Bug Report OBS can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!


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I'll probably make one soon, but again just be warned that there won't be any mic/webcam sync options yet. They really need to be implemented for proper compositing.


New Member
I call BS. Dev promises since years he has some own magic version which works but refuses to publish anything (for windows). Even the code exists, he refuses to publish a (beta) build for Windows, of course it's too much of a hassle to build one, what a pity.
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New Member
I call BS. Dev promises since years he has some own magic version which works but refuses to publish anything (for windows). Even the code exists, he refuses to publish a (beta) build for Windows, of course it's too much of a hassle to build one, what a pity.
Did you read a few posts above? Jim clearly stated he'll be posting a beta release for windows soon.
I just hope you can get the mic webcam syncs options added soon. :)


Forum Moderator
I call BS. Dev promises since years he has some own magic version which works but refuses to publish anything (for windows). Even the code exists, he refuses to publish a (beta) build for Windows, of course it's too much of a hassle to build one, what a pity.
Your entitlement is unseemly. Please be respectful, or don't post.


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Don't ask for support right now. Please do not ask me for support, I have my hands a bit full right now. This is not a full release. This is simply to show progress, as well as show the capture card stuff. That being said, it's much more simple to use than the original windows OBS, so anyone who's well-versed in the original version should be able to figure this out.

Before using, get the vs2013 redistributables, here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784

And having the latest directx redistributables would probably be nice too, though *shouldn't* be necessary.

And mkdir - Next time, check the source code and commits before making such a baseless accusation. You have at the very least succeeded in getting me to release a build despite being incomplete, so here you go. And just so you know I only even started work on the HD-PVR/etc capture device support about month ago -- not years.
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Dylan Pearce

New Member

Don't ask for support right now. Please do not ask me for support, I have my hands a bit full right now. This is not a full release. This is simply to show progress, as well as show the capture card stuff. That being said, it's much more simple to use than the original windows OBS, so anyone who's well-versed in the original version should be able to figure this out.

Before using, get the vs2013 redistributables, here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784

And having the latest directx redistributables would probably be nice too, though *shouldn't* be necessary.

And mkdir - Next time, check the source code and commits before making such a baseless accusation. You have at the very least succeeded in getting me to release a build despite being incomplete, so here you go.
I love you

Dylan Pearce

New Member
Jim, just to say; thanks for being so awesome! Even though it has been quite the wait, it's not something you have shrugged off. You're one of the best developers I know and I love your dedication. I imagine it to be quite stressful constantly being nagged about every little thing someone wants implemented. So I think I can say on behalf of at least everyone in this thread, well done.
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New Member
Dev promised over a year or so to publish a Windows build which he didnt, he always just answered in some ironic way like "oh? people want a windows version of this? really? well I could build one no problem, BUT I have work to do BUT it will take some days BUT blah blah blah". If I hadent say something now, he wouldnt have build it too or in another year. Not that I am happy to see he finally did, but dev had some weird way of "dev spirit" and lack of communication skills with users. Mostly because he's a Mac user/dev.


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Again, I only actually really started dedicating serious time to the HD-PVR about a month ago. I've never really had actually decoded before then. All the posts I've ever made, all my thousands of posts are still there and available if you're willing to search through them just to make your point, you'll find that no where prior to very recently did I ever say that "I have it working". I think what you're doing is you're confusing it with the many many times I had promised to work on it but never was able to. I did once before that have one of them outputting encoded data, but it was just the encoded data, and it was in a test program. Not actually decoded or anything (because decoding is a completely different story)

If we're going back to the beginning of OBS, I admit that I always said that I would "start working on it soon" many times, and no, I never did back then. Something higher priority always came up, and it kept getting delayed. Just look at how old this thread is. Yes, the devices did get continually pushed back, over and over. But I never claimed to have them working until about the last month when I started working on them. I may have been (incredibly) stupid by ever letting myself make promises that I couldn't keep in a timely manner, but I am not some puppet master that you are claiming me to be.

When the program first came out, I made a lot of promises to everybody, because at the time I was overeager to try to please everybody and I thought I could do everything for everyone, I felt like I was superman and could do anything at the time, but then too many people started asking for too many different things and I simply could not keep up, and priorities shifted, bugs came up, issues had to be dealt with, and many things (not just USB 2.0 capture devices) had to keep getting pushed back, over and over. Every time I work on one thing, something else gets pushed back. I'm not excusing myself for having made the promises -- I made the promise for HD-PVR support "soon" too many times, always thinking I would actually do it, and I didn't. Hell, I even had the devices bought and sitting in my closet probably for a year. I don't really have many excuses for not having done it sooner (though if you think it's all easy programming I would invite you to step up and show me the code).

You know it's funny, I was actually being criticized by other people while working on the HD-PVR 2, "why are you working on that? They're useless for streaming. [x] is much more important, we need [x] now". And this time, this one time, I decided to just not listen to that for ONCE in my life, and actually just get the devices done.. because I wanted to code something *I* wanted to work on for once and get something *I* had been constantly breaking promises on, *done*.

And although there are incredibly kind and patient people such as dylan pearce and others who simply give thanks (which I am immensely grateful for, and undeserving of), my prior broken promises for "soon" are still broken promises, and that there was at least one person out there who would lash back at me over it.

And you know, it's understandable. There's no reason why you shouldn't be upset I guess. I had a big head, thought I could do everything, and made promises for a lot of things, I wanted to make everybody happy. You're fine to be upset about that.

However, there's one more thing that I have to make a point about: trying to paint some picutre that I don't care about you or anyone. Please don't try to paint me as some sort of evil person who doesn't care about people. Please also understand that I am a human being, like you. An idiot maybe, yes, but still a human being.

Also I'm not really a mac user nor am I normally a mac developer, my macbook mostly gathers dust. I'm primarily a windows developer, spent almost my entire life in windows and DOS prior to that. OBS2 is actually the first time I've ever worked on mac, and the first time I've even used a mac since the 90s. I'm not particularly keen on macs myself, if I didn't love games so much I would probably be on linux 99% of the time more than windows or mac just simply because programming on linux is divine.

(To sum everything up, "don't make promises Jim, someone's bound to get pissed off at you over it eventually")
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Community Helper
What we need is more people who are willing to help program, not people complaining that something being given to them for free isn't done yet. We have known that encoded capture devices have been needing support for a long time, but with only a few people doing programming for free, progress can be slow, especially when certain users are jumping down the devs' throats for features that haven't been finished yet. It can sometimes even be discouraging when you make something cool but people's responses are "But why isn't it better or why didn't it come faster?" It tends to have the opposite effect on motivation, so I recommend against throwing tantrums, especially when you aren't paying squat for it.

Dylan Pearce

New Member
What we need is more people who are willing to help program, not people complaining that something being given to them for free isn't done yet. We have known that encoded capture devices have been needing support for a long time, but with only a few people doing programming for free, progress can be slow, especially when certain users are jumping down the devs' throats for features that haven't been finished yet. It can sometimes even be discouraging when you make something cool but people's responses are "But why isn't it better or why didn't it come faster?" It tends to have the opposite effect on motivation, so I recommend against throwing tantrums, especially when you aren't paying squat for it.
Yes I agree, I wish I could help programming but I mainly specialize in PHP and maybe python


New Member
Mkdr, you can complain and demand anything when you're a paying user. When you got stuff for free you have to learn to be polite and - at most - ask for certain features.
Jim, please don't waste your time on responding to frustrated complainers posts. Majority of us really appreciate your work and we have a crapload of respect for you as a dev.

BTW, that Win OBS MP build published couple of post above just... works. I extracted the archive, launched the exe, added my PVR2, tested Twitch streaming and it worked with no crashes or lags. It's great! Thanks Jim! :)
I'm not able to pick any downsampling filter but I guess that's not implemented yet, right?


New Member
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate all the work that has gone into this

BTW, that Win OBS MP build published couple of post above just... works. I extracted the archive, launched the exe, added my PVR2, tested Twitch streaming and it worked with no crashes or lags. It's great! Thanks Jim! :)
I'm not able to pick any downsampling filter but I guess that's not implemented yet, right?

What OS are you using and how long did you stream for. I've noticed if I stream longer than 30-40 minutes mine will crash. Also it seems that after a crash it wipes any sources and scenes I added.


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II-39 - I'll fix that up so that it saved the scene before recording/streaming to prevent it from being lost if a crash occurs. I'll also have to put in crash report generation code (which is one of the bazillion things on my todo list still)

RashbaNor - nice to see it working. Thank you for the video. Looking pretty good there.