Bug Report OBS can't stream from my Hauppage PVR HD gaming edition!


New Member
0.6.x>= it says multiplatform but theres just Mac installer on the site, would be nice seeing Windows build too for each new major release. Ive tested 0.5.1 so far and it looks great, but downscaling from 1920 to 720 looks a little bit worse than what normal OBS was able to handle, maybe because you cannot select the doenscale filter (Lanczos). Which one does the multiplatform OBS use, is it already Lanczos or just Bilinear?


New Member
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Where is 0.6.1 for Windows? Stop calling it multiplatform if youre releasing builds all the time just for Mac and people have to beg every version for your mercy to compile a Windows build too. Even the changelog says "new blah blah for Windows".


New Member
I keep getting an error that says "you are missing the MSVCR120.dll from your computer" when I try to run the application that Jim posted.

Any ideas on what I need to do? I've look up solutions all over the internet but can't figure out what I need to do, I have the MSVCR120.dll file in my System32 folder so I'm not sure why it says I don't have it...


New Member
This is f-ing amazing!
Will I finally be able to use my GE+ in a "proper" way?! :D

Why I say proper with " is because I have to use a work-around by having Hauppauge Capture software running on my second monitor (Full screened capture window), and using monitor capture.
The result is fine, really, if you manage to overlook the quite insane screen tearing from the Hauppauge Capture software..


New Member
does the build Jim posted, work on x64 win7 systems ? I keep getting a "missing MSVCR120.dll" warning screen when trying to boot up the program.


Unfortunately avoiding sound delay is almost impossible. The only device I have that is truly real time is this StarTech AV capture I have for my N64/SNES. I have a Happauge Rocket and a HDPVR2. It sucks but that's all you can really do. And for those trying to get those devices into OBS in its current state best method is window capture with their software (WinTV and Happauge capture), until the OBS rewrite is done. If I knew any lick of coding (and I am willing to learn) I would be on this like white on rice with helping out.


What do I need to do to help with this? I am trying to get into coding and have a good understanding of it. I am a Linux user part time if that helps. What software is recommended? I may sound newbish but I really want to help.

Bob Saget

New Member
Hey guys, I'm a bit new at this. I'm aware that Hauppauge DVR2 streaming is a pretty new feature, but can anyone who has gotten it working help me out getting it set up? I downloaded the 0.5.1 plugins Jim posted and copy-pasted them into the OBS plugins folder, and I downloaded the x86 redistributable. When I add Hauppauge as a Video Capture Device (on my computer, the Hauppauge's device name is "Hauppauge Siena Video Capture", and hit Preview Stream, I get a red screen. I'm sure this is just a simple mistake on my part, so if anyone could direct me to what the proper settings are to get this working or wants to private message me, that would be cool.



Community Helper
What Jim posted wasn't a plugin. It was a completely new version of OBS. It doesn't go in a plugins folder, it goes in its own folder somewhere else, to be run independently.

Bob Saget

New Member
Oh, sorry.

So how do you run it? I skimmed the files for an executable, but I didn't see one. That's why I assumed it was a plugin.


New Member
My first post here but no stranger to the forum.
I keep checking back here looking and waiting for the Hauppauge support, I just downloaded the new version Jim posted with the add ons and now I can add the Hauppauge capture device and can see it on screen.

This is awesome, I have been waiting patiently for ages and to see that your nearly there is just awesome.

Thanks guys

Diabolik Lord

New Member
What we need in the 32 bit version is a audio buffer and a Video buffer for the webcam. it'll sync everything up with the game capture.

Josh D

New Member
I signed up just to say that the alpha rewrite Jim released is awesome. It works flawlessly with my HD PVR2(except for the webcam thing, obviously); if this thing gets released, I will surely donate. I had to use Xsplit before, and this simple rewrite you did picks up the video way better than Xsplit, for sure.

So, Kudos to you, Jim for the awesome program you are making.

My twitch is www.twitch.tv/froggystylexz95 for anyone who is interested in seeing the HD PVR2 with Jim's alpha OBS rewrite.