
  1. SomeDudeNamedAnt

    Can't get smooth recording with VAAPI on Fedora Linux.

    For some reason whatever I do. I can't seem to get OBS to put out an actual smooth recording. Either the recording stutters (like long pauses) or the output file is unplayable for whatever reason. I have no idea what's going on, and I clearly know it isn't my hardware so it might be a bug with...
  2. People11

    Unexplained capture frame drop

    I've been noticing a frame drop for a long time, I used to think it was a problem with the rendered frame rate not matching the captured frame rate, but it seems to occur in stable rendered frame rates as well, and it's not a performance-induced problem, so I'm here for help. First, log is here...
  3. OldConny

    OBS 31 mistake + win11

    Wow, where to begin. I was using OBS since 4 years, no problems whatsoever, heavy sources, a couple of plugins, transitions, many filters etc. etc. everything was working almost flawlessly on 1660S and Ryzen 5 2600 with 1080p60fps then, now 4060 and 7 5800x, but now, after installing 31 +...
  4. M

    Maybe you have the perfect middle ground settings for my recordings/suggest other programs?

    Hey, I want to record my gameplay. I am searching for a very clean and non pixelated recording setting. Which does not take toooo much drive space, when recording 20-45min videos. Does not need to be higher than 60fps but if you have suggestions. Which fit the perfect middle ground between...
  5. hurikhan77

    Performance regression with OBS 30.2 (Gentoo Linux)

    Already posted here and it has been suggested that this is a support request: Operating System Info Other Other OS Gentoo Linux OBS Studio Version 30.2.0 OBS Studio Version (Other) No response OBS Studio Log URL...
  6. H

    Is there a way to give OBS more process priority?

    Good evening, I wonder is there a way to give OBS more process priority? OBS (and stream so) is lagging when game start lagging due the limit of GPU resource, it's understandable, but can we do something about it? My current problem setup: I play a game with 144 capped fps and screen capture...
  7. U

    Weird frozen frame in transition

    Hello, so what happens is that when I switch between cameras, one frame of the next camera I switch to, belongs to one from the last time I switched to that camera. Something like this, don't know how to explain it well so here's a video: As you can...
  8. A

    Looking for some help, primarily with performance.

    Hi there! So I'm having a few problems with Streaming on OBS and I'd like a little help if anyone has any ideas. So I just started streaming for the first time last week and I've been having some issues, mostly performance. My setup consists of a Ryzen 5 3400G and a Radeon RX580, with 32 Gigs of...
  9. M

    Question about performance with game capture

    I couldn't find anyone asking this specifically, so I wanted to ask: If you use the same game capture in multiple scenes, is it more resource efficient to copy that game capture into each scene that uses it, or is it better to make an empty scene with just the game capture inside, and add that...
  10. Antinity

    Performance issues with my laptop, and request for a good config.

    I have experienced a lot of performance issues with OBS studio. First, I'd like to tell you my laptop specifications. CPU - Intel i5-8420U Inbuilt GPU (runs display) - Intel UHD 620 GPU (default for running games) - NVIDIA GeForce MX130 (Mobility) RAM - 8 GB I face a lot of lag in games like...
  11. V

    performace Impact when streaming with OBS

    So i use obs at quite some time now, but now, after Formating my pc, a Razer Blade with i7-10875h, 16GB of Ram, RTX 2070 Super, i noticed a perfomance drop when streaming. I stream at 1080p60fps with NVIDIA NVENQ. I attached the log from the stream and screenshots of obs settings. Thanks Guys
  12. Akuma

    What are the best settings for my PC?

    CPU: i5 10400f 2.90GHz (4.30GHz Turbo), 6-cores 12-threads GPU: RX 6500 XT (has no encoders, thus I record through software only) RAM: 2x8 DDR4 Geil Evo Potenza 2666MHz 1920x1080@120Hz DisplayPort I want to record short gameplays, at minimum 1280x720@30 FPS. So what's the best CPU...
  13. L

    Do Browser captures that are hidden/in unused scenes impact performance?

    Hello, I've got a OBS profile with a large number of browser captures spread across several scenes, however only one is ever being displayed at a time. I'm just wondering if having these captures in the profile impacts performance even if they are currently hidden? Thanks, Levy
  14. E

    My encoder gets overloaded when it shouldn't

    I've been trying to capture both games and just some internet browsing for some youtube videos and lately OBS can't keep up. it records everything really choppy no matter if I'm using x264 or H.264. Streaming aswell... I run 16gb of ram, R5 2600 and a RX 580 8gb. I've never have this problem...
  15. A

    OBS Windows 7

    Guys anyone who uses windows 7 should download OBS Studio 18.0.1 Its the best its in the official obs studio github site.
  16. llinfeng

    Mouse lagging/shuttering when screen-recording with OBS on a laptop with DisplayLink-connected external monitors

    Short question - is it an optimization issue that OBS screen-recording may leave a laptop with DisplayLink-connected monitors less responsive? Or, would adopting an even lower recording setting save me from the following situation? I use OBS to record my work sessions, where the sources include...
  17. T

    OBS Game FPS Cap

    Hey, I have recently had an issue where whenever I open OBS, the FPS in the game that I am playing drops a significant amount (240FPs down to 60FPS) I've tried minimizing OBS, disabling the preview, and enabling game mode, but there is no solution to my issue I have an i9 9th gen CPU and...
  18. O

    Render Lag after 1hr of streaming

    I keep on getting this very intense render lag on my system. It is always after about 45min to and hour of streaming. I have tried almost every setting. At times I even get the lag when the system is sitting Idle. All bios, windows and Nvidia drivers are kept up to date at all times! System...
  19. W


    I have performance issues with OBS and I am having difficulty on having my settings for recording and streaming be better, here are my PC stats: Ryzen 7 2700x ROG Strix B450-F Gaming DDR4 16GB Dual Nvidia GTX 1650 Super Here is my log file: Thank...
  20. U

    How well could my PC record and game?

    Hey, I am wanting to record my gameplay in obs, just wondering how well I could run obs, and games, potentially even discord. Specs: CPU: Intel Core I5-6500 GPU: GeForce GTX 1070Ti RAM: Two 8 gb sticks 2400 mhz Games I might play: Minecraft, Need For Speed, Need For Speed Heat, GTA 5 and more.