OBS Micro-Stuttering While Recording FC 25
When I record FC 25 with OBS (only FC 25), the recording shows micro-stutters and the image slows down occasionally. However, while playing, there are no FPS drops at all.
I've tried optimizing OBS, FC 25, and my GPU settings, lowering everything to...
When opening OBS to record the screen and attempting to record at 60FPS, I noticed a significant delay. I would like to know the cause of this issue. Below is the log from that time.
I couldn't find similar cases on the internet, that's why I'm asking here:
Back then, my combo was:
AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
I decided to stream with x264 and chose following options:
Output: 864p
6000 Kbps
Keyframe 2s
CPU Preset Fast
Profile High
x264 options...
Deleted member 496734
skipped frames
skipped frames due to encodinglag
hello hello, I need some help solving an issue with encoding lag.
Previously, this has worked, so no idea why this broken again. I am using replay buffer to clip the last 20 minutes of game footage in COD. I'm using game capture, with the res not downscaled and at 3840x2160 + 144fps. My monitor...
I have no clue what to do, before all of this I was able to stream for hours but now once I get to around 30 to 35 minuets in I start to see "Skipped frames due to encoding lag" & Frames missed due to rendering lag start going up gradually even hit 500+ at some point. On top of that my obs...
I decided to go back to the x264 way of encoding (I am too much trouble with Nvidia drivers that are not super stable). I did the setup but for some games, I am having missed images (due to rendering delay) and sometimes a fps drop. I don't see any sign of overcharged encoding, but I am...
Hey y'all, I've been working on trying to fix this for several hours now and I still cannot get to the bottom of why my videos are suddenly coming out super choppy/laggy. A few weeks ago I was able to record just fine but now I'm having issues. I've tried turning Game Mode, DVR, Bar, and GPU...
Have a bit of a weird situation going on here, and maybe this makes sense, but I'm just trying to setup my streaming and recording settings and getting some weird results.
I have a Ryzen 7 5800X and RX6750 XT OC 12GB just for some context, and running OBS 29. I have a few options with that...
Hello there,
I know it's been talked about a billion times but I've never really found a solution - apart from downgrading to 27.0 - and with the new 29.0 version I couldn't fix it either. So maybe I can't search, maybe I don't use the right keywords, anyway here I am today.
The problem is...
Log file: https://pastebin.com/bz2nd6kP
After about 10 minutes of recording (Precisely, I think it's more like 10:03), I began to drop frames heavily, which steadily worsened over time.
At the end of the log file, I noticed this peculiar line, right after "Stop Recording": (Edit: I noticed the...
I haven't been able to stream or record over 60 FPS on any game lately. I have a fairly decent rig that has a:
2070 RTX
32 GB of DDR4
I have been able to run 900p at 60 fps in the past, so I don't know what the issue is anymore, I have tried lowering encoding presets, running obs as...
hey, I have a little probleme with encoding lag. I want to record csgo in 240 fps, but it says the encoding is overloaded, i tried everything but no solution to my probleme, after messing around a bit tho i found out that the obs only took 230mb of ram while recording, i heard it could take up...
Basically, I can't stream anymore due to encoding lag? It was perfectly fine 2 days ago and I have been streaming for about 2 weeks. The moment I click on start streaming, even just on the stream starting animation, OBS just disconnects and reconnects constantly. The stream is just a black...
I would be very grateful if some kind peeps could have a look at my log file and offer up any advice as I have a persistent encoding lag problem that is driving me nuts.
I am having this problem when playing a game called Project Zomboid and recording using OBS to then upload the vid to YouTube...
Hey, I am experiencing problems with recording. Whilst recording in game everything is smooth and fine, but watching back through the recorded footage there are a few dropped frames. Not a lot, but still noticeable whilst watching the footage. I made a log and I'll link it down below.
Is there...
So I am wanting to record Minecraft in a high fps so that I may frame blend it and create motion blur. I have an RTX 2080ti and a Ryzen 5 3600x CPU and I find that other YouTubers are able to record in 480 fps but that they are in advanced recording mode. When I record in simple mode, I cannot...
Hi! The title pretty much says it all, lol. This is a very recent issue. I've been streaming for a few weeks, and I haven't had any encoding issues, but my last two streams have had some encoding lag. I don't really notice it in game, but when watching the stream back, it's definitely obvious...
Hello, I am using the following settings:
Base Res: 1920x1080
Output Res: 1152x648
Downscale Filter: Bicubic
FPS: 60
Encoder: H264/AVC
Preset: Indistinguishable Recording
Quality Preset: Quality
Keyframe Interval: 2.00
HERES A LOG: https://obsproject.com/logs/iAjuFPQvLO80UsUK
The recording...
I've tried every combination of settings and read all the forum posts I can here to troubleshoot, but I am totally stumped.
Here is the last log file of the OBS recording that was going well for a few minutes around 5-10% CPU usage but this will happen for a bit and then the recording suddenly...
This has happened a couple times now. Here is the log file from the most recent time: https://pastebin.com/bYbhvKyt
I recorded for about an hour, but then when I checked the file, it was only 22 minutes long. The output is as .mkv. I don't have any hotkeys set, though I'm not sure if that would...
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