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New Member
Excuse you?

1. You had to click on this thread to even post a reply, the original post is what you see first or the plugin page - both have this information.
2. You yourself wrote that it'll sound incredibly stupid and it did.
3. Drop the attitude, this is a forum of volunteers and people doing this for free.
4. Nothing of what i said linked you to the troubleshooting guide.

  1. At no point does your post explicitly state that an AMD GPU is required. Your troubleshooting guide does, however.
  2. Because I felt like I was missing something and didn't want to state that I found the post ambiguous.
  3. Pretentiousness.
  4. It's contained within the original post, yeah? You want people to read between the lines of the original post but not your subsequent responses to it? Good grief.


New Member
  1. At no point does your post explicitly state that an AMD GPU is required. Your troubleshooting guide does, however.
  2. Because I felt like I was missing something and didn't want to state that I found the post ambiguous.
  3. Pretentiousness.
  4. It's contained within the original post, yeah? You want people to read between the lines of the original post but not your subsequent responses to it? Good grief.
Get off your high horse... he agreed with you that your question was stupid as he has been answering the same thing over and over for more than a year now.
All the information you will ever need is available in the documentation, it just takes a couple of minutes of your time to actually go through it, something you clearly did not do.
The only one being pretentious here is you.. the only thing he did was agree with you then give you some advice and for whatever reason you shat your pampers and went into "victim mode" on the drop of a dime.

Fact is you come of as a self important prick with paper thin skin, if that is what you are going for then well done, if not then you should probably revise and calm down a bit.

Or hell just fork his work and do it better and come back and behave like an asshat.. at least then you have done something productive with your time.


Hello guys
I using AMD R9 290 and streaming at 1080p 60fps using this excellent encoder :D
Am looking to see if I can improve my stream quality I streaming to Youtube and settings I use now are
Quality - Balanced
Rate Control - CBR
Pre-pass - Enabled Full size ---- Not sure what this does Lool
Target Bitrate - 15000 - My upload is 20mbps and I get this target all the time

Now I see under view mode I using Basic atm they is a ton of settings that I after admit I have zero clue about! Is they anything in there worth me enabling?



New Member
Yo bro

I know this thread is majorly for bug reporting or needing help, but I just wanted to say that I have been using your plugin until 19.0 [I think] (since you know, it was implemented in the actual software). Wanted to say it was extremely helpful and especially since it's free I want to say thank you, bro :)


Active Member
Hello guys
I using AMD R9 290 and streaming at 1080p 60fps using this excellent encoder :D
Am looking to see if I can improve my stream quality I streaming to Youtube and settings I use now are
Quality - Balanced
Rate Control - CBR
Pre-pass - Enabled Full size ---- Not sure what this does Lool
Target Bitrate - 15000 - My upload is 20mbps and I get this target all the time

Now I see under view mode I using Basic atm they is a ton of settings that I after admit I have zero clue about! Is they anything in there worth me enabling?


Pre-pass is not yet implemented in the Driver AMD ships as far as i know. The only way to improve quality is to either use a higher preset (quality instead of balanced), lower keyframe interval or increased bitrate.

Surl Aruru

New Member
Hello... with the new Crimson Driver version 17.7,2 i cant start any record with h265....

Loadlog ...
09:49:01.398: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
09:49:01.398: CPU Speed: 3311MHz
09:49:01.398: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
09:49:01.398: Physical Memory: 16351MB Total, 10999MB Free
09:49:01.399: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 15063 (revision: 296; 64-bit)
09:49:01.399: Running as administrator: false
09:49:01.399: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
09:49:01.399: Portable mode: false
09:49:01.413: OBS 19.0.3 (64bit, windows)
09:49:01.413: ---------------------------------
09:49:01.413: ---------------------------------
09:49:01.413: audio settings reset:
09:49:01.413: samples per sec: 44100
09:49:01.413: speakers: 2
09:49:01.416: ---------------------------------
09:49:01.416: Initializing D3D11...
09:49:01.416: Available Video Adapters:
09:49:01.417: Adapter 1: Radeon(TM) RX 460 Graphics
09:49:01.417: Dedicated VRAM: 2091991040
09:49:01.417: Shared VRAM: 4277733376
09:49:01.418: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
09:49:01.418: output 2: pos={1920, 304}, size={1366, 768}, attached=true
09:49:01.420: Loading up D3D11 on adapter Radeon(TM) RX 460 Graphics (0)
09:49:01.436: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: 45056
09:49:02.148: ---------------------------------
09:49:02.148: video settings reset:
09:49:02.148: base resolution: 1920x1080
09:49:02.148: output resolution: 1920x1080
09:49:02.148: downscale filter: Lanczos
09:49:02.148: fps: 60/1
09:49:02.148: format: NV12
09:49:02.149: Audio monitoring device:
09:49:02.149: name: Standard
09:49:02.149: id: default
09:49:02.149: ---------------------------------
09:49:02.151: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/chrome_elf.dll' not found, loading of module failed
09:49:02.152: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
09:49:02.156: [AMF] Version 2.1.6 loaded (Compiled:, Runtime:, Library: 1;4;4;0;17.30.1041;201707201852;CL#1437322).
09:49:02.248: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
09:49:02.248: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
09:49:02.248: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/64bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
09:49:02.249: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
09:49:02.249: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.29.0']
09:49:02.252: LoadLibrary failed for 'nvEncodeAPI64.dll': (null) (126)
09:49:02.413: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
09:49:02.420: No blackmagic support
09:49:02.464: ---------------------------------
09:49:02.464: Loaded Modules:
09:49:02.464: win-wasapi.dll
09:49:02.464: win-mf.dll
09:49:02.464: win-dshow.dll
09:49:02.464: win-decklink.dll
09:49:02.464: win-capture.dll
09:49:02.464: vlc-video.dll
09:49:02.464: text-freetype2.dll
09:49:02.464: rtmp-services.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-x264.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-vst.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-transitions.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-text.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-qsv11.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-outputs.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-filters.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-ffmpeg.dll
09:49:02.464: obs-browser.dll
09:49:02.464: image-source.dll
09:49:02.464: frontend-tools.dll
09:49:02.464: enc-amf.dll
09:49:02.464: coreaudio-encoder.dll
09:49:02.464: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
09:49:02.470: All scene data cleared
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New Member


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Active Member
New issue here. Driver is 17.7.2 and use H264/AVC Encoder to recording. Watch the recorded video is gray(or green). After some testing, only the use of QP will appear when the problem.

Here is log:

Fixed by 2.2.0 which disables Pre-Pass and VBAQ when using Constant QP. Constant QP always has a fixed qp value so using either Pre-Pass and/or VBAQ would break it.

Ah thx a lot for that information....

2.2.0 is out, fixing compatibility with driver 17.7.2

Pre-Pass is implemented in 17.7.2 driver and can now be used properly with 2.2.0.


Active Member
Xaymar updated AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder Plugin for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

2.2.0 - Pre-Pass, VBAQ and more fixes!

With the newly released Driver 17.7.2, AMD fixed many reported issues and added some much wanted features:
  • Pre-Pass and VBAQ are finally working,
  • H265/HEVC content can distinguish between IDR- and I- Frames
  • and also supports Color Range and Color Space now,
  • and the 32-bit only text log crash was fixed.
And now it's time for the plugin to also be updated! This release primarily aims at adding support for AMF 1.4.4 and improving support for older drivers, with some...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
With new AMF encoder, the output bitrate is not stable for streaming. Set it to max 6500kbps and it jumpy, up to 13Mbit/s and down to 1Mbit/s then stable again for a while. CBR/VBR too.

First half is Twitch settings and set to max 6500kbps CBR, second half is "-" settings and same max 6500kbps CBR. It seems average is 6500kbps, but i set it to max....



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Active Member
With new AMF encoder, the output bitrate is not stable for streaming. Set it to max 6500kbps and it jumpy, up to 13Mbit/s and down to 1Mbit/s then stable again for a while. CBR/VBR too.

There has been no change that affects CBR Filler Data for either H264 or H265. Please provide a log file by following the Troubleshooting Guide.


Active Member
Xaymar updated AMD Advanced Media Framework Encoder Plugin for OBS Studio with a new update entry:

Pre-Pass, VBAQ and more fixes! (Hotfix 1)

With the newly released Driver 17.7.2, AMD fixed many reported issues and added some much wanted features:
  • Pre-Pass and VBAQ are finally working,
  • H265/HEVC content can distinguish between IDR- and I- Frames
  • and also supports Color Range and Color Space now,
  • and the 32-bit only text log crash was fixed.
And now it's time for the plugin to also be updated! This release primarily aims at adding support for AMF 1.4.4 and improving support for older drivers, with some...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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