
  1. shipiloff69

    OBS vertical stream in Youtube is not working properly!

    The latest version of OBS (mac or windows) is not streaming YouTube videos correctly! In the OBS settings, video tab I set all the necessary values for vertical streaming. If you go to youtube broadcast, it becomes a horizontal stream for some reason. If necessary, I can shoot a video with...
  2. M

    Hide Hotkeys now in conflict with each other

    Hello there. So basically I created short videos to be played when I hit a button. I set it up so that I have Num+9 to "hide" and "show" the source. Doing it this way enabled me to prevent all the videos I had set up this way from playing when I start OBS and was set up so that the buttons...
  3. M

    WebSockets not working, not showing in tools, installing but not showing up

    Hey all, I'm having an issue with getting the up-to-date WebSockets to install and run properly. I've looked up so many resources and tutorials but nothing is working. I do not have the option in the tools setting to configure the WebSockets so I tried to do the basic Windows installer for...
  4. A

    My PC Completely Freezes When Streaming With OBS Studio (Running on Windows 11)

    I've been streaming with OBS Studio for many years and ever since I got my gaming PC back in 2018, it's been smooth! Then until around Fall 2021, my PC has been receiving issues where my entire PC freezes via a black screen and blue screen error, and it's been happening many times. So I bought a...
  5. W


    I have performance issues with OBS and I am having difficulty on having my settings for recording and streaming be better, here are my PC stats: Ryzen 7 2700x ROG Strix B450-F Gaming DDR4 16GB Dual Nvidia GTX 1650 Super Here is my log file: Thank...
  6. A


    My OBS won't disconnect, it's still connected. I have to close it from task manager. my pc: amd ryzer 5 3400g
  7. L

    OBS crashes while launching on Windows 11

    Unhandled exception: e06d7363 Date/Time: 2022-03-20, 17:33:15 Fault address: 7FFD8BFA478C (c:\windows\system32\kernelbase.dll) libobs version: 27.2.0 (64-bit) Windows version: 10.0 build 22000 (release: 2009; revision: 493; 64-bit) CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz I used to...
  8. C

    OBS still crashing after troubleshooting

    I scanned the forums before asking for help. I still can't fix my OBS crashing when I open it. >Upon opening OBS I get prompted with SE.Live update >I cannot see my docks >I click update and OBS crashes >Update installs and I run OBS again >Get prompted with same update, OBS crashes, ETC I...
  9. InfantryTamyiaUT

    Windows Vista OBS download

    Dose anyone have a direct link to OBS version old enough, too support Windows Vista. If not is there any way I can install OBS on a operating system such as Windows Vista.
  10. R

    How to: Record more than 6 audio tracks with OBS Studio?

    Hello, I wanted to ask if it was possible to add/use more than 6 audio tracks since I can't open two obs (because the application stops)
  11. MimaSweets

    Meloncholy (Light theme) 1.1

    it's my first theme, i hope you like it! some custom icons made with users that have issues reading bright fonts over dark backgrounds in mind! and very nice colors for people that just want to have a less boring light theme than System! thanks to MarsMehlo, Shelly, Zhebe, and Jason for the...
  12. R


    Olá, atualizei meu PC para ultima versão do OBS, porém ele trava meu PC e tenho que desligar direto no botão, aconteceu 2 vezes e afetou o Windows e tive que formatar, alguém está com mesmo problema ou sabe resolver? Ps: estou com a versão 27.1.3 porém tenho que atualizar até dia 28/02, e faço...
  13. S


    Hola. Cuando yo toco ALT+TAB , las ventanas se ven asi y los juegos se ven de esa manera ( no se ve el juego y es chica a comparacion de las ventanas) por lo tanto el OBS no reconoce los juegos. No los reconoce ni con captura de juego y tampoco con captura de ventana. Ya no se que hacer y...
  14. sonicgalaxy27

    Video file lagging issues

    Well, I may have solve the out of sync problem in OBS software 2 months ago, but now, I'm having some serious trouble with the lags now in my video file. Every time I record my new game Pokémon Legends and save my recording, the video file that I save just started lagging for no reason. Yes this...
  15. S

    Jitter Effect When FPS Drops During Recording

    The priority of OBS is high, and my fps is okayish but I get this weird stuttery jitter effect that makes the recording hard to watch (effect happens 20 seconds in when the battle starts) tutorial video (for setting viewing purposes)...
  16. T

    HELP | Does My Laptop Matter For OBS If I'm Using My PS4/Monitor?

    Hi everyone! I'm in the process of kickstarting my YouTube channel and I'm trying to get the appropriate equipment without doing too much. I plan to record my gameplay on OBS, using a capture card that is connected to a monitor and my PS4. I tried to run OBS and record on my MacBook Air, but...
  17. B

    Auto-Configuration wizard error

    Please help.... I am having issues with my OBS, I have restarted router for internet and it is working fine, I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled it, I have gone through the settings to find the best one which will have the best quality and still comes up with this error...
  18. C

    OBS recordings sometimes have glitchy, red or blue lines all over them.

    here is the log file: the screenshot is from an emulator i was recording, but it does this for actual PC games, as well as console. It seems random, doesn't even depend on the length of the recording or anything. I only have one monitor and i record...
  19. F

    OBS Crashing randomly, freezes everything mid stream, have to kill through Task Manager

    Hello, when I'm streaming my OBS will randomly freeze everything and bitrate will go to zero, requiring me to kill it through Task Manager Anyone had this issue before? Pretty annoying... Log attached but also here's the link:
  20. Lukas ThyWalls

    Window not in Window/Game Capture selection (PaC-DK Game Engine)

    Hello. I was trying to capture the free game Dinner with an Owl, but i found that OBS doesn't detect the window game at all, using Game and Window Capture. With Display Capture the game is shown, but is the first time i found a main window game is not detected/listed at all although it is in...