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obs-midi-mg 3.0.3


New Member
For all those who are wondering, faders are indeed supported with this plugin. Here are the steps to use them.

1. Create a binding inside the active device and name it whatever you'd like.
2. Click Edit Messages in the binding to access the Messages tab, and click Add in the bottom left corner. Rename the message to whatever you'd like.
3. Click Listen to Message on the bottom row. Then adjust your fader so that the plugin can receive the message values for it. Once complete, click Cancel, then click Return.
4. Now, click Edit Actions in the binding to access the Actions tab, and click Add in the bottom left corner. Rename the action to whatever you'd like.
5. Choose which action to use the fader with (e.g. Volume, Scale, Rotation, etc.).
6. For the number fields in the bottom right, click the label. This should disable the number field with dashes being displayed.

That's it! The faders should work with your selected action.


nhielost updated obs-midi-mg with a new update entry:

obs-midi-mg v2.0.0

obs-midi-mg v2.0.0 is now available.​


  • New user interface mode (Echo style)
    • Larger window
    • Cleaned up many issues with navigation
    • Fits on one screen
  • New Action (Internal)
    • Up to 3 other actions can be executed with this action
    • Individual actions can only be executed once total
  • The new and old user interface styles can be switched between in the Preferences menu
  • New help page...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
@nhielost Hello, thank you for your plugin. I have knobs on my midi keyboard, which I assigned the source volumes, but every time I use the knob for the first time in the session, it puts the volume to 0 then I can go up. Is there something I can do so that it starts from the current value? Thank you


New Member
So far I have mixed feelings about this plugin. Compared to the other available MIDI plugin for OBS it actually loads (I am using OBS V28) and the main function I'm interested in ie note on scene switching, does work. There are however many functions that don't seem to work at all. Take for example hot keys. I have a number of hot keys defined. Within the plugin if I try and assign for example a note on message to a hot key, the available hotkeys window is blank. Ditto with filters. the plugin does not list any filters...


nhielost updated obs-midi-mg with a new update entry:


obs-midi-mg v2.1.0 is now available.​


  • Duplicate Button
    • Bindings can now be duplicated by clicking the Copy Binding button
  • Number fields have an Ignore mode
    • This will allow for the plugin to ignore certain fields when setting actions


  • The Legacy interface is now officially gone
    • It was too hard to support it with the Echo...

Read the rest of this update entry...


hello @nhielost , your plugin is incredible, consult, would there be any possibility that you can add external hotkeys... example, I press a midi key and in obs ALT+A is pressed. Because I see that in the part of hotkeys that you added you can only choose the ones that were created in obs shortcuts but I couldn't find a way to make ALT+A execute directly with midi. Thank you


nhielost updated obs-midi-mg with a new update entry:


obs-midi-mg v2.1.1 is now available.​


  • Velocity Toggling
    • The velocity of Note messages has been reimplemented
    • Located under the options in the value field


  • The Check for Updates button works

Bug Fixes:​

  • Bindings will now be properly displayed when importing from a file
  • The Magnitude option in Source Scale now properly...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Amazing plug in! I'm so happy with the Traktor overlay I'm building in OBS with this plugin. Thank you! I have found that the timeout action seems to default to 0ms for some reason and that seems to be crashing OBS for me sometimes. When I first updated from the old version to the new one with the echo layout it crashed obs on me immediately, I had to delete some of my old mappings before I could get it to work again.

I would love it if we could listen to more than one MIDI device at a time would simplify things for me big time!

Oh yeah OBS got crash-y when I tried fiddling with the Hide Transition length of sources that were currently fading away. I tried speeding that up and OBS died immediately....

But that's not to say I'm not overall super impressed with this plugin and what it is possible to create! I've got almost two hundred actions set up on my dj controller, and i had almost as many on my scene switcher as well and despite having such an elaborate setup it seems to work


New Member
Big thumbs down for this update. Installed over V 2.0. Win 64. Created a simple binding note on message to switch scenes and OBS immediately crashes when note is sent.


New Member
Now its 2 thumbs down. Reverted back to V2.0 and OBS still crashes, both in echo and legacy modes. At least before, I could do simple note on scene switching, but thats been trashed since upgrading to 2.1.1. Sigh.. I had such high hopes


New Member
hi @nhielost I'm struggling to bind my behringer x-touch faders. in active device I have the option for MIDIIN2 (X-touch 1), MIDIOUT2 (X-touch 1), and X-Touch 1.
I have selected X-Touch 1 as active device as that is the same choice I use in Voicemeeter Banana to control the audio sliders.
I then click Create Binding, Change Type to Pitch Bend, then click listen Once and move the fader I want to bind, nothing shows up, I click cancel then try listen continuous, nothing shows up. I try this for All channels 1 through 16, nothing shows up.
Am I doing something wrong?


New Member
hi @nhielost I'm struggling to bind my behringer x-touch faders. in active device I have the option for MIDIIN2 (X-touch 1), MIDIOUT2 (X-touch 1), and X-Touch 1.
I have selected X-Touch 1 as active device as that is the same choice I use in Voicemeeter Banana to control the audio sliders.
I then click Create Binding, Change Type to Pitch Bend, then click listen Once and move the fader I want to bind, nothing shows up, I click cancel then try listen continuous, nothing shows up. I try this for All channels 1 through 16, nothing shows up.
Am I doing something wrong?

ok so I figured out that windows does not allow multiple applications to use the midi driver, so with LoopMidi and Midi-OX i created two virtual outputs for my device, assigned one to Voicemeeter and one to OBS, however now I have the question, does the plugin have forcefeedback functionality? the audio slider remains at the level I set it to, but my fader goes back to zero, any way for the plug in to send it the correct level to remain at like voicemeeter does?

thank you


nhielost updated obs-midi-mg with a new update entry:

obs-midi-mg v2.2.0

obs-midi-mg v2.2.0 is now available.​


  • Custom Filter Settings (#25)
    • Properties adjusted in filters can now be adjusted in the plugin based on MIDI values, just like any other action
    • It is almost completely customized in terms of ability to use message values
    • Works with just about every filter (even with colors!)
  • Transition Bar is back!
    • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
I have a question. Please take it.
I'm using StreamDeck and StreamDeck is trying to link with OBS while using Midi plug-in.How do I send changed information to Stream Deck within the program?Therefore, the information transmitted from the stream deck to the midi control is well controlled by the OBS.For example, if OBS changed the volume value, it would need to send information about the changed value to MIDI to update the information displayed on the stream deck, but I don't know how.
I use Ableton, and DAW turns on a function called Remote that can be set for each MIDI, and the volume and settings that change in DAW are reflected in the stream deck. If I change the volume from OBS to mouse, I want to make it so that the value on the stream deck can be converted.
It may sound awkward because I'm using a translator.Please tell me again if there is a mistake or something I don't understand.


New Member
It took me some time to figure out what the correct mappings were for my Novation Launchpad Pro MK2 but I put together this chart to help myself and I hope that it helps someone else. This mapping is for the Programmer Layout.

I'm using the > buttons on the right side to change the scene. For example when I hit 89, it changes to my title scene, and when I hit 79, it changes to my main scene, and so on. These MIDI actions themselves don't cause any feedback on Launchpad, so I also have to create a binding that turns on the LED for the button, and then 7 more bindings to turn the other button LEDs off, creating a radio button effect.

Crossing my fingers that a future plugin update enables responding with multiple MIDI messages which would drastically cut down on the number of Note Off bindings I have to make.

Screenshot 2022-12-29 152306.png


New Member
I'm having a hard time getting this to work as a simple screen switcher. I am very familiar w/ MIDI (>30 year career musician), and I previously had it working prior to OBS 28 using the obs-midi plugin (by cpyarger) using my MPC Element.

I upgraded OBS to v28 today and had to find a new MIDI plugin, and although I found the setup for this intuitive (and extremely similar to the previous obs-midi plugin I used) it worked only momentarily. Like, once. Each binding is set as a Note-On message.

Unfortunately OBS is entirely unresponsive when I press any of the buttons on my MPC Element, although OBS (and obs-midi-mg) definitely sees my MPC Element since I was able to select it as a MIDI port and set up all the bindings I need. Anything simple I'm missing here?


  • obs-midi-mg.png
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New Member
I'm having a hard time getting this to work as a simple screen switcher. I am very familiar w/ MIDI (>30 year career musician), and I previously had it working prior to OBS 28 using the obs-midi plugin (by cpyarger) using my MPC Element.

I upgraded OBS to v28 today and had to find a new MIDI plugin, and although I found the setup for this intuitive (and extremely similar to the previous obs-midi plugin I used) it worked only momentarily. Like, once. Each binding is set as a Note-On message.

Unfortunately OBS is entirely unresponsive when I press any of the buttons on my MPC Element, although OBS (and obs-midi-mg) definitely sees my MPC Element since I was able to select it as a MIDI port and set up all the bindings I need. Anything simple I'm missing here?
Okay reading further I realized what I did wrong. I needed to set the Velocity drop-down to 0-127 instead of Fixed. Now they all work. Disregard my previous message.


New Member

First thank you for this plugin that works very well.
Small question, will there be management of motorized faders in a future version? I have a BCF2000 and it's frustrating not to have functional motorized faders...
