Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)

Free Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)



One of my TODO tasks is to implement hitbox support in dashboard but it will take a lot of work.
Currently animations are hard-coded so there is no way to change that but I want to move it to css and this way you will be able tio switch it up but it is not how it works right now.
I plan to to add major features during holidays when I will have some free time, so keep checking in and it might be done soon.

Let me know what you would like to see in such tutorial and when it is done I will make one.
Also I love the link to English-German translation of depth

[EDIT] BTW does hitbox have subscriptions now?
[EDIT] Yes they do but they dont have API for it , at least I cant find one
[EDIT] Subscriber API is not documented and you only can find out anything about it if you try to analyze network logs, I'm not willing to do that, if you can try google it and try to find needed information I will gladly implement it
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Patreon changed something again, my notification stopped working - I need to figure yet another way to implement it.

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Well in the beginning it was done by parsing their home page but it generated to much traffic and probably registered as ddos so they patched their site to prevent it and then I figured out how to do it simpler and because they dont provide API it is safe, quick and none violating way of getting the list of patreons.

I'm curious why do you ask about patreons?
I asked because I am looking for an alert to use with my stream for my Patreon campaign. If you think I am trying to get your secrets for NightDev I am not lol. I am just a support guy for them and just a user of OBS and streamer lol.


I asked because I am looking for an alert to use with my stream for my Patreon campaign. If you think I am trying to get your secrets for NightDev I am not lol. I am just a support guy for them and just a user of OBS and streamer lol.
Didnt cross mi mind and it is not a secret, anyone can open files inside the jar and analyse it.


New Member
Hi! I'm pretty unfamiliar with most of this stuff, but I followed your OpenShift instructional video fairly well; however, when I try to connect with twitch, I get this: "?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=Parameter+redirect_uri+does+not+match+registered+URI". How do I resolve this? Thank you!


Hi! I'm pretty unfamiliar with most of this stuff, but I followed your OpenShift instructional video fairly well; however, when I try to connect with twitch, I get this: "?error=redirect_uri_mismatch&error_description=Parameter+redirect_uri+does+not+match+registered+URI". How do I resolve this? Thank you!

Go back to twitch registration page and erase the "/" at the end of URL - unfortunately every browser seems to add it at the end (in video you mentioned it is the screen visible at 14:09)
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Sorry guys, the new release will be little delayed or I will divide it into several chunks, I didnt have as much time as I thought I would during holidays.


New Member
Hi BobDev,

Can I just say how awesome this is that you've built this. Thank you so much.

I've got my installation up and running on openshift (fantastic resource), and while I have twitch oauth running to access, I'm unclear on what is needed for the twitch config section. Is it the same client id and url as the dashboard app - or is it a new client id especially for notification functionality (and what should the url then be?).

I've also noticed that whatever I do, after hitting save on the dashboard config the twitch client id and url for the twich notification config will always reset - to what was initially entered in the client id, and the url goes back to localhost. I've found that reinstalling the jarfile and deleting the lock will sometimes allow you to update the client id - but the url is always localhost.

Any advice?


Hi BobDev,

Can I just say how awesome this is that you've built this. Thank you so much.

I've got my installation up and running on openshift (fantastic resource), and while I have twitch oauth running to access, I'm unclear on what is needed for the twitch config section. Is it the same client id and url as the dashboard app - or is it a new client id especially for notification functionality (and what should the url then be?).

I've also noticed that whatever I do, after hitting save on the dashboard config the twitch client id and url for the twich notification config will always reset - to what was initially entered in the client id, and the url goes back to localhost. I've found that reinstalling the jarfile and deleting the lock will sometimes allow you to update the client id - but the url is always localhost.

Any advice?
I think I need to make the Client ID clearerish in the comments

If you deployed the app to openshift for twitch to work you only need to check the checkbox for follower or/and subscriber notifications
You dont need to do anything else
You specified the client id during the installation process and you dont need to do it again

I probably should disable those text fields
I need to fix it because it may mislead people, it is something that I forgot to correct, some relic from v1.01

Apologies for that, I will fix it with next release
So for you how to fix this:
1. As CLIENT ID set the client ID you received during the installation process
2. As Redirect URL set the url from the installation process

Let me know how it went and maybe switch to e-mails it will be quicker


FSN v1.065 is live

- Fixed Save to File bug where file name does not match the content
- Implemented support for CSS animation - now custom animations can be used in .block element

By adding following animations to the .block element you will get drop down animation instead of default animation
.block {

  -webkit-animation: blockStartAnimation 1s ease,
             blockEndAnimation 1s 4s ease;

/* Chrome, Safari, Opera, obs browser plugin- webkit based browsers*/
@-webkit-keyframes blockStartAnimation {
  0%, 60%, 75%, 90%, 100% {
    transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000);

  0% {   
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -3000px, 0);

  60% {
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 25px, 0);

  75% {        
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -10px, 0);

  90% {  
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 5px, 0);

  100% {
    -webkit-transform: none;

/* Chrome, Safari, Opera, obs browser plugin- webkit based browsers*/
@-webkit-keyframes blockEndAnimation {
  20% {
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -10px, 0);

  40%, 45% {
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 20px, 0);

  100% {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, -2000px, 0);

more changes to come, including notification style editor


New Member
I think I need to make the Client ID clearerish in the comments

If you deployed the app to openshift for twitch to work you only need to check the checkbox for follower or/and subscriber notifications
You dont need to do anything else
You specified the client id during the installation process and you dont need to do it again

I probably should disable those text fields
I need to fix it because it may mislead people, it is something that I forgot to correct, some relic from v1.01

Apologies for that, I will fix it with next release
So for you how to fix this:
1. As CLIENT ID set the client ID you received during the installation process
2. As Redirect URL set the url from the installation process

Let me know how it went and maybe switch to e-mails it will be quicker

Heya! Thanks for the fast response.

I'm in UK time, so I'm used to a time delay in responses :)

Step 1 and 2 - I've tried that as well, and it resets to blank and localhost. That said, I think I'm having save issues - in that it remembers what was first entered in client id (as a test I just typed q, after a restart, and it now seems to remember that above everything else). I'll reupload the jar file, delete the mongo lock, and restart the server and give it another go as soon as I get home in a couple of hours.

As soon as I do, regardless of success or failure, I'll send you an email via your site so you know if it worked or not!



New Member
Just sent you a few emails - and have just seen this :)

Not sure if I need to do this now, but if after you read the emails you think I need to, let me know.


New Member
Thought I should do a quick update into the discussion here - just wanted to say that BobDev helped me work out what was happening, and all is working as it should. Very happy indeed.
I dont understand. I downloaded from your site I unzipped it and I dont see any html docs to point the CLR browser to in OBS

I am trying to follow the video on your site, but its different....I only want the Patreon notification, nothing else as my bot already does my donations and follows.

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I dont understand. I downloaded from your site I unzipped it and I dont see any html docs to point the CLR browser to in OBS

I am trying to follow the video on your site, but its different....I only want the Patreon notification, nothing else as my bot already does my donations and follows.

The video is outdated as the annotation says,
The raw version that FSN was in the beginning no longer applies.
FSN is now configured via dashboard and that is what you are seeing.

How to run new FSN can be seen here:
or here:

After you have the FSN running, you can go to Dashboard page -> Conf. Wizard -> Available pages, in that section you will find link to patreon, this link should be placed in obs
Alright I will give this another try this evening. Suggestion if I may? If you are directing people to your website, you might want to update your videos as they become available.

Flashing an annotation that "this is outdated" and calling it a day will only confuse people.

Thanks again though!


Alright I will give this another try this evening. Suggestion if I may? If you are directing people to your website, you might want to update your videos as they become available.

Flashing an annotation that "this is outdated" and calling it a day will only confuse people.

Thanks again though!
agreed, I'm lately too busy, I'm little behind with the updates
Ok I got all the way to adding the Patreon to OBS. I used the link and put in my email, pw, $ etc with the test1 on the end of the URL, but nothing is happening

I go to Quick Test but nothing is happening in OBS. Am I testing it the right way? Do you have a video on how to setup OBS after the mongo, and dashboard is complete?