Video source plugin (OBS Classic only)


New Member
Does this plugin have the Live555 VLC module compiled in? I'm trying to bring in a RTSB stream from a console cvlc session, and it works absolutely fine in my desktop VLC but as soon as I try to import it to VLC I just get "only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now" lobbed at my face, which from some prolongued googling seems to imply the lack of Live555:

22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | Creating an input for 'rtsp://'

22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB, in path 'C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp'
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | `rtsp://' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `'
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' location='' file='\\'
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | looking for access_demux module matching "rtsp": zd candidates
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | no access_demux modules matched
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | creating access 'rtsp' location='', path='\\'
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | looking for access module matching "rtsp": zd candidates
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | net: connecting to port 9000
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | connection succeeded (socket = 2220)
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | rtsp connected
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::WARNING | only real/helix rtsp servers supported for now
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::DEBUG   | no access modules matched
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::ERROR   | open of `rtsp://' failed
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::ERROR   | Your input can't be opened
22:47:42: VideoSourcePlugin::ERROR   | VLC is unable to open the MRL 'rtsp://'. Check the log for details.

I'm streaming from a Raspberry Pi w/ camera using this command line:

/opt/vc/bin/raspivid $RASVIDARGS -n -mm average -w 1280 -h 720 -fps 30 -g 90 -t 0 -b 4500000 -o - | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:9000/}' :demux=h264


New Member
Sorry if I'm double posting or whatever but is this still being worked on? It would be awesome if video controls were added. Or at least an option to play videos from a specific time.


New Member
Dear Faruton,

thank you for this great plugin.
I have a very specific request because of a specific problem.
I want to open a i-vga http stream (NewTek). The problem with the stream is that it has 2 Video + 2 Audio streams
0+2 are the real streams (video + Audio) and 1+3 are the Chroma-key streams.
When this is played using your plugin I have a flashing video, 1 frame video followed by 1 frame Chroma-key.
When I play the same stream in VLC, VLC opens 2 windows, one for each video stream.
Can you add an option to select which video stream is passed to OBS?

Thank you in advance,


Patrick Marinus

New Member
Hi there,

Very nice plugin! going to use it for sure..

3 kinda really necessary to improve quality, and maybe not so big to make:
- Fade out music when scene switching
- Remember the time when switched away from a scene (I want to use it for audio mixes and every time I switch, the video playlist starts at the start, I want it to continue from where I switched)
- Randomizer for the files (looping is good, but random is really necassery)

Hope this can be updated in the next version :D Cause working in a live audience, it's kinda annoying not to have this "simple" features..


New Member
Faruton submitted a new resource:

Video source plugin - Add video files and other media as sources (anything supported by VLC)

Read more about this resource...

Is there any way I can chroma key my Video Source? I have intros and outro videos that have green backgrounds I need to chroma key out and I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the video source plugin. If this is possible please let me or if there is some hidden feature that I might be missing that would help me do this.

Thank you.


New Member
Is there any way I can chroma key my Video Source? I have intros and outro videos that have green backgrounds I need to chroma key out and I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the video source plugin. If this is possible please let me or if there is some hidden feature that I might be missing that would help me do this.

Thank you.
Right now you cant use chroma key, though you have an option of converting your videos to transparent videos.
To do this you chroma key your video in Adobe Premiere or After Effects and save it as a 32bit avi with transparancy.
transparent videos in action, will put together a tutorial when i have the time.



New Member
Maybe I do something wrong but if I switch the scene the Audio from video doesn't stop. So I listen the Video sound in all other scenes too.


New Member
I have a looping background video that's ~30 seconds long. When it loops the playlist, however, the video blinks/flickers to black. Anyone else have this problem? Any tips?

OBS and the video file are both on my SSD.
Tried the same file as media inside of xsplit and it works flawlessly.


New Member
What would be great is having a song randomizer so it don't play the songs in order of the playlist but choose one in order that didn't got played. Once all the songs played it pick one of the songs that already played and start over the random pick. Also does it have some keys to skip a video or fast forward it ?


New Member
Faruton, another request/suggestion would be on the "Enter a file path or a URL pointing" it would very useful to have a "Browse..." button to search the file path (like windows explorer) to get to select the wished folder/file/path.


New Member
Hi Faruton, 1st of all nice to meet you and thanks for such amazing plug-in.

2nd, I’d like to suggest you, not sure if it is possible to be implemented, but when streaming a recorded video (With the video source plug in), OBS doesn't finish the streaming as soon as the recorded video ends. So, the plug in would stop recording automatically without waiting I hit the stop recording button. It would be cool to have an option to define the end time (duration time) of the streaming recorded video, so if my video has 05:28:14, I would set to stop recording at 05:30:00 for example. So I would leave a please and leave the video "uploading" and when it finishes, stops streaming.

Thanks and have a nice week.


New Member
I'm using this plugin for a RTMP, to make a multicam experience, so I can switch between mine and a mates gameplay. Is there anyway to improve the time for the plugin to load the source when switching Scenes, eg. Going from my screen scene to the RTMP scene, the RTMP take anywhere between 10 seconds to several minutes to show... I need a snappy experience. I would put it in the same scene but then I have his and my audio being outputted...
I have a problem. I am not THAT computer literate and I am struggling with this. I am trying to add a plugin that will allow me to use a MP4 file from my computer to be placed into OBS for broadcasting. Astream pointed me to this plugin. I have tried to use a YouTube tutorial video to help me, but was unable to understand the man. Can somebody give a computer dope like me a blow-by-blow on how to download-access files-add to the program-use. I am sure that I am just missing something in what I am doing here.