
spectralizer v1.3.4

Still works as of OBS 30.0.2! :D
Fantastic upgrade to spectralizer, which was great...
The plugin the design is good, I loved the functions.
I really like this plugin. I have it paired with StreamElements Media Request overlay and it looks awesome! The Media Request is on top of the screen, it features the song name and artist, with the Spectralizer placed immediately below it - upside down! It looks awesome with the orange Spectralizer bars and the pink Media Request progress bar!
Windows 11. Just installed. OBS refused to launch properly after installing it. Was so bad, I had to do a complete removal from AppData and the Program Files of my entire OBS system.

Using Scale to Sound instead for my purposes. Very disappointed considering the numerous YouTube videos raving about it. Needs to be updated in a big way before it's usable.
A little more information would definitely go a long way.
Since installing I get constant crashing, not sure if it is this as it is the only thing I have changed or a recent Nvidia driver causing issues.

Made a post about it for anyone wanting to discuss it there

Adding a crash log if it helps:
Yeah that seems like it might be the plugin. Unless you're using some specific configuration for the spectralizer source (which might cause this) I'd recommend that you uninstall it for now.
great work on this! would love to see other types of responses e.g. colour change or shape/size, maybe constant rotation of circle waveform? keep it up! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Simple, but works great.. Can use multiple audio sources so long as you have those sources separated outside of OBS Studio.. Combine the visualizers with Stream FX and other plugins to make it what you want.. :D

Here, this is me.. This is what I do with it, but usually on Twitch instead of YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNUm0zLz53w
I would give it 5 stars, but every time I dl Spectralizer My obs crashes on start, Once I remove the plugin it my obs works fine. Idk why its crashing my obs. Once that problem gets resolved Rating would be higher for me.
Open an issue on github
I'm having trouble using the spectralizer as a dock item, since I don't want the spectrum view to appear in the video. I'm in the middle of archiving VHS tapes, so would it be possible to use spectralizer as a dock item next to the preview video?
Excellent plugin. However it will not work with asio sources that are less than 512 samples. OBS sees the sources just fine as indicated in the audio meter levels. But spectralizer will be silent. If I adjust the sample size to 512 samples, spectralizer will instantly spring to life...
I've been using this plugin for a while, and I am very satisfied with how easily it integrates with my workflow. No apparent performance issues as of now.

Something that I would like to see added in future releases is the option to only display a certain frequency range determined by the user. In my use case, I use it to visualize audio from Spotify - but I would only like the low frequencies to be shown.

Thank you!
Great plugin, with great response and customizations! I got a question though. Is there a way to separate audio sources outputs, just so that it reacts only from a certain software like Spotify? Because it's reacting to other peoples voices during a podcast and browsers as well.
You need additional software like virtual audio cable or voice meeter for that
I want to make a plug-in that my 2d character opens and closes his mouth in response to the microphone.
Would it be rude to ask how it was made?
I want to make the 2d character move in response to the microphone.
Can you help me?
https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/move-transition.913/ has an audio move filter which is probably closer to what you want
Is there a tutorial how to install to a Mac? I can't seem to make it work. :(
Looks decent, however the rendering code needs adjustments. Almost 6ms are spent rendering 4 256x256 sources, which just isn't okay.

The rendering code of this plugin should undergo a clean rewrite, as there is no reason to render each element individually. Instead the author should build a vertex buffer large enough to fit each bar, and work with that instead. This would save nearly 95% of the time spent rendering, and free it up for actually important things - like the game.
Classic tool , been using it for a while , a flawless tool.
thanks for the most recent update! i thought the filters issues was just me
The best. I have been using for months.
I like the new line option. New problem though: when selecting custom line thickness and then clicking on the input box to adjust the line thickness, obs will immediately hang. If you adjust the line thickness by using the up/down arrow indicators to the left of the input box it doesn't hang and works fine...
I love the app! Works well with different OBS filters like opacity.
Only issue I've noticed is that after a signal source has been quiet for a few moments, the bars come to life again acting like there is a signal present. Is this an intended feature?
It's auto adjusting the scale, which you can disable. It's intended to make sure that loud audio gets represented in the same way as quiet audio, but it'll over amplify if you feed it very quiet audio for too long, so either use a noise gate or disable the option