
  1. D

    Question / Help Two different GPU PC lagging obs on 99%

    Hello all! My PC config: Motherboard: OG-STRIX-X299-E-GAMING Ram: 64 giga DDR4 hyperx CPU: Intel 7820X GPU0: EVGA 1060 GTX SSC GPU1: MSI 1050 TI Monitors: 3 Settings monitors: First monitor connected to 1060 (GPU0) Second and third monitors connected to 1050 (GPU1) My problem: If i playing...
  2. L

    Question / Help Hohe GPU auslastung

    Hallo zusammen, wenn ich Streamlabs offen habe und ich ohne zu Streamen das Spiel spiele habe ich dauerhaft 100% auslastung wobei Streamlabs ca. 50-60 % der Auslastung einnimmt. Wenn ich jedoch aus dem Spiel raustappe und in die Vorschau von Streamlabs schaue ist aber alles flüssig und die...
  3. Polda18

    Question / Help How to run OBS on BOTH GPUs (Integrated + nVIDIA)

    Hi. I want to record some videos on my computer screen, and since I am using mostly laptop, I am concerned about the performance as well as to make it work. I want to record multiple genres of video tutorials. First being gaming. I am playing some games, one of them being Minecraft. I want to...
  4. drakgoku1

    Question / Help Recommended settings for Strean on ryzen 5

    Hello, I currently have this Ryzen 2400g processor and there are more and more changes in OBS studio. My question would be what are the best specifications for obs studio regarding this processor when it comes to high quality streaming at 60fps. I'm currently on a "cloud gaming" platform, so...
  5. InfamousChiri

    Question / Help Help with OBS performance

    Soo when i record my recordings everything runs fine, but when i look at the recording its lags sometimes and i really dont know what it is My Specs : -CPU : Intel Core i7-8750H 2,2GH (with turboboost) -GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050ti -Ram : 8 GB DDR4 -Windows 10 If anybody could help i would...
  6. Bèta Wolf

    Question / Help [Streaming] Need a little help with settings

    Hey everyone! I'm trying to figure out which settings I can use for each game. I want a very high quality and good performance. If I stream Modern Combat Versus, it's going pretty well. If I stream CSGO, it's going a bit less. Maybe some people can help me what I need to change in the...
  7. C

    Question / Help Game lag when recording

    Hey! I downloaded obs quite a while ago and it all worked well! But lately I have been experiencing in game lag when recording (the game lags, recording is okay) My game fps is all right until I hit record, and the audio becomes laggy as well. I really want to fix this problem and I searched...
  8. F

    Question / Help Dropped/ hitching frames while running obs, gtx1080 6700k

    My specs are: cpu: i7 6700k gpu: asus strix 8GB gtx 1080 ram: 16GB corsair vengeance boot device/ file location of obs and csgo: Samsung 750 evo My output setting are as follows: Encoder: H.264 Enforce streaming services encoder setting (enabled) rate control: CBR Bitrate: 500-2500 ( I have...
  9. L

    Low latency, high performance x264 options for for most streaming services (Youtube, Facebook,...)

    Reference links: Youtube recommended streaming encoder settings x264 fullhelp x264 settings basic wiki Another x264 settings basic wiki Presets comparison table Explanation of x264 tunes Basic output settings: Rate control: CBR Keyframe Interval: 2 Preset: superfast (ultrafast doesn't use...
  10. Dag_MB

    Question / Help Best performanc settings for NVIDIA GeForce 950 and AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core

    Hi. I like to grab videos in Full HD (1920x1080) Unfortunately I don't get a uncompressed video in a good quality. Here are my basic specs. AMD FX-8320E Eight-Core Processor 3.20 GHz 8GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 What do you think would be the best quality I could get and by using which...
  11. I

    Question / Help CPU and GPU usage both less than 60% but reduced in game performance! Why?? Oo

    so, here's the thing, i'm streaming for some time now and i really enjoyed it so i decided to buy the new 2700x for streaming and it's just a dream come true, i've never seen cpu usage above 60% and i really am a multi tasker. But, last night i tried to use FaceRig on my channel just to create a...
  12. S

    Bug Report 10% GPU Usage without a szene, up to 30% with only browsersource and gif

    Greetings, I noticed last week that my stream started to stutter randomly for the viewer but OBS did not show any skipped frames. When I opened the Task manager to check CPU and GPU usage I noticed that OBS is taking up to 30% of my GPU even though I am encoding with x264. I have tested a bit...