Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)

Free Free Stream Notifications (Twitch, Paypal, Patreon)


Awesome man! I'm still on 1.058, I'll upgrade after today's stream. Can you explain what vMix is in a sentence? :p
Well, it allows some stuff that is in obs and xsplit but it is not free:)

You know when tv stations have this van with antennas and they use it to live "mix" the footage, live events ect.
So vMix is basically software mixer (tv stations have hardware mixers, like console that together with some software is used to mix the live feeds/videos/whatever) - that allows you to have overlays, switching between inputs (video, image, sound, ect).

It allows streaming and recording, it cant capture area, or you cant add html pages but it has couple of transition effects (obs could finally implement those) , but in my opinion you just should keep your money and stay with free stuff even if vMix can be impressive in some areas - I dont really like the design and how much you need to click to make things work and for streaming yeah you could make a great setup and overlays, transitions but i dont think it worth the money.

I was asked to make a video how to add notification to vMix.
Since no one before made any kind of streaming notifications for it then i thought it is interesting enough to spent 4h investigating and implementing.


Feature request: Make the name of followers/subs/donators appear as it really is, instead of fully capitalized.
This is an issue because it makes pronouncing names too hard. A guy named "MREWW" followed me today but then I realized that his name is actually MrEww... :p


Bug report: Nicknames with a lot of '0' in them are not notified correctly, for example:
a person named 'vic00217' followed me but on stream it appeared as "VIC217"


Due to openshift changes for some unknown reason donation page is not loading - working on implementing workaround

[EDIT] it seems to be related to mongo DB.
For those of you that use openshift please connect to the server using FileZilla and erase the mongo.lock file (mongodb/data/mongo.lock)
Then restart the application from openshift web console.

After that if you are able to open donation page you are good to go, if you are not then update to FSN v1.06 and repeat the mongo.lock removal and app restart.
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Bug report: Nicknames with a lot of '0' in them are not notified correctly, for example:
a person named 'vic00217' followed me but on stream it appeared as "VIC217"
I added uppercase settings in wizard - be aware that text in notification also depends on font, default "DIRTYEGO" font is uppercase only so if you want to have text as it comes, you need to disable new style check box in wizard and change the font in allInOne.css to some other font.
Also remember to change suffixes for notifications (if you use uppercase for those)

As for the "vic00217" and missing 00 problem, I cant find solution for this, text returned from twitch is not formatted and shown as it was delivered, possible twitch issue, maybe, probably, I dont know :).


I just got a real donation again and this time the plugin worked but there was an issue. In my Dashboard's settings, I changed the string to:
"name, suffix, ! THANKS! \o/"
And when I test via Dashboard, it shows:

The problem is when I got the real donation, it actually said:
Where do I fix it... ;x


I just got a real donation again and this time the plugin worked but there was an issue. In my Dashboard's settings, I changed the string to:
"name, suffix, ! THANKS! \o/"
And when I test via Dashboard, it shows:

The problem is when I got the real donation, it actually said:
Where do I fix it... ;x
That depends, what do you have in suffix and also if you want to have white space use "space" any other white space character will be cropped.

I will let you know if I find something


That depends, what do you have in suffix and also if you want to have white space use "space" any other white space character will be cropped.

I will let you know if I find something
It seems it works fine, I tested it using sandbox, my configuration is this:


The result is this, first one is the dashboard test, second one is the real thing:


New Member
Hey guys, thx alot for this great tool.

I am getting this error "http://localhost:8080/?error=redirect_mismatch&error_description=Parameter redirect_uri does not match registered URI" when i try "connect with twitch" .
I am using this as redirect url " http://localhost:8080/ " on twitch manage application section. Am i missing something pls? Thanks.

edit: Wow it worked now!! i had to rewrite "Redirect URL" as " http://localhost:8080 " without last " / ". This tool is fkn awesome! CLR Browser Allinone thing also worked now.
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Hey guys, thx alot for this great tool.

I am getting this error "http://localhost:8080/?error=redirect_mismatch&error_description=Parameter redirect_uri does not match registered URI" when i try "connect with twitch" .
I am using this as redirect url " http://localhost:8080/ " on twitch manage application section. Am i missing something pls? Thanks.

edit: Wow it worked now!! i had to rewrite "Redirect URL" as " http://localhost:8080 " without last " / ". This tool is fkn awesome! CLR Browser Allinone thing also worked now.
Sorry for late response.

Yes, this is typical problem,
Great that you like it, you can also host the app online (using openshift)
This way you dont need to run it on your desktop and paypal setup is easier, check my tutorial videos for details.


I released FSN v1.062 with two fixes:
- fix for donation not showing due to mongodb connection lose
- fix for undefined shown when donator didnt specify his/her name

Mongodb lately fails often I recommend to run this command to restart the app before stream (save it as bat script and run before stream):

rhc app restart -a your_app_name

or If the restart option doesn't work, we may try:
rhc app stop -a your_app_name
rhc app start -a your_app_name

restart the app from openshift application page


ohh that's pretty damn neat.
Well in the beginning it was done by parsing their home page but it generated to much traffic and probably registered as ddos so they patched their site to prevent it and then I figured out how to do it simpler and because they dont provide API it is safe, quick and none violating way of getting the list of patreons.

I'm curious why do you ask about patreons?


New Member
I wish to run the java IPN Listener for PayPal locally. I cant find the ipnListener.jar nor the configuration file in version 1.062 as described in PaypalNotificationsHowTo.pdf on your page.

Also i dont want to use the included paypal_button.html and prefer people to go directly to the paypal donation page.

Please let me know how to accomplish this.

Thank you.


I wish to run the java IPN Listener for PayPal locally. I cant find the ipnListener.jar nor the configuration file in version 1.062 as described in PaypalNotificationsHowTo.pdf on your page.

Also i dont want to use the included paypal_button.html and prefer people to go directly to the paypal donation page.

Please let me know how to accomplish this.

Thank you.
The old way of running IPN listener is obsolete as are those documents - I specifically pointed that out in the document - I might remove it altogether to avoid confusion.

From document you are referring to

Instruction below are partially obsolete, html files described below still can be accessed in new FSN notification Dashboard.

Details in my youtube and in ibs forum.

Running FSN locally is not complicated but having paypal notification while running it locally is.
I would recommend to use openshift, paypal setup is easier, user friendly and it takes 5-10 minute to set up

How to run FSN.jar locally:

If you still want to run it locally then follow this (assuming you will use default port 8080):
  • FSN is running on your PC
  • Enable port forwarding in your router, you need to be able to access your computer using IP:8080 or DNSNAME:8080
  • Log in to dashboard and go to wizard and fill paypal config according to comments
  • If you want to use DNS name instead of your IP use services like DuckDNS or NoIP or FreeDNS - well if you have dynamic IP you will need to use one of those to compensate for IP change. If you use those services you will need to go back to config and change some of the links (that have your IP in it) to new DNS URL, follow the comments
  • If you dont want to use FSN paypal form then it is possible to use only paypal button link but you would need to provide additional parameters to the link or you would need to set IPN listener URL directly in paypals IPN config (IP:PORT):
The additional parameter is:
    • redirect url
    • and I dont remember if you need anything else. I would need to take a look at the code to give you the needed fields but you can find it somewhere in documentation

One thing is for sure, if you do it like this then you wont be able to have comments and you wont have a nick name.

I think last person who successfully did set it up on local computer was, if I remember correctly BullHorn, but I convinced him that it is easier to just host it on a server.

FSN started as local application, originally only supporting twitch, then I added IPNListener.jar but paypal was complicated to set up.
Since then FSN evolved the IPNListener is actually integrated now into FSN.jar and there is configuration wizard (that you access after you start the FSN.jar), but paypal is still too complicated to run locally - it is possible but the struggle you will have to correctly configure it is to much, just ask BullHorn.

To sum my long rant:
  • I recommend to host the app on the server
  • If you dont want to use custom paypal form thats fine (you wont have comment and twitch name in the notification)
  • If not using paypal form you will need to set IPN listener URL in Paypal's IPN config page on or you will need to add one parameter to the button url
  • The IPN URL that should be used by paypal can be fond in configuration wizard - or you will add that redirect_url to button link
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New Member
Hi, i`m a hitbox streamer.
I was wondering if you could implement a hitbox dashboard and a more in depth youtube tutorial?

Also is it possible to have 3 different animations for sub/follower/donation?