*ahem* ... While I have the mic, can I make a suggestion for how to improve this plugin?
I was looking at the "Downstream Keyer" (another great plugin), and it occurred to me that having a Tab to group each Output device (rather than grouping by source) might be useful.
The idea here would be that you'd configure one or more tabs, with each tab being associated with a single (or multiple?) Output device.
Each time you add an "Audio Monitor" Filter to the Audio Source, you nominate which tab (instead of the device) you want this slider to appear on. In this way, "Audio Montior" becomes more like an "Audio Matrix" in that you can send signals to multiple Output chains, and if you want to change the device associated with any tab, you only have to do it in one place (not on each source).
An example of how this might be used is to have multiple tabs:
* One tab / output for your headphones
* One tab / output for your speakers
* One tab / output for your Discord output
* One tab / output for your Zoom / MS Teams or similar
* One tab / output for your recording / audio software
... etc
This approach might also open up the possibility of a "Master" slider on each tab that can control the overall volume of that Matrix (or even mute it if you wish). It would make this plugin a lot more powerful, and better organised.
One downside to this approach might be that you then can't see your "all sources" view with multiple sliders for each output. Perhaps there can be a way to right click and "Show All Sources" or similar, so you could configure one tab as the "Master" with all the sliders and sources arranged similar to how it is today?
Hope you find this idea useful.