CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings

CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings 7.4.2


New Member
Well, that's embarrassing :-D

Thanks, it's working fine, now that I'm aware of that detail :-P

In the meantime, I was playing with the web application and it's really quite cool. I have one suggestion though: currently the app seems to only consider the first parameter. So if I would like to set two settings at once this does not work, e.g.
In this example, it will only consider the focus, but not the white balance.
This also makes it difficult to set settings that are on auto right away. For example, you need to call
first, and then in a subsequent call
if you want to set the focus from "auto" to "0". For this case, I would suggest that the app automatically unsets "auto" when the parameter is a number.

The web interface is really a great addition to CamooZ, thanks for that!


New Member
Nevermind, I missed the part about the concatenation in the manual
You can concatenate /set parameters as follows: /set?camera=1,brightness=200,exposure=5,contrast=128
I was just expecting the delimiter to be the ampersand & and not comma ,

Thanks again, great app :-)


New Member
Hi, I come here for a problem.
I am not able to download here, using the google chrome browser it does not download.
I only managed to download it using microsoft EDGE browser, and it marked it as inappropriate and I forced it to keep it and that's how I managed to download it.

I believe, that it is chrome that does not let the download, that it may be signaling something strange in the ".zip"

sorry guys for my english.
the download fails silently in chrome. if you open chrome dev tools, you can see the error in the console tab.
Mixed Content: The site at '' was loaded over a secure connection, but the file at '' was redirected through an insecure connection. This file should be served over HTTPS. This download has been blocked. See for more details.

I have informed falti over email. In the meantime, you can open a new tab to the url listed in the chrome dev tools console log tab.


No, it's not embarrassing , happens to all of us ;-)

I like the idea of autmatically setting auto off if a number is presented, let me look into that!

You can always concatenate like this /set?WhiteBalance=autooff,WhiteBalance=2000 - but you'd have to consider AUTO, so your approach is good

Thanks for all the feedback and testing/playing

Well, that's embarrassing :-D

Thanks, it's working fine, now that I'm aware of that detail :-P

In the meantime, I was playing with the web application and it's really quite cool. I have one suggestion though: currently the app seems to only consider the first parameter. So if I would like to set two settings at once this does not work, e.g.
In this example, it will only consider the focus, but not the white balance.
This also makes it difficult to set settings that are on auto right away. For example, you need to call
first, and then in a subsequent call
if you want to set the focus from "auto" to "0". For this case, I would suggest that the app automatically unsets "auto" when the parameter is a number.

The web interface is really a great addition to CamooZ, thanks for that!


falti updated CamooZ - Manage, save, restore camera settings local and remote with a new update entry:

CamooZ V6 - All in one

Integrated web srever - new Version 6 will combine controlling the camera locally using the app's sliders, and remotely on a browser on another machine. Interfaces are the same.
Click on the "run webserver" button, see the URL change color to blue, click on it to start browser.

View attachment 79387

View attachment 79388

View attachment 79389

Command line is available
locally to load a previously saved profile
on the browser...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Download to V6 is now a https link again. Thanks for the hint.

the download fails silently in chrome. if you open chrome dev tools, you can see the error in the console tab.
Mixed Content: The site at '' was loaded over a secure connection, but the file at '' was redirected through an insecure connection. This file should be served over HTTPS. This download has been blocked. See for more details.

I have informed falti over email. In the meantime, you can open a new tab to the url listed in the chrome dev tools console log tab.
I cannot seem to get it to load profiles correctly when using commands. I am using this, run via command prompt in Windows 11:
c:\camooz.exe -silent -file:"C:\Users\nickg\OneDrive\Documents\CamooZ6\Logitech_BRIO\Brio_30ish.ccs"
It doesn't return any errors, but it also doesn't do anything. And I've also tried it without the -silent parameter, which loads something but it doesn't actually load all the settings. Like, it opens CamooZ and it says it found the camera and profile and loaded it, and I can see that something did change, but if I manually load the profile, it looks different. At the very minimum, it doesn't seem to be loading my gain setting or at least the image is much darker than when I load manually. I've tried running as an admin, too, but neither makes any difference. My goal is to create a script that can run at startup so I can ditch Logi Tune, but this is just not working right now. Am I missing something?


Thanks for your feedback - I understand. Let me look into this.


I cannot seem to get it to load profiles correctly when using commands. I am using this, run via command prompt in Windows 11:
c:\camooz.exe -silent -file:"C:\Users\nickg\OneDrive\Documents\CamooZ6\Logitech_BRIO\Brio_30ish.ccs"
It doesn't return any errors, but it also doesn't do anything. And I've also tried it without the -silent parameter, which loads something but it doesn't actually load all the settings. Like, it opens CamooZ and it says it found the camera and profile and loaded it, and I can see that something did change, but if I manually load the profile, it looks different. At the very minimum, it doesn't seem to be loading my gain setting or at least the image is much darker than when I load manually. I've tried running as an admin, too, but neither makes any difference. My goal is to create a script that can run at startup so I can ditch Logi Tune, but this is just not working right now. Am I missing something?
@falti sure! Here are two logs, actually, because the results seem to be really inconsistent. To test this, I have my computer on, but I unplug the camera and then plug it back in (which, because it's a stupid Logitech camera, wipes all the settings). For this first one, I just gave it a few seconds to make sure my PC (running Windows 11) registered that it was connected, then ran my script without ever actually using the camera. That is, I didn't open OBS, I didn't join a video call, etc.

For the next test, I did the same thing, but this time opened up OBS and activated the camera and then ran the script while the camera was active.

What I'm noticing here is that it seems to just load arbitrary white balance and, sometimes, exposure settings. In both of these examples, it loaded -5 exposure, which is correct, but I've also seen it load -6 for the exposure. I'm not sure if it's just not overwriting what's already on the camera or what, but it's definitely loading the wrong things for at least those two settings. For reference, here is what the settings should be:

I'm also noticing that the frequency setting doesn't get saved in the profile and when I load my settings manually, everything except for the frequency loads correctly. For whatever reason, when I load manually within the program, it insists on changing it to 50 Hz. And finally, as I mentioned above, if I use the -silent parameter, it just doesn't work at all. Nothing happens whatsoever. If you need any other logs or anything, let me know.


Hi @Thebigcheese,
thanks for submitting. Just to give you a status: both are accepted as bugs. Reason is, that V6 is a redesign and I missed the frequency entirely (it has never been relevant for me personally, so I just forgot). And re loading from the profile: you can try running the script twice, in that case things should be ok... my mistake, it's a little bug re order of events when handling actual values and their AUTO settings. (What needs to be done is: read and set the AUTO setting first, and only then change the value - I sometimes do it the other way around, just alphabetically...grrrmpppfffff)

Will be fixed with version 6.0a - still need some time as I'm pretty busy these days with my job. Say 3 promises though
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@Thebigcheese - try this new version 6.0a and please let me know if all works correctly

That's working a lot better. The only issue I'm still seeing is that it's not loading the white balance setting correctly, at least not the first time I run the script. If I run it a second time, that seems to work. It also works fine if I manually load it from the UI. Everything else, including frequency, seems to load correctly the first time. And the silent parameter is actually working now!
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@Thebigcheese Thanks for your feedback and effort. I cannot recreate the problem with my setup - everything fine here, so this will take a moment to fix. Stay tuned
@Thebigcheese Thanks for your feedback and effort. I cannot recreate the problem with my setup - everything fine here, so this will take a moment to fix. Stay tuned
Yeah, it's a bit of a weird one. It doesn't happen with my wife's Kiyo, but then again, that saves the white balance setting to the camera, so that makes sense.


@Thebigcheese Pls check out Version 6.0b. Like I said, I cannot recreate the issue in my setup, but I still think this version will fix it, so please let me know

Good luck ;-)


Some suggestions:

Is it possible to make some compact version of the user interface? Application window is too big. Text and other controls are unnecessary big. Anything with normal sizes would do.

Is it possible to have edit boxes for values. Using slider is limited. It is easier to simply type on exact values.

I is it possible to have sliders react on mouse scroll?

Is it possible to have profile loaded at the moment it is selected? AS it is now user must select profile and then click Load profile. But unusual.

Once profile is seelcted and clicked on Load profile, Select profile drop down is emptied. Can it stay set to selected value?


Hi @PedjaS
a lot is possible ;-)

Compact version: if you do not have enough space, how about one more monitor? ;-)
More serious answer is that the design goal was to have identical look and feel in app as well as firefox and chrome web version, so no, I will keep sizes as they are. Also, my friend, I'm 50+ so the text size is just perfect for me ;-)

Edit boxes: I could do that, but it would be much more work for the web version, so I will not do it in the desktop version either. Limited added value as compared to the additional hazzle generating all the extra html.

Sliders react on mouse scroll: done with 6.1 , good idea!

Profile loaded the moment it is selected: that's a NO. I want the additional safety so the user choses the profile first and then activates it with another button click

Stay set to selected value: done with 6.1

Thanks for your input