CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings

CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings 7.4.2


New Member
Any chance to toggle profiles on webserver

e.g.: /set?cam=1,profile=<profilename>

Want to use it on companion (Remote Streamdeck)
By the way: awesome job. Your tool made ma insta360link usable. You made what insta360 can't.

thank you very much.


New Member
Damit hast du das Moorhuhn abgeschossen. Zusammen mit dem Tool
kann man die Insta360Link jetzt mit dem Companion fürs Streamdeck nutzen! HAMMER!

1 Wunsch habe ich noch (und ich befürchte, der ist mangels API schwer zu realisieren):
Trigger Insta 360 Link Whiteboard mode (Auto Crop an Rectangle Image)
Trigger Insta 360 Desktop view and Overhead Mode
Ich vemrute das sind software basierte Bildkorrekturen, die in der Insta360 Sofware passieren.

Ich habe die Hoffnung, dass die Magie in der Kamera passiert und somit ansteuerbar ist.


@derWu Thanks a lot.

You may have seen that a streamdeck plugin even existed before I created this new Hotkey Option. Hotkeys are rather meant for users who do not have a streamdeck (yet :-)

If you have one, live gets even easier as my streamdeck plugin accesses all available cam profiles directly from CamooZ and makes them available to you by buttonclick without having to define hotkeys anywhere.


Regarding Insta 360 Link Whiteboard mode (Auto Crop an Rectangle Image) or Insta 360 Desktop view and Overhead Mode: these look rather proprietary and there's nothing I can do about that. All I'm doing is making excessive use of the functions that are exposed via DirectShow API.

I'll do a little resarch, but will not raise hope.


falti updated CamooZ - Save & restore camera settings with a new update entry:

7.2.1 CamooZWeb now has /set?profile= command

Many thanks to @derWu for the suggestion.

CamooZWeb 7.2.1 now supports a URL command to switch camera profles - as follows (e.g.):


No changes made to CamooZ and the Streamdeck plugin.


Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
i still have the following issue
is their some kind of fix for it? i already removed camooz6 folder in mydocuments




Here is what you can do: I have built trace-functionality into the latest version, so please do this:
  1. Download and run
  2. Start CamooZ.exe (needs to be version 7.2.1 – if you’re in doubt, do a fresh download from OBS forum) with a command line parameter as follows: "C:\whereever_you_stored_it\CamooZ.exe" -trace


  3. As a result you should see something like this in debugview:
  4. Save the LOG-file and send it to me camooz(at) or show it here


The issue seems to occur when CammoZ attempts to retrieve the name of the second cam.

#1 is ok (Game Capture 4K60 Pro MK.2)

Can you check what the next one is? Do you have a total of 7 cams connected or could it be some orphaned driver?


New Member
Its strange that it detects 7 cams i reinstalled my windows 2 weeks ago. anyhow i have 2 c920's connected, camlink (sony camera) and my game capture card


New Member
OK i deleted LG GHUB Elgato Facecam software and now i only have 5 cams that the log is detecting. i think the 5th "cam" is obs virtual cam sometime i use that is their some kind of work around?


@sQumm - I hate to ask you, but the only way I see is to plug all cams out and start with the virtual cam. I that goes through without error, plug one other physical cam in, start CamooZ, save the logfile and repeat with the next cam - until you can see which one causes the issue. Them pls send me all log files.
Worst case it's the virtual cam, but I doubt it - in that case, get (temporarily of course) rid of it if you can and repeat the process above.

See, the issue is this: I'm not saying, that I could not do even better trying to intercept such issues - I just have no way of testing such scenarios in my development environment because all my cams work like a charm, the same is true for my production machine...


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