugin (latest versions of both). It just isn't showing up in my new source options.

I have two instances of OBS on my PC. It is working on one and not the other and I can not figure out why.



New Member
Hi @Exeldro, I may have a lead on why it works on one of my OBS installs and not the other. The first was installed using the installer.exe file and has my data in the appdtat/roaming folders. The traditional install. For the second install I download the zip from githuband unzipped it so that I can run it portable. I am following these instructions.

Now, even when I run the second version normally, without having "--portable" to the command line I still get the error. Is it possible for some reason the plugin only works if OBS is installed with the Installer.exe? If so could you tweak it so it works for portable installations?


I reckon using a portable version from the earlier builds and i had no problems about that.
Maybe it is because the way i sat the plugin, i have no problems as long as i dont try saving uncompressed or not. Oh i dont use replay's audio also...
a third tip, try targeting a scene instead of a direct souce and also have your replay shown in a separate scene , something other than your gaming scene.


New Member
Is it possible to have this replay source read from any active scene that's open at the moment? As it stands, I can only seem to figure out how to do this per scene, but I would like to be able to activate it whenever I want, from whatever scene I want without having to make a replay source for every scene.


Is it possible to have this replay source read from any active scene that's open at the moment? As it stands, I can only seem to figure out how to do this per scene, but I would like to be able to activate it whenever I want, from whatever scene I want without having to make a replay source for every scene.

yes, if you use a scene as a "target" and have the plugin target that scene and that scene contains multiple scenes/capture sources, you can have a dynamically changing replayable content.

eg. have the target scene A "game capture" and above it and "display capture", hiding the the display capture while you are on another scene+using a hide hotkey for that display capture, will result in the replay showing you the Gamecapture as you hid the display capture above it.


New Member
I have one more problem.
When I set up replay recording on disk, everything works fine until to close obs.
When I click on the x button obs not working and doesn't react to action. After second click obs is closed.
After restart obs ReplayInput not workind. I must to remove this feature and add it again to make it work.
When I don't use saving replay everything is ok.

17:47:40.422: [DShow Device: 'camera1'] settings updated:
17:47:40.422: video device: Lenovo EasyCamera
17:47:40.422: video path: \\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_5728&mi_00#7&382583e6&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global
17:47:40.422: resolution: 1280x720
17:47:40.422: fps: 30.00 (interval: 333333)
17:47:40.422: format: MJPEG
17:47:47.984: User added scene 'Scena 2'
17:47:47.984: User switched to scene 'Scena 2'
17:47:56.046: User added source 'ReplayInput' (replay_source) to scene 'Scena 2'
17:48:00.322: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] created async filter for 'camera1'
17:48:00.322: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.288: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.288: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.322: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.322: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.355: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.355: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.388: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.388: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.422: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.422: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.455: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.455: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.488: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.488: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.522: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.522: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:02.588: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:02.588: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:28.422: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:28.422: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:36.822: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:48:36.822: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:48:39.756: User switched to scene 'Scena'
17:49:10.640: Settings changed (hotkeys)
17:49:10.640: ------------------------------------------------
17:49:27.837: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Load replay pressed
17:49:27.837: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] replay added of 5.00 seconds
17:49:29.963: User switched to scene 'Scena 2'
17:49:29.963: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] first hotkey switched to replay 1/1
17:49:43.888: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:49:43.888: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:49:46.588: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] updated filter for 'camera1'
17:49:46.588: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] connected to 'camera1'
17:49:49.019: User switched to scene 'Scena'
17:49:51.023: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Save replay pressed
17:49:51.055: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] start saving '2019-11-14 17.49.51.avi'
17:49:56.158: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': stopping
17:49:56.158: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total frames output: 153
17:49:56.158: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total drawn frames: 153
17:49:56.222: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] stopped saving
17:49:57.164: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] clear hotkey
17:49:58.797: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Load replay pressed
17:49:58.797: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] replay added of 5.00 seconds
17:49:59.553: User switched to scene 'Scena 2'
17:49:59.553: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] first hotkey switched to replay 1/1
17:50:01.867: User switched to scene 'Scena'
17:50:02.687: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Save replay pressed
17:50:02.688: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] start saving '2019-11-14 17.50.02.avi'
17:50:08.124: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': stopping
17:50:08.124: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total frames output: 152
17:50:08.124: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total drawn frames: 163
17:50:08.188: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] stopped saving
17:50:09.011: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Load replay pressed
17:50:09.011: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] replay added of 5.00 seconds
17:50:10.911: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] Save replay pressed
17:50:10.922: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] start saving '2019-11-14 17.50.10.avi'
17:50:16.391: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': stopping
17:50:16.391: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total frames output: 152
17:50:16.391: Output 'replay_ffmpeg_output': Total drawn frames: 164
17:50:16.455: [replay_source: 'ReplayInput'] stopped saving
17:50:21.291: ==== Shutting down ==================================================
17:50:21.304: Switched to scene '(null)'


New Member
Today obs has stopped working while saving the replay but did crash log.
In my case replay replay not stable.

crash log:


  • Crash 2019-11-15 16-13-56.txt
    71.8 KB · Views: 24


New Member
@Exeldro Just noticed a quirk that I wasn't seeing before and not sure what I changed. These are my settings below. What should happen is in the clip I linked in the previous post. It should just reverse the last 5 seconds of whatever happened on my stream. But what's happening is it seems to remember the last frame from the last time I used this and show that first for about 1/10th of a second. The result is weird. I can post a clip if the explanation doesn't make sense. But what happens is, I hit the button and on screen you see an image for 1/10th of a second (whatever was on screen last time I used this) and then it flips back to me live, and then it does the backwards replay of the last 5 seconds.

It might be an OBS thing. I've noticed when replaying mp4 sources it will sometimes flash the last frame of the video before playing it from the start. But it wasn't doing this with Replay Source a few weeks ago! What did I mess up?



Active Member
@BoomSoMuch how have you setup your hotkeys? The same hotkey for loading the replay and for making the replay visible?

I would make the replay a different scene and use the "load replay switch scene" setting to switch scene directly after the replay is loaded.

An other way of making sure no previous replay is in the buffer is by using the clear hotkey.


New Member
@Exeldro I use this voice command in the Voice Attack program. The other two sources are just the text that says "Be Right Back" popping up. The source called "Screeny" is the Replay Source (which is in a scene called "Nested Smashes" which is nested in my main live scene. I don't have it set to switch scenes when I load the replay. I just have it turn on the replay source when I load the replay.

I have another voice command to hide the source which resets the effect.

Using the clear hotkey didn't fix it. I don't think its getting saved in the plugin, its getting saved in the source in OBS if that makes sense. For some reason, some OBS sources (not just this) seem to remember the last frame of when it was played, and show that frame first before replaying the source. For some reason, I wasn't getting this bad behavior when I was using this trick, with this same voice command, a few weeks ago. I wish I could figure out how I messed it up. Let me make a quick video to demo the behavior...



New Member
@Exeldro Ok, here is a quick demo video.!ApO0Ulf-n5bjhvd_whd6dZwahuWauA?e=TFNcjO

If it helps, I just did some testing on regular mp4 sources and found when the "close file when inactive" button is checked I get the same bad behavior. When the button is unchecked, videos just play normally from the start without showing that bad frame. Obviously, there is no "close file when inactive" box on a replay source.

So right now my Replay Source is acting like a mp4 video that has the box checked and for some reason a few weeks ago it was acting like one without the box checked. Maybe I changed some setting somewhere else in OBS that is effecting Replay Source, but I can't figure out what I did.
